General Discussion

General DiscussionNot feeding is a cause for a ban.

Not feeding is a cause for a ban. in General Discussion

    Enemy team was ahead something like 20-50. Their levels are also too high. İ decided to stay high ground and play defense. And i got an abandon just because waiting on high ground. What a stupid game. This game always punishes good players since it came out. İf i don't go out and feed together with my team in an already lost game and try to play different strategy, i get an abandon. Very good idea.
    Playing for toxics and griefers and entertaining them more than half of the games i played isn't enough