General Discussion

General Discussionrevelations after HS

revelations after HS in General Discussion

    i finally got pitched in High Skill and I could see no stark difference but players were better at farming and pushing. Teamwork still shit, like no one pushes with you, just alone whatever the fuck but individual players are not bad.
    I have a sub 50% so you can safely say they are not related as much to your MMR, one thing I've noticed is that every team with an invoker loses (whether mine or not).
    one way i play is to minimize roaming and getting myself killed to give them a gold advantage and it doesn't make a big difference sadly. Supports ward better but do not often carry dust so that's pissing off.
    the easiest way to win is a hard counterpick tbh otherwise you're really underestimating the opponents and finally; choose a self-sufficient hero if you're not a support, do not play pos 4 LC and shit like that, you will lose, do not play a tank if you will not damage as well, do not pick a v less durable hero that can be kited easily, even if you're a specific counterplay, you will be killed.

    low mmr advice over, bring on the TT matessss

    D the Superior

      How are you still not divine 5 with anime picture?


        Normal MM


          I heard Gabe doesn't like anime no more

          D the Superior

            Or maybe you are just THAT bad.



              chicken spook,,,,

                smurfing ekdi




                    Thank you iroha


                      everything sucks mate everything

                      Story Time

                        High skill is the new normal skill, so I do not see the need for this post...


                          there is no skill


                            youre ruining iroha for me

                            Justin Weaver

                              Even the 7ks play in vhs and 4ks too, does that mean they both play the same way? No


                                this is just a post felas

                                Dick Trouser, MD

                                  Everyones just garbage at dota. 7k, 4k, 2k, issues everywhere. We're all the cause. That's quite literally what the game is supposed to be. I'd recommend not expecting something better.

                                  If you need dust buy dust. If you need wards buy wards. Something something change with the game. Thats also the point of Dota.


                                    just played with an ogre who i had a LH competition with in fucking safelane; beautifully lost the match in 35 minutes

                                    This comment was edited

                                      you played just ONE high skill game.. how can you judge lewl :/


                                        Why is this shit normal
                                        Avg hero damage 22k
                                        Tower is high too


                                          to become a divine player with an anime picture,you must be the one who's in your picture
                                          copy their personality


                                            xnxx i'm tryna say a lot of what the people say on this forums about SkIlL wIlLl GIvE mMr is bs, it's never just skill


                                              its almost entirely skill if not all skill party excluded


                                                anime people never whine you foooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool!