General Discussion

General DiscussionMuerta from trash tier to quite strong after buff

Muerta from trash tier to quite strong after buff in General Discussion

    I am trying on stats build,
    start with 2x bracelet, 2x branch, quelling, tango, gives 10 attack, muerta has sad base attack damage
    q lvl 1, up stats on lvl 2, 3, w on 4, w can earlier if its a kill lane. then keep q, w at lvl 1, max e and stats
    up early stats for compensate the low base damage for easier last hits, q lvl1 for secure range creep,
    2x wraith band early, wand vs lane with spamable skils, skip wand if enemy laner isnt isnt pressuring you
    brown boots then maelstorm
    go bkb or linken based on matchup, if both side passive farming, go travels first, esp on low ranked
    i recommend go travels over other boots cuz muerta has low ms and no gap close ability
    plays like a farming core, mirror and avoid enemy team, join fights if you near teamamtes or under your tower, otherwise just push sidelanes if fight breaks and you are far
    try to join fights after complete linken or bkb
    dont show on fights until you see the heroes that can kills you, wait for them to commit their spells on your teammates
    save ult for auto attack heroes that jump on you, dont ult on bkb heroes unless iit is a bkb auto attack core jumping on you. just hit nearest enemy from safe distance
    if your team can kite out enemy bkb duration, you cant die on second round with ult


      She was always strong, on release as well. It's just people only now realize how to play her, what skills to max and what items to build. Her WR will raise with time.


        The first time I saw that she has the ability to do 2x damage with 50% chance, it was enough to classify her as borderline broken. After that it was just time taken by players to prepare a gameplay for her. Topson, waga were destroying games with muerta literally 1 day after release.

        She is very position reliant hero, the exact reason why low mmr idiots still can't play her.


          You worry too much for her attack damage wtf, not great but not bad either, she compensate it with her sniper-like projectile. For build, Topson build is the best


            Youre playing in games with only new accounts, i click your last muerta game and see a jungle drow, please dont give insight if youre playing 2k games