General Discussion



    So i've been struggling with SEA (like most of us are) there's always failures and wannabes who blame others for their own mistake and i'm tired of that shit. Do you think switching to other servers is good or nah? India and Japan has quite a good ping but hey as long as i'm not having any headaches with my team why not right?


      there's always failures and wannabes who blame others for their own mistake and i'm tired of that shit

      Potato Marshal

        Japan is practically the same playerbase as SEA. At most you'll see a slightly bigger skill gap between teams due to the few people who only queue on those servers (but even that unlikely because queue times are apparently even longer now on those servers since I last checked).


          What i mean by that is they pick most of the carries and can't adjust to the role needed. You buy all the things what a team needs still lose because someone "GG. BOBO MID. ANJING." and rage immediately and throw everything you've worked on it's frustrating.


            Sea = more peenoise
            Japan = less peenoise but one pinoy can toxify the whole game
            So choose


              go capt mode

              Boosting The Enemy Team

                Welcome to S O U T H E A S T A S I A


                  I don't think u can play ranked on India server. For the part about bad teammates just mute enemy play jungle wk, buy ur own wards and push at any chance u get and end by 30 min to win.


                    Pinoy are like cancer brother. It disease us all,they make us to regreted to be born, they spread like a toxic and reproduce like flea, if 1 of them got banned/eliminate 1000 of them will raise. They always pick all carry, throwing, trashtalking, cheating with script damn. I wish they have their own server so they can plague themself


                      You should change your diapers

                      ROAD TO HERALD 0

                        You should change your diapers

                        If he was self-aware enough to do that, you wouldn't be typing these words.


                        Have you tried 
                        destroying the 
                        enemy ancient???




                            Crusader trash @Boonk Gang


                              SEA server is not for the faint of heart :laugh:

                              chicken spook,,,,

                                you people are the reason why I want to quit this game

                                SASA POPOVIC

                                  Quit it dude, just let it die.


                                    If you want to improve on your games analyze your own plays and see where you had a mistake and try improving, that's what i always do but in this topic i'm doing my best to make my teammates work together and put effort but tired of how shit they are playing without teamwork.


                                      Lol another this ' server and my teamate holds me back ' thing. If you're too good to your bracket then you should be stomp the game easily


                                        You can't win 1vs5 It's a team game that's why most of your game sometimes lossing hard!!


                                          SEA server mmr like climbing with knifes in ropes.


                                            The best server i think is EU server and US west!!! time to get better connection ay! let's go move ;)


                                              @jewbaited bro you don't know what you're talking about because you're an archon, most of those people in that rank don't adjust to different roles and it's a suicide no wonder you're not ranking up well. Most of the people like you are very much don't know about the game itself it's not about stomping by your own skills the game is about communication and teamwork and archon babies don't have that shit. Besides i stomp archon babies everyday when i get the chance to party with my friends who's usually at the archon rank that rank is pretty much basic actually.


                                                yup it's easy to stomp archon onni chan and don't even know hero draft phase. I wish i have divine rank so i can support well everytime i played i can trust my carry.


                                                  I'm not saying they're pulling me back, i make mistakes too in games but still you gotta wonder which server is better right? Better people who has skills, talent, communication and sportsmanship. In SEA (which is a normal day) where people make 1 single mistake they get really triggered/babyrage (inspired by pros maybe or watching too much youtube?) they throw while other people who are willing to win gets affected as well. I watch streams i like how high mmr players work together (Divine Rank to be specific) where they just laugh and enjoy the game while on the other (Legend below) are crying bunch of hooligans whenever someone picked their hero and talk all game about how they wish they were using the hero it's a guaranteed win. Ancient people on the other hand are 50-50 some are cancerous some are not and very much fun to played with, (that's why i didn't include 'em in the "Legend below") somehow they pull themeselves together and have straight mind to the game which is pretty cool. Maybe i will never see or play a perfect server for this game unless i move in to EU or NA.


                                                    Try jp server, less peenoise but heck its a lot better than having 4 peenoise

                                                    Visita Hari Danta

                                                      so what? you'll change servers and then "hold back" people in other servers so they can come here and make the same retarded topics that you're doing right now?


                                                        @Sychooliv it's not retarded actually. In reality we call it suggestions and opinion sir i'm just gathering info where there's a nice community. You don't know how it feels to play in a toxic community since 2012.

                                                        Visita Hari Danta

                                                          don't come with that bullshit talk, every server is toxic. you're just trying to find a reason to justify you being bad.


                                                            Teammmates problem, SUREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE