General Discussion

General DiscussionSometimes you gotta do it yourself

Sometimes you gotta do it yourself in General Discussion

    Have you ever played support and did everything for your carry? Gave him every last hit and kill, zone the offlaner stack camps save his life and basically win early game and then end up losing? I’d like to talk about the community’s opinion on “carrying” as a support. Being greedy as a support in pubs is actually good? Building strong tanky damage/utility items like vessel, drums, deso actually helps me win more games and end up as a backup carry of sorts because let’s face it, majority of carry firspickers are retards. They suck theyll build bad items and be out of position and blame wards. So buy all the wards and take some fucking farm, greedily push out lanes because enemies will be looking for your 0/4 AM in the jungle. Take the kill of that safelane sniper who lastpicked vs clock and storm. I have games where I buy all tge fucking wards, a gem and end up with 450 gpm higest damage and kda on my team and guess what I win more than my glimmer/force dazzle with 200 gpm

    What’s your take on greedy pub supports?


      Sometimes you gotta do what you can do as a support being greedy to stack camps, zone the offlaner, support the lane, TP to help, smart warding and positioning wisely during team fight.

      Sometimes it's easy to blame your carry for being retard when you are the support. There's a lot of carry wannabes in my bracket that is why I choose to support because nobody wants to.

      If you're having a bad teamate or you have retard carry in your team then just do whatever you can and just do your job/role instead. If you lost move on because there are still more games to come.


        I’m not saying don’t support and give up on supporting. But don’t act helpless and see your team miserably fail. Do something out of the box. If that means playing greedy and with a “I will carry this team” mindset then do it. This is specifically designed to help those supports that have bad carries win more games, because it works every time I pull it off. And I never have to complain again.


          And not greedy as in “midas afk farm” I mean like other good items that dona lot. My personal favourites are phase boots instead of tranqs if I have something that scales with damage like walrus punch. Meteor hammer, drums, atos, shivas, hex, even deso and maelstrom, and heart on frontliners. For high mmr supports these are unatainable because their carry gets every last hit and has grrat farming partterns and they give every kill and the carry gets good items and the supports get punished for any mistake like pushing out a wave.

          👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

            what if I love supporting?

            what if I love devoting myself for the greater good, doing my best to ensure my team gets the most?

            what if my satisfaction comes from that juggernaut kid, who just got a triple kill because he has a lot of farm, and now is glowing with confidence?

            what if I dont't mind to lose a game here and there, to do what I like the most in the game and why I keep playing it?

            and more importantly, why do you assume that I could do a better job at carrying than another random player I got teamed up with? are you the matchmaking algorithm


              idk. I guess it also depends on what hero you play.

              I found peace as position 5 support with Treant Protector. I don't really need items on this hero to carry a game. Moreover, I found out that the other way works best for me - - -> I provide all the vision and detection, I don't steal exp from my safe lane and I try to get exp only on pulls and with books.

              All I need to do in late game is to heal towers and then use my ulti in a team fight. I can do it with tranquil boots alone. Other items are great but I let my position 4 handle this.

              I can't imagine doing it on Venge or CM. Kinda weak.

              Also you need to clarify about what position you are talking about. From your text I feel that you enjoy being position 4 (the person who builds core items like force vs clock or atos vs storm, mb deso or AC and etc.) instead of 5.

              it's usually like this
              4th - more items (fast key items like aghs, force etc.)
              5th - brown boots, wards and detection


                This way is totally ok and perfectly viable. I love just watching mynteam stomp while I stay back unappreciated but hapy. And I’m not trying to suggest be a dick and steal farm and stop supporting. I’m empowering people to try to be more than what you were destined to be. Be strong! You can do something more to help you win in the most hopeless games.

                死の恐怖 Haseo

                  that's basically how people have played pos4 like riki,ns,mk etc ???????????????????????


                    Oh nc let's just go carry so we have 5 core in a team. Do you really understand why supports were called support instead of carry? It is because they were played better in that position .Throwing a game by changing to a carry is much more retarded than the failed carry.


                      You don’t change into carry you “carry” from the support position


                        @Ken yes but no, pos4 riky, mk, or any other, is more gank roming hereo even now, you don`t zone oponent oflainer or hard support with riky, do you? You will get items cause you need them. Lion, cm, or any other pos5 can do well with blink, tranqil, and iron branch, but what any of these hereos can do without items? Nothing.
                        Wisp do you talk more like these game or wher you dont play somethign usualy as support or even you are more "fighting support" than "map-farm suport"?
                        Cause i don`t get how you willl get farm on support if you let your carry to farm, and you supporting him? If you don` t support him you will got am with 30min bf, and boots, vs full farmed spectra(example). Fi you want items also you need right time for them, so how you will get them?
                        If you can get items without sufering for your cores ofc get them, but if you core has to sufer don`t get them it`s simple for me.


                          well what i do is only buy ward at mins 10, 20, and 30. buy dust for invi, and yea play as carry, you know dark willow was just buffed rite?


                            Does riki still good pos 4 ganking supp? Despite all the nerf he got?


                              Yep detection in low brackets is inefficient and/or nonexistent but the problem with riki is he is too squishy. His best skills are smoke and ulti

                              This comment was edited

                                I got this moment a few times as CM sold everything bought dagger and glimmer solo killed their core and supps and we still lose i call it "fuck it i'm carrying this"


                                  What kind of myth iis that low tier doesn't buyy duust and sentry...
                                  They fvcking buy it more than 10 if i may add. Especially if u just got 1 kill

                                  👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                    @Wisp senpai

                                    well... I actually very rarely feel unappreciated

                                    mostly when I underperform. which absolutely happens to me, I am a huma

                                    But I do feel acknowledged. and that I get the credit I deserve 90% of the time

                                    and yes I talk about those "ty" for clutch force stuffs or those "don' touch my bane!" when they gank me and get whiped by the carry

                                    those gestures show me that my impact is being appreciated by my team. therefore I did the job that was expected for me. it makes me feel useful


                                      I’m not here to bash carries and say they’re all retarded and not worth supporting. Or that it’s their fault. I’m saying theres a better chance of winning if you take it upon yourself to do more. Hows a glimmer gonna save a sniper thats out of position, or you relocate him only to go back and die so he can die a minute later? What if you can kill the enemies, is that not supporting your team to win? I’m tired of all the “my carry sucks hurr durr” which is why I adopted this playstyle. Play with the 2 or 3 guys who know what they’re doing and as harsh as it sounds there will always be dead weight, don’t waste your time playing expecting them to be better than they are


                                        Not bragging but I have tried this playstyle my last 4 games on traditionally non greedy supports. I have gone it before on the ussuals like tusk riki and night stalker but I tried it on wisp and venge and I stomped all those wisp games as opposed to the ones I used to play with my old playstyle of selfless sacrificial teammate


                                          And I bought like 90% of wards smoke and detection and gave kills to my usefull teammates. The ones who I predicted will carry me so I never really stopped supporting and built carry items I just changed my attitude and I think this is the best way to play solo pub supports because of the relief you take off relying on being carried

                                          2 B R 0 2 B

                                            1st pick carry and over confident retarded mid pickers are always ruin my games. Like 2 days ago I play as sup, give my all to my team, owning, then lose in fucking 2 minutes because this ultra retarded PA throwing game by going alone to shadow shaman and dead easily like his mother.

                                   <<< I mean this idiot