General Discussion

General DiscussionParty way lower than solo at calibration?

Party way lower than solo at calibration? in General Discussion
Crimson Sky

    Err I just calibrated my party mmr for the first time ever, my solo mmr is around 2350 (Crusader 5) but yet my party came out at only 1600? I played most of my party games with legend rank players and a few archon / ancient.

    Because it was with randoms from the Party Ranked chat I always ended up in terrible teams of flamers and feeders (people I suspect bought their account or boosted idk) I lost 8/10 calibration games and was always playing hard 5 support which may explain it?

    I mean I don't actually have any friends in Dota and none of my real life buddies play Dota so I doubt I'll ever play party again as it's been a bad experience doing it with strangers, way worse than solo queue where I have normal BS and people tend to be nicely mannered at least.

    I am just kinda disappointed because I thought it was a cheap way to give my medal a bit of a boost and maybe get to Archon and given that some of my games landed in the High Skill bracket I thought for sure it would even out at the very least the same as my solo.

    Edit: If anyone reads this and would like to play together to try and improve and learn more about the game then please add me it would be nice to find some Dota pals. Friend ID: 346559728


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      The calibration is mostly based off of your individual performance in those games, not just wins or who you're playing with. It seems like the only "advantage" you get for playing with higher ranked people is just the experience, you have to grind just as much. You probably didn't perform as well (worried about impressing teammates or not used to them, happens to everyone) so you calibrated lower. Some people play better with a group of 2 or 3 others, others play worse and need a full group, and it takes a few games for a party to get used to eachother.

      I wouldn't worry too much about it, just try and find a group of friends that you're comfortable with if you want to grind party MMR.

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        Well 90% of the people dont really care for party mmr, me and my friends play stuff with pretty dodgy builds, works most of the time because they are ancients and legends, but our party mmr is still deep in the sewers because of that but at least we have fun doing it, thats what games are for right?

        Also you need like 200 mmr for archon 0 badge, so who cares? Reset is in may or june so thats a lot of time to grind it out.

        edit: Also skill between crusader and archon is like bearly noticeable to be honest.

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          My friend's smurf had 5k solo and then calibrated 1.4k party rofl


            You can add me for some party ranked games

            Crimson Sky

              Yea cheers guys, you're totally right I played like absolute garbage so it's probably indicative of my skill during those games. And as for badge I set myself a goal of making it to Archon this time around so it was just a little personal thing.

              Thanks for the replies I appreciate it.


                I'd say make a new account and be better then calibrate higher but it's not going well for me. All normal skill (support)