General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy suck every other day?

Why suck every other day? in General Discussion

    Is that valve 50/50 forced wr or me?


      As far as I understand, Wisp always max 1st for effective healing transfer. You do not need 2nd skill as support due to mana problem and also not that much damage. Wisp needs stats to be tanky, more health means more heal. Sometimes I go for max 1st, 1 point 3rd and max stats, more efficient.


        Thats rough buddy Hell even im getting there or already am


          being herald after 3k games means you are mentally challenged , i doubt the forced winrate has anything to do with it


            Yeah bro it's just the forced 50% keeping you in herald. I suggest to uninstall the game because valve has chosen to keep you in herald, so you can't do anything about it. No point to waste your time.


              I wouldn't ever call dota waste of time.


                One last advice bro, stop playing Wisp.


                  Just you