General Discussion

General DiscussionANIME WAIFUS ONLY

ANIME WAIFUS ONLY in General Discussion
very litty

    honk honk

    very litty


        im a tall lad lads

        Yowai Mo

          my shoe size is EU 46, US 11.5 or 12

          what is yours?

          very litty

            47 and u know what they say about big feet :smirk:


              my ultra boost are 46 2/3

              Yowai Mo

                ultra boosts?

                very litty

                  i declare the revolution successful, this thread is now the new ayy lmao

                  Yowai Mo

                    hail florian

                    very litty

                      everybody gets a free pair of ultraboosts

                      me, government hooker

                        sieg heil

                        Yowai Mo

                          Guess who

                            This page is actually tolerable, well done comrades.

                            very litty

                              me, government hooker

                                An open letter to D&D on DESTROYING the REALISM of THEON GREYJOY'S STORY ARCH
                                Dear DeeDee & [get out of my labora]Dory,

                                I can't believe you monsters think so little of the fandom. I can't believe you had all that time, and all those reasources at your command, and you somehow NEVER MANAGED to tell us, the loyal audiences, your literal creative shareholders the most important thing about Theon Greyjoy:

                                HOW. THE. FUCK. DOES. THEON. DO. THE. PEE.

                                It's a huge plot hole (and pee hole) that we're supposed to sit here and ignore? Just sit here believing that Theon just never peed again?

                                I want to know about the pain of it. About how he almost got sepsis from the flesh wound that he had to continuously pee through. I want to know about the cloth used for his adult diaper, and it better be geographically appropriate as linen was not readily available in The North during the Bolton's reign. I want to know about the UTIs had, and how Maester Wolkan treated them with herbs and salves. There's so much lore to it, and here we are. Again. In the dark.

                                Most importantly how could he prove he is a boy to Gendry if he has no cock to whip out and take a piss? Gendry and Theon were in the same place for once, and D&D never used this opportunity once to show us how it worked. I know about Show Not Tell because my brother's cousin read Save The Cat once.

                                Instead we just got stupid scenes of Gendry building a weapon that literally made no difference (it would have made a difference if she realistically killed a dragon, but also died because no plot armor.) And Theon eating soup with Sansa, which is ridiculous because why would he eat soup if we don't know how he would pee it out. It's all just so frustrating.

                                How could D&D leave this huge question unanswered, effectively butchering the realism of Theon's character Arc.

                                I await your reply on bated breath, and intend legal action if I hear no reply.

                                very litty

                                  '96 Neve Campbell

                                    Thats a very cute cat uwu


                                      What about my feet tho parmaviolatte


                                        weebs DansGame

                                        very litty

                                          Yowai Mo

                                            Yowai Mo

                                              big boy shit


                                                '96 Neve Campbell

                                                  i hated this

                                                  me, government hooker

                                                    j j j j j j jebaited


                                                      did u like me feet tho :s

                                                      '96 Neve Campbell

                                                        I honestly got so jebaited but idk what i was expecting from a youtube vid so whatever im a clown

                                                        Yowai Mo


                                                          me, government hooker

                                                            based and spergpilled

                                                            '96 Neve Campbell

                                                              Ngl but as soon as I see anyone post something with the green frog man I just presume they have crippling autism and/or are an incel

                                                              me, government hooker

                                                                your presumption is not very far off

                                                                Yowai Mo

                                                                  no, u


                                                                    green frog man

                                                                    very litty

                                                                      pee pee the frog

                                                                      Yowai Mo

                                                                        Yowai Mo

                                                                          '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                            Seeing how long ago some of these posts were make me realise my life is hollow and time flies cause I do literally nothing ayy

                                                                            me, government hooker


                                                                              Yowai Mo



                                                                                  One of us

                                                                                  死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                                    Finally got my trashcan badge

                                                                                    Yowai Mo

                                                                                      trashcan weeb

                                                                                      死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                                        i got trashcan first before bluestar

                                                                                        死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                                          Nvm got my bluestar now

                                                                                          Ghastly Wail


                                                                                              oh jjjeeezsus guild grill :0
