General Discussion

General Discussionsomeone explaiun

someone explaiun in General Discussion
casual gamer

    unironic bf on pa in high skill games

    i understand that its buffed but what synergy does it have with the hero at all. are you skipping mom/aquila/both since you dont need them for regen = efficiency? or is it that u can cleave off aoe stuns with buffed cleave? or is it just for farmign ancient stacks (i hope not)

    eitehr way man i reaLYL dont get it in terms of having any synergy with your power spikes except faster lvls 18-25


      bfury is pretty strong as a first item, its the number one farm accelerator on her. if you foresee the game going late (enemy has zeus/tinker/medu etc), it's pretty viable as it makes sure you never fall behind anyone in terms of farm

      its quite similar to bfury on void and jugg in that its situational, and itemizing for fighting can be equally viable

      pa doesn't need sustain in the jungle since wand regen + blur is more than enough to keep her above 90% unless fighting ancient stacks, and you can kite those with dagger

      split pushing is pretty viable if you keep a good look on your blur icon, since they can't see you on the minimap and you have the equivalent of a free smoke buff, one blink strike wipes out one creep wave

      personally i think mom isnt very strong on pa tbh

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        My PA is pretty garbage but I can certainly see games where the item is useful.

        Vs AM, cos I have bfury he can't just splitpush because I have enough wave clear to pressure towers. Because I got bfury at 10 minutes my next few items are insanely fast and I just end up rolling over the enemy.


          No. 1 reason I imagine is whether game goes late and whether we have wave clear.

          Same reason for getting it on jugg

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            If I’m:

            Against illusions heroes or heroes who build manta as a core item,

            Against a team filled with stuns and magical burst and cant take a team fight until I have bkb,

            The only hard carry on the team, need to keep up in farm against multiple enemy cores, and my team aren’t taking much jungle farm,

            I’ll build a battlefury either sooner or later. Since these situations have happened more often than not I’ve built it more often than not.