General Discussion

General DiscussionTiny is broken

Tiny is broken in General Discussion
Grandpa Limbasia

    Can someone tell me which champions to pick to counter Tiny


      u mean the <40% winrate hero OMEGALUL

      Grandpa Limbasia

        Sorry I don’t have hundreds of hours to throw into this game because I’m busy with school and work. If you don’t want to help then go away.

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          sorry i dont have any hours to answer a stupid question, so you can go away too

          Grandpa Limbasia

            Why are you a jerk? I’m a new player trying to learn the game. I don’t need this.

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            Suck my tiny curry dick

              Just ban/pick tiny my brother



                Tiny isnt even good at anything except denies everything at lv1 if not zoned. Ult rework then countless nerf makes him unplayable

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                  Grandpa Limbasia

                    Screw off with your stupid advice. Leave or I’ll report you.

                    Grandpa Limbasia

                      Not you chiwa. That stupid NA is so annoying


                        idek who tf is impostering who at this point

                        if you think the hero is op then u dont know the basics and shud go learn something on ur own that we cant teach u before asking 2ks what they can teach u


                          Tiny is broken because it's hard to win games with him.


                            Why you asking this, Tiny has been shite in the latest patches

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                              I'd pick tanky heroes who either silence Tiny, live through the initial burst damage, have a built in BKB, or have other means of surviving.

                              Heros that'd be good are:
                              Lifestealer, Spectre, Sven, Huskar (to a lesser extent Juggernaut if you have good reflexes with spin)
                              Abaddon, Tidehunter, Centaur Warrunner, Undying
                              Death Prophet, Silencer
                              Riki is pretty good if you can land smoke screen and don't get caught out.

                              Potato Marshal

                                "Champions" :sick:

                                Lruce Bee

                                  You are right. He is broken. Because he is so fkn bad he's unplayable


                                    we are the champion

                                    Grandpa Limbasia

                                      Yeah I don’t know the basics. It’s tough when I don’t have that much time to play. I’m busy working at a pizza place 4 to 5 hours a day.


                                        I have 2 imposters, how many creepy fans do you guys have?


                                          Working 4 to 5 hours a day = busy??

                                          Grandpa Limbasia

                                            That’s after my 8 hour shift at a call Center. The time I have left I use for studying and some games.


                                              Ahh that makes more sense

                                              Grandpa Limbasia

                                                I was putting in 10-12 hours before but it was too stressful


                                                  Let me explain in simple to understand words .Learn to play huskar . Its a hero which is noob-friendly ( I apologize for rude words) . U can learn him quickly and people who get matched with u wont even be able to counter him ( My personal experience ) . Plus he is fun .
                                                  If anyone takes a tanky hero without any escape abilty (invi , blink etc) like most of strength heroes TINY , DK , WK , AXE , PUDGE , CENT , TIDE just take huskar . Try some builds and adjust ur game play to agressive (Meaning u need to farm less , fight more ), u can easily counter the so-called shit hero such as tiny with 40% winrate by 1 hero i.e huskar .


                                                    tiny is very vulnerable to any negative armor btw. forcing him to build an early armor item kinda f*cks his item progression
                                                    try vengeful, build medallion, max W first, kill him in 3 attacks


                                                      champions OMEGALUL

                                                      back to League with you


                                                        Man im busy practice my best champions for mmr reset but pick him or ban him every game ez


                                                          Tiny has 0 armor and 0 agi grows meaning he's extremely weak against physical attack and very vulnerable to harass early game. His combo is only effective when you're standing alone in the middle of nowhere, so stand in a pack, near creeps or with others heroes in early game and he pretty much can't do anything to you.

                                                          He's really slow, too, so any type of kiting hurts him badly: slow, stun, root... Damage over time hurts him as well as he can't use blink dagger which is more or less a core item for tiny.

                                                          Of course if you let him farm to the fulless he's as touch as a rock and can destroy your barracks in less than 3 secs.

                                                          So harass the hell out of him, don't let him farm, good map awareness don't let him catch you alone and try to end the game soon.


                                                            AnTaiN how dare you call Huskar noob hero?
                                                            I climbed to Ancient rank spamming him,does that mean all you under Ancient are noobs?


                                                              @rukanov i think it means that 4k is trash bracket :)


                                                                er you can go doom for offlane,lifestealer for carry,death prophet for mid or necro


                                                                  Melt thats why you are in the pro 3k bracket


                                                                    How dare you! You just starting world war 3 by using that disgusting word


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                                                                    Story Time

                                                                      pick *insert hero* and shit on tiny