General Discussion

General DiscussionFighter Anti-Mage

Fighter Anti-Mage in General Discussion
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    Hi folks,
    Sometimes when u pick Magina thinking to carry the late game, but as the game proceeds it sometimes becomes unbalanced by ur mid/off feeding a lot... Then at this point u can't afford to make a BF by 15 mins or so... In such cases what are the recommended builds ? Like a early/mid game fighter AM... or should I still go on with BF farming afk and hope of a comeback in late game IF we survive till then !!!

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      Think about if your team holds the game for 30 min atleast. If they can, just go for bf and try to cut lane. If they cant, you can try some sny build. I see that 7k game yesterday. It worked actually. But if you are playing against push strat team etc chen shaman you already lost that game by picking am son. Gl have fun next games.

      treads, aquila , sny and you can decide other items by looking at enemy team . Bkb maybe


        there's only one build for AM u shouldn't be in any fight till at least manta unless for KS with ult


          the problem here is knowing WHEN to pick Antimage... the meta right now is not really favorable for him. He can work situationally... but in most cases you would be better off with another carry imho.

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            I agree to the fact that he's not the best in the current meta, but none the less he's one of the fastest flash farmer and a nice pick if the opponent lacks long stuns/silnces...
            How about a treads/vanguard/basher rush with maxing spell shield build ? He gets tanky and can fight for defending throne in team ?


              You cant fight with a hero who needs at least 3 items to do that which means at least 25-30 mins of free farm but I doubt you'll ever get the chance to do so especially when there are more rotations in recent patches/meta.


                But you can split push and become the annoying piece of shit everyone hates to play against. 10/10 works everytime
                You not only farm by split pushing but you also provide space for your team to farm as well since enemy team will have to rotate


                  you can go helm of the dominator and it can help u with farming more safely while being a good item all around. your creep can either take the lasthits in lane or help you while you are taking some jungle camps, or be used for scouting ganks coming for you.
                  i would not recommend skipping battle fury unless you have a magnus on ur team. it can work but its a losing gameplan you should always be able to be out on the map with antimage your mobility is unmatched so its all about understanding ur enemys movements.
                  if you are to skip battlefury i think it would have to be a game where you have a great ult target like for example invoker, storm, lina.


                    and dont go treads vanguard basher plz, basher is a trash item now u never wanna get it before manta. vanguard can be ok


                      Dogshit hero lmao, so out of meta where people groups up at 10 mins and start taking objectives


                        Your idea of compensating for a bad early game is fighting but that's super 1 dimensional.
                        Bf is core for a reason, even if your losing, you can use your bf to split push and make space by pressuring structures, and you can use it to catch up in farm.

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                          So I get it... Get BF howsoever... Even if ur team has 4v5 , but since AM can skip creep/split push, it will force opponent to rotate hence making balanced team fights... I guess BF's the only way to go on Magina... So be it :)


                            if u think u'll get crushed early game,don't pick am at all.if u think they have enough lock down to kill u everytime u wanna spilit push don't pick is very very situational.but if the shit u pointed happened i still prefer bf build and pressuring lanes(u should do it really carefully)to buy time for ur team.they're best play if group up and take the racks while u take their second tower:))u should hope they try to kill u while spilt pushing:))


                              Am is kind of bad rn but I don't see any other build besides bf being viable

                              CONDUCT SUMMARY : 2,920

                                it is match i played last night as it was highest bracket in dota my team understood how to create space for antimage,
                                i picked antimage vs huskar,oracle lineup.but we survived until that even i bought extra qulling blad for more farm.and your answer is if ur in 3k bracket u cant pick that because ur team wont def and blam u and u will get reported


                                  hes called Magina cuz hes a pu$$y which means he doesnt fight


                                    Easy solution, dont pick it...

                                    死の恐怖 Haseo



                                        qb still stacks with bf?
                                        thought they removed it


                                          am just loses to every other cores, his stats gain is so baaad