General Discussion

General DiscussionFuck this update Medal, so much cancer supports.

Fuck this update Medal, so much cancer supports. in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Yo OP sup man, lets talk logistics first.

    What is your location and internet service provider?


      I play mostly supports and I think its enough to buy cour + 2 OBS wards + tango + 3 clarities.

      Also I dont think you can buy 2 sen3 at the start of the game unless you wont buy tango.

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      Justin Weaver

        "Tango set, courier, 2 sentries, 2 observer." seems you haven't played support in the new patch, if I added correctly it costs 690 for all these items, I don't recall having 690 starting gold ever




            Dude if you think your teammates is the problem go take some rest and don't play ranked. Ty

            I know im more low skill than u but if i have free time like u i can be 6k anytime lol by playing only Riki/bh

            Edit : holy moly i just calculate op wr and he only have 150 match positive mmr from 8k match.
            Damn man u don't have talent to play this shitty game

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            Jonas Kahnwald

              @Playing Carry as Supp : Better than you.