General Discussion

General DiscussionI need someone to coach me :(

I need someone to coach me :( in General Discussion

    I've been playing this game atleast 3k games with 46% winrate. How do I get better? please. help.
    I just wanna have fun and improve

    Diway how to win this game? its always been like this in my bracket it feels like 1v9

      Diway this match my team lost so much gold because the support didnt pick, support proceeds to steal the role of axe. every game feels like 1v9 im gonna have a heart attack with this mfckers


          I'm going to make a wild guess, and say that you just farm, farm and farm for 20-25 minutes every game.
          In the games you win, enemy is just shit and they don't capitalize on that, and in the games you lose enemy just takes advantage of a 4v5 game.

          Simple break down- 40% games are free wins, 40% games are definite losses and the remaining 20% are the ones where the win/loss factor is you.

          Easiest way to improve.
          1. Don't get cocky over free wins, don't let definite losses get to you(take a break) and give your best every game.
          2. If you REALLY want to improve, just watch your own replays, take notes. - The fastest way to improve, but then again this isn't FUN.

          Also, Nothing more funny than watching 2k dogs trash talking endlessly in winning games and making threads over losing games. This forum never disappoints. xD


            Im mid player and I rotate when I get a chance, in my lone druid game I've been snow balling in the beginning. Every clash we had our tide wont throw any spells brain dead sea server

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              Friend, your signature hero (tinker) has 48% wr over 260 games. Maybe you should take a closer look at the lone druid (64%) and play it more?


                Yeah but after this match, makes me feel lone druid is unwinnable even i snowballed the game. I'll give lone druid a chance this patch I guess


                  MONEY where

                  (AGAW) birb



                      Ursa eats tide, you and pudge so your lanes lost. Just make sure to ban ursa, he’s a common pick. If you see Ursa you could also pick viper and win.

                      This comment was edited

                        50% on tinker now because of the buff!!