General Discussion

General DiscussionAny "unicorn" Pangolier build suggestions?

Any "unicorn" Pangolier build suggestions? in General Discussion
Volshebniy Rycar

    Seriously. Every patch since 7.07b this hero becomes shittier and shittier, every patch nerfs some of his powers.
    Fun and theoretically powerful, but unstable cos of wall stucks ulti? Nerfed to total trash.
    Skill requiring Swashbuckle? Nerfed.
    Maybe tankful Shield Crush? Nerfed.
    Stats? LOL, never heard of it (and became even worse with 7.13 strength hp rescale).
    And what about items? Linken became an expensive shit with lesser stats, mighty basher is too clunky to buy, and no more late ability with pure damage of great MKB, which means that no way this hero can be as a core char.
    Well, maybe roaming? This peace of shit has no stats enough even for that! He starts with 490hp, and it takes just 2 stuns and 2 hit of CK without teammates to kill him, which means a guaranteed first blood in case of a first rune fight, and even later on the game he can't get stats, cos there are no proper cheap items giving stats, at least for Pango.
    Besides he has no even spells for stable roaming, because Heartpiercer don't always proc even with Swashbuckle, which can't be used too often in it's turn cos of sooner running out of mana, thanks for the stats rescaling again.
    So what do we have? No late, no early game, just a weak parody of an impact with ulti (which can and will be totally fucked up by another buggy cliff stuck, and yep, even this disappears with the enemies' first BKB) and no even hope for the future (cos 7.14 just hammered the last nail into his coffin).
    Maybe I am not experienced enough to see the secret working build that resurrects this hero from ashes and crushes his enemies? Or this poor Icefrog's bastard seems to be kicked out of the game and forgotten forever indeed?

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      Idk what to tell you except that
      1) ur retarded
      2) shut the fuck up
      3) no one cares
      4) half of your points make no sense

      Ty have a good day



        Cheap Laugh Guy

          ROFL Disgusting Pango spammer mad that his hero not OP anymore

          Leafclubb🍃 ♫

            Sometimes I go with a build that allows pango to splitpush and create space. Euls to dispel(if needed) and Meteor Hammer to seriously threaten their towers.

            Pango is pretty versatile in item choices.

            Volshebniy Rycar

              Sure he is versatile, but to be honest, does items really make him any stronger? There are no early game items that can any help him to win before 30:00, and after he is absolutely useless cos of enemies Black King Bars (MKB no longer grants pure damage, and he needs BKB and tons of items to become a decent right click carry, but again, he is too weak in terms of stats and lane presence to be core). Even his ulti has the same cooldown as BKB now, which means he is unable to even threaten his enemies in between the BKBs. Sure he can use his decreasing cooldown talent on 25lvl, but players that have at least 2800mmr already have enough game understanding to wait for BKB and then go fight (sure exceptions exist, but they doubtly will reach the lategame).


                No early game item? Wtf? There were plenty of it. Such as diffusal for mana burn,javelin into maelstrom and also a blink. His ult is garbage? He could permantly disable a core and solo kill it although they were far more farmed,just look at one of Mineski game. Sure it could stuck to wall but again it not 100% useless when you were stucked since you could just use your shield crash to reposition or simply just turn around.


                  The stats maybe a bit garbage but it completely understandable why it is like that.Imagine a tidehunter with a 64% DMG reduction,with two escape skill and of it is spell immune.That would be fucking op.


                    just dont go trashtier 3 javelins and pango is broken af


                      see.... The R.Rogue ,as he said what u said in mineski game can no longer be used to 100% becuz of various nerf

                      Volshebniy Rycar

                        No doubt diffusal is a thing, but it's not an EARLY game item, it's more about a midgame. If you can afford diffusal in the early game, you've already won.
                        Unless we're talking about a core Pangolier, which can be useful against... Oh, wait, against what? He can't neither disturb enemy carry from farming (cos Swashbuckle requires too much mana for a non-stop using and pushes the lane anyway) nor even just stay alive and farm a bit, cos he is instantly killed by any 2+ hero gank.


                          he can do all of those things those nerfs didnt kill him they just brought him down a bit
                          go soul ring or smth
                          holy shit whining abt nerfs like this is rlly stupid, they increased mana cost a bit big fucking deal

                          Volshebniy Rycar

                            Imagine it, but it is a big deal. Ok, it's fine with Shield Crush, because the main role of this spell is to upgrade an ultimate with lvl15 talent, but Swashbuckle is his survivability and lane pressure via spamming (which you can't do anymore!) in the early game and main farming/fighting tool later on. And when this kind of ability gets nerfed, that IS a big fucking deal.
                            Soul ring is solid ofc, but it's partially risky to sacrifice health for mana during the laning stage, still need some extra hp and regen items to use it safely.
                            And again, a question of a late game perspective is still opened.


                              300 games 60% winrate "help my hero is too weak"


                              on a related note when will they buff lc??? i think another 10 base damage and she will be viable finally


                                Buff void plizzz his stat gain suck balls >:(((((


                                  pos4 pango best pango

                                  oov, javelin, dagger aeon disk as long as u have this and rush javelin before 10 mins u abuse that powerspike


                                    pangolier is op

                                    with the nerfs we will see who relies on the opness and who really understand pangolier/dota 2


                                      Problem with Pango is that he is item dependant and provides minor crowd contol and has no BKB piercing disable and is bad against range heros and certain meele cores..

                                      9 out of 10 times Id rather have decent Beastmaster, Brewmaster or Tidehunter rather than this crap hero.

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