General Discussion

General DiscussionI got banned 6 months.

I got banned 6 months. in General Discussion

    Initlally i thought it was till 8th of february so i login today... and it appears that i am banned till 2nd of august....


      Why, what did you do?


        Pretty stupid that it bans you for reports that happened before the 7.08 patch


          My behaviour score is F-

          Didnt go anything after the update but got banned for 6 months.

          Ban will lift at 2nd august... seems like its time to create a new account


            yep, time to create a new account and delete that 41% winrate account


              how did you get to f-?

              Bill Cutting

                Great to see the system is working

                Story Time

                  ps leave dota, we dont need u here


                    System working as intended. nice.


                      Your word cloud is mostly negative, "lol" and "report" being the top words. Saying lol after a bad play by an enemy hero is a good way to get reported by them. Moreover, saying report so-and-so at the end of the game is a good way to get reported by so-and-so.


                        "yep, time to create a new account and delete that 41% winrate account"

                        You just reminded me if you delete account can you make new one on same mail addres? Have anybody tryed that?


                          Yes you can use the same address.
                          @GAFF "Saying lol after a bad play by an enemy hero is a good way to get reported by them" Seriously? if you report someone for saying "lol" you are a bitch.


                            You act like a little kid, because you got banned from playing a video-game. You threaten the developer by telling him, that you will run bots to ruin the game... Whoa...

                            1. How many bots you think, you can run, before they get banned?

                            2. How many of your bots will play ranked mmr?

                            3. Do you really think a multi-million dollar company gives a shit about you ruining some games?

                            To get this kind of serious ban, you must have been reported alot. You have 1014 single draft matches. I guess, the majority are lp games... Get a life, little virigin.

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                            Fee Too Pee

                              why the fuck poeople just straight flaming OP? i know maybe his behaviour is not the best caused him to get banned. But he is just telling that he got banned jesus christ, no need to flame him


                                3. "Do you really think a multi-million dollar company gives a shit about you ruining some games?" So that makes the lp system obsolete then?


                                  That's a lot of lp games. Btw


                                    Good job Valve! Eradicate the smurfs.


                                      Valve actually did what they said they would do... Maybe the OP should look at how he plays the game before he creates a new account.

                                      D the Superior


                                          Great to see the system is working

                                          Im sorry but can you please explain me in what aspect this system works? What does baned person loses and what prevents him to create new account and continue doing what he was doing?
                                          Cosmetic skins? I really dont belive that toxic players tend to shower valve with money for something trivial as skins.
                                          Lost MMR? So what? If he was on that level he will grind it back 3 times during that 6 month period his main acc is on cooldown.

                                          I dont see the point really of temporary bans in f2p game, or am i looking at it wrongly?


                                            I would say only 50% will make a new account and other 50% will realize that they really suck and shouldn't feed etc.
                                            Its not an AAA game and literally anyone can make an account and do shit stuff. There is no real solution for this but at least valve is trying to make it better. imo there should be permanent ban :laugh: not even 6 months

                                            mom said it's my turn to ...

                                              So are the bans not tied to the email adresses? They should for maximum efficacy


                                                So are the bans not tied to the email adresses? They should for maximum efficacy

                                                Yeah making fresh new yahoo/gmail/whatever email is a serious issue gonna take total 2minutes of their time....

                                                I would say only 50% will make a new account and other 50% will realize that they really suck and shouldn't feed etc.
                                                Its not an AAA game and literally anyone can make an account and do shit stuff. There is no real solution for this but at least valve is trying to make it better. imo there should be permanent ban :laugh: not even 6 months

                                                Mate ive seen some shit, some people just get hard-on from ruining games, just last week my friend got low prio, so 3 of us wanted to bail him out, but we got one guy who saw we are winning and just out of the blue he was like "OH you thought you gonna win this, well not if i have to say something!" and started feeding then abandoned, naturally since i didnt had low prio i wanted to report him but i couldn't, some glitch said "its too late to rate this player blabla" so there are some weird nut cases there, dont underestimate them!

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                                                  @3k Thrash

                                                  It's not about erradicating trolls, that's impossible. It's another hinderance to them. Making it harder to keep being a troll and showing everyone else they are at least trying to give a fuck.
                                                  Dealing with trolls is pretty similar to security. Nothing is absolutely secure and fail-safe. But you make things harder and harder to break until the effort required to break it surpasses the rewards.

