General Discussion

General DiscussionI don't understand seasonal matchmaking

I don't understand seasonal matchmaking in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I took like a 6 month break from dota over the winter. When I came back I calibrated at legend 4. According to dota wiki that's around 3600 mmr. I don't get it. My solo mmr was like 3200-3300 before my break. My group was higher, probably 3600. But I did terrible during my calibration phase as well, lost a lot of games.

    Also when being matched I'm typically the highest ranked player on my team with another two being legend 1 or 2 and then a couple archon 5s. Again according to the wiki those are like 2900-3k for archons and 3100 or so for legend 1. That seems like a large spread. Why am I not just matched with a bunch of legend 3s, 4s, and 5s? It's always like that though.

    And then all my matches are normal bracket which I thought was under 3300 or 3200. That would make sense since I'm matched with archon 5s all the time so the average goes down.

    Anyway I'm just questioning my legend status. It seems off.

    Lruce Bee

      You are not wrong. Normal skill bracket. So around 3k for solo. You know you can actually check your mmr in stat page?

      Your legend 4 is likely due to the medal taking into account your previous party ranked.


        did you play any party games while calibrating? 3600 parties can be calibrated as legend 4 so its not that wrong. but with only solo mmr plays you should've be calibrated as legend 1 or 2.


          medal for most people has no particular correlation to their mmr this late in the season. people can easily have lost 500mmr.

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          Dire Wolf

            Yes I played 2-3 party games while calibrating. Does medal not update through the season? I thought if I lost rank it would go down to legend 3, legend 2 etc. I went 9-20 on solo ranked games I think for -275 or so. I should be right around 3k solo exactly. It's just kind of annoying to see legend 4, everyone thinks you should never have a bad game cus you're way ahead. If you play awesome it's sweet and sometimes they give you the lane you want, but most of the time they go bro how the fuck are you legend 4 must be account buyer.


              No. Medal only goes up so it just says what people's high mark during the season was.


                Eg. I am a crusader 1 and I have about 1200 MMR😂😂😂😂

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                  Being ancient 1 at 3.1k is dope. I just queue mid visage everyone respects my medal and we win the game.