General Discussion

General DiscussionBristleback Item build

Bristleback Item build in General Discussion
sexy rose~

    Hi, how can I choose between these items:

    Lotus Orb - Eternal shroud / (don't they do the same thing? turning magical damage into advantage and we build them when enemy has high magical damage)

    Kaya and sange - Bloodstone / (both do spell lifesteal and spell amp increase but bloodstone 1700 gold expensive)

    Bkb - Linken / (why someone would buy linken on bristleback? I've seen it in top bracket replays)

    Heart- Octarine / (as offlaner, I really don't know which one may be better)

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      You get lotus vs lots of unit target spells. Linkens I would say is not really needed, only situational usually BKB is better. I would say you go octarine if you already went for Kaya&Sange or Shroud build, that way you can stack regen and spell lifesteal.


        imo, octarine is not really good for bb anymore, since it doesnt really give anything aside from CDR, the thing might be good however it reduces only a very little bit of bristleback's already low cooldowns. lotus is always nice to dispel debuffs, shroud is good if you are really winning and u think u can sustain much with it. Bloodstone is only for when ur really unkillable, otherwise dont buy. Kaya sange is to amp up the lifesteal from shroud and bloodstone, if u are having a hard game, a sange is always good. Linkens only bought probably if enemy have something like duels or doom that might kill you, bkb, yeah self explanatory, if u cant survive the magic dmg and chain stun, go buy it. Buy heart if u have hp problems, but i dont recommend if enemy already have counters to regen like vessel skadi or shivas.


          Always get agha after hood or vanguard (depend on the enemy phisycal ora magical biggest impact at the moment). Then get everthing u mentioned


            The BB Aghs Shard and Aghanim's are really good. Shard gives you some burst damage and slow on enemies who try to get away from your quill sprays... And as those stacks pile up, so does the damage done by the "hair ball" that is the Aghs Shard. Aghanim's is just pure greatness on BB, AOE slowing armor reducing spell with a really low CD. It can literally win you a team fight.

            Just to note: Kaya & Sange does not give you Spell Lifesteal. It only amplifies it. You need to get Eternal Shroud or Bloodstone or just the Mask for the actual lifesteal.

            Heart of Tarrasque is just god tier on BB. Coupled with some spell lifesteal and you will be a hard out. Even if someone hits you with a Silver Edge... You still regen hard from the Heart and Spell Lifesteal works with the Quill Sprays that you can cast even if you are missing your freebies and damage reduction from the passive.

            Building a BKB as an offlaner is not such a great idea. Sure, you can get more damage done, but then they are focusing their spells and disables on the other heroes they can cast them on and you are usually the tank that should be taking the brunt of the enemy offense... So your midder and safelane carry can go in and deliver the damage they should have once a good chunk of the enemy spell damage and cc is out of the way. In some games, you just have to be ready to die for your team as the slot 3 offlaner. It is your job to go in first and some games you will just die and die over and over again, but if the rest of your team is up to task, they should have quite good success going in after you take on the initial spell barrage from the enemy team.

            On BB, I usually do Basilus, to keep that mana going, brown boots into Vanguard & Eternal Shroud. This gives you a lot of tankiness against all enemies. Then it is usually time for either Kaya & Sange or Heart of Tarrasque. K & S if you are not getting killed in 3 seconds and Heart if you just need more Health to take on the damage.

            And don't build Octarine Core... I don't know which hero is this item for any more... It does 25% cooldown reduction, but that's it. Aether Lens already gives you the added cast range at a fraction of the price and BB doesn't need cast range. The goo has quite nice range already and you get movement speed from your ult, so you shouldn't have too many issues catching up to enemies that are trying to flee unless they blink away.

            one-man bukakke

              Rush scepter. Grab a vang or/and a hood. Then build your scepter.

              Ideally you want to go soulring>boots>hood/vang>aghs>eternal shroud>tarrasque.

              Rest is situational. Sometimes you will need to grab dispells if enemy is having strong debuffs/urn. That case you need lotus and/or greaves(and pray to ger a flicker). Other times you get a phyisical nuker like shard PA, then AC right after aghs is the best choice. I've tried bloodstone instead of shroud, is a decent item, but too expensive for an offlaner bb midgame. Octa is no-no, stats and cdr are nice, but you better of getting a stat item lime kayasange.

              If you can grab a sange betwen your hood-scepter timing, do it. Is just broken right now.

              Yours eternally: disgusting bristleback spammer.

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