                                                  Besides, this creates precedents for them to, in the future, identify people that got banned and created new accounts (shared ips, same phone verification used, etc) to give them even harsher punishments for repeated abusive behavior.

                                                  No, it's not perfect and it's never going to be, but it's a move in the right direction.

                                                  ANDREW TATE

                                                    When i pick templar, i will learn meld first and meld at the bounty rune spots just to get the bounty runes every 2mins so i wont abandon.

                                                    When i pick treant, i learn nature guise and afk with the trees at mid so that i became a real nature protector.

                                                    Of course other heroes like tiny, oracle, chen, nature prophet are needless to explain what i can do to my teammates...

                                                    Sometimes after a tiring day, i just want to have some laughter.


                                                      It's not about erradicating trolls, that's impossible. It's another hinderance to them

                                                      Yes i understand that all i want to say that its not that effective tbh, i know couple of real raggers and spergs, they cant help it, they are so disruptive that even tho i know them and they are normal IRL, i really avoid them in my games i even reported them myslef couple of times, one of them has behavior score C other one normal like me! Do you have any idea how much time will pass until they dive to an F?


                                                        IDK since they won't reveal their algorithms (rightly so), but I tend to think it's very forgiving... Companies take a lot of flak for mistakes if they do harm to any legitimate player so they tend to only punish real hard abuse.

                                                        My guess is that the 6 month bans are less than 0.1% of the MAUs. If anyone does get banned, they basically lived on low priority which IMO is enough reason to warrant a ban. They gave emphasis on repeated bad behavior, which makes me believe the system is very forgiving, just punishing real hardcore jerks that never learn.

                                                        Player 215168758

                                                          @Draiken "real hardcore jerks that never learn" LMAO, this phrase is so damn funny hahahah
                                                          @gg I do troll in dota, but only when I play with my party. were just like trying our best to be the worst troll in our party lol

                                                          < blank >

                                                            I dont understand people that ruin games for fun. Are they 12 old kids ? Or just mature virgins ?

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                                                            Giff me Wingman

                                                              Carry potter has spoken, get the fuck out of here retard.

                                                              < blank >

                                                                Im Lex you fuckin retard, its just my smurf account for training new heros. But wait... Why the hell you feel offended ? Do you suit one of the groups I mentioned above ? xD

                                                                I cant login on my main cos of that damn token I have at home.

                                                                Edit: Btw, db such a friendly place "GTFO from here retard" xd

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                                                                  Lex just use your main why bother using a smurf to comment

                                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                                    You have no skill, you have no life, you have no brain. Get the fuck out of here retard.


                                                                      ^ Man you really need to hang out, maybe with a girl this time ? :P Cos you have a terrible butthurt.

                                                                      Giff me Wingman

                                                                        Shut the hell up animal. Go uninstall the game instead of logging to million accounts, you're useless in life and you're basicially nothing but deadweight for everyone around you.

                                                                        Story Time

                                                                          we need more falme on this forum (kappa-licuois)


                                                                            PMA Man, you should really reconsider your sex orientation. I know Benao is handsome, but heyy... girls are also nice. You have to try them out one day. :P Happy Valentines day!

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                                                                            Giff me Wingman

                                                                              Shut the fuck up you animal fucktard trashcan, we all know Benao is the most handsome human being, you can't switch from Benao to anything else you dumb dogshit stinking pile of garbage. Don't you dare insult Gods greatest Creation which is our toxic mess of a shitstain benao.


                                                                                Gosh, good to see you again too man. :P How is your dogshit meepo spam going ?

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                                                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                                                  Idk, you tell me. Saw stupid low shits posting crap like they think they are some sort of boss, need to put them back to where they belong. The trashcan.

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                                                                                    Better than mine for sure. :p

                                                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                                                      that isn't saying much 4Head


                                                                                        I run my own small company since quite a time already, dont have much time to analize your meepo family ;p Just judging by your %, which is really nice. :) Shame its a dead hero now.

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                                                                                        Giff me Wingman

                                                                                          I troll for the most part, pissing little 4k and 5k shits off. I get message from volvo that I'mm inb4 6 months ban 4head

                                                                                          chat banned :)

                                                                                            Reported XD


                                                                                              I would report you too.