General Discussion

General DiscussionSilencer in dual offlane

Silencer in dual offlane in General Discussion
Story Time

    I am considering to moving my silencer spam to offlane since he is good at harassing and even versus treelane whne paired with aggresive offlaner. What do you think?


      depends on the offlaner. i used to draft very differently if i knew im gonna have lane support in my offlane.
      stuns and nukes felt more usefull to me than slow but steady harassment. dunno the current offlane meta tho, i might be wrong

      Story Time

        so far the best part is to get intel from the early clashes, and the arcane curse on 3 heros at level one is almost 300 damage, with cd only 20 sec and slow - try it with axe batle hunger and poor enemy support has to reconsider his strategy everytime he comes to lane


          U just get a wand to counter silencer in the lane and he can get easily zoned by supports.

          Story Time

            ^it is a dual lane, so 1 support will be dead if he comes to zone

            SASA POPOVIC

              Wand doesn't counter silencer you silly archon, his skills have long cd and do too much damage. Its legit dual off support that provides good team fight utilities

              But Jakiro, Lich and Sky are more cancerous than sile, he needs buffs :(

              This comment was edited

                have you tried destroying the enemy ancient picking other heroes

                Story Time

                  have you tried destroying picking other heroes

                  I simply cannot, i get blackout during the picking phase and then wake up when the game starts and being a silencer, please send help


                    I mean he isn't the best but it's not bad

                    Story Time

                      he isn't the best

                      T R I G G E R E D ! ! !


                        Hey Story time, what's the best skill build for the first 5 levels for Sil? and can you give me some tips playing Sil. Thanks

                        Story Time

                          ^why is everyone trolling me :( not cool


                            ^I'm not trolling bro, just want to learn from a successful Sil spammer like you, I'm kinda new to the game but I really like the support role.

                            Story Time

                              sorry, nowdays everything looks like trolling :D But i am not a good spammer, so perhaps u should watch some youtubes. Still ma advice will be:

                              The skill build is simple: 3 1 1 for lvl 5.

                              Items are very few to chose from: force staff/eul/urn(if noone else builds it, now a team has to have 1 urn as a must)/glimmer and boots (PT or tranquil when things are hard and u need regen all the time), the rest is wards and smokes/dusts. Never go midas even if you want to and have money.

                              Silencer is working as a counter-initiation in most games with axe or pudge since it cancel enemy initiation, therefore do not go in front of the battle, even if you want to steal intel, you main job is to survive to cast spells.

                              that is basically all i can say