General Discussion

General DiscussionSafelane carry starting items?

Safelane carry starting items? in General Discussion
the better spidey

    In 7.13 you would pretty much ALWAYS get a Stout Shield + 2 branches + mango + regen for melee carries. With the changes in 7.14 now that you need a 150 gold recipe for your Magic Wand, Wand no longer giving regen, and Mangos costing less, is rushing Wand ASAP still the way to go (Stout + Tango + Wand Recipe + 2 branches)?

    Or do you just go Stout + Tango + Salve?

    Or ... do you go Stout + Tango + Mango + Mango + Branch? Which is a lot of recent Dotabuff builds have been doing. Although I'm not sure if that's because they randomed.

    4k > responses only pls.


      depends on the lane,is it that hard to think for yourself


        1.Select goide
        2.get suggested starting items
        3.get rekt and feed anyway


          Depends on the lane , is it hard to think using your brain?

          Lruce Bee

            Stout 2 tangoes 1 salve 2 branches. Pretty safe starting build.


              Wand is shit now. Only get if against bristle bat or Zeus. I drk what regen item is good anymore. Think you have to back to rushing a ring of health except now you have it shipped on the courier and can’t even buy it at side shop. It’s a really unfun change.


                stout, double mango, double regen


                  I dont really like the mango now,cause most of safelane carries aren't that much mana dependent and aquila is much better.i usually get double tango+salve+two branch+shield


                    Double mango if you need a regen. Wand is still very good, situationally even better than before. It's just not core on every hero as before.


                      unless im against undying bat or similar hero then stick should be enough

                      by the time you would need extra charges, you'll be using courier for aquila or something anyway so you might as well ferry the recipe (with branches because you most likely used charged tangoes)

                      Potato Marshal

                        I still like wand, it's very easy to max out on stick charges without needing to use them and the double charge limit from the wand upgrade is really good personally for me based on my playstyle. That 300 burst heal/mana is really good, and it's very easy to save up charges against certain heroes if you don't go using it when you're guaranteed dead or not in the middle of a clash.


                          20 charges, i think still good.
                          even not spam ability enemy.

                          usually get magic stick at sideshop and completely build into wand later.

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            stout shield + orb of venom + tango


                              DR. Dee oov? u 2k bro? :D


                                Tango, salve, stout, mango mango

                                far right activist

                                  Melee core = Stout shield + mass Healings supplies ( 6 tangoes , 1 salve, 1 mango ) depends on Enemy Offlane ( Skill spammers or dual lane)

                                  Range core = Faerie Fire + Mango + Circlet + 2 Ironwood Branch + 6 Tangoes , ( 70 + 70 + 165 + 100 + 180 = 585 )

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    yeah i am 2k account buyer


                                      Iron Branch


                                        Stout, QBlade, Mango, Tango


                                          classic 49% winrate player rejecting knowledge out of hand

                                          Cheap Laugh Guy

                                            Watching EPICENTER, most of the pos 1 pos 2 don't get it now.
                                            Supports still get it though, very valuable since they get involved in lots of fights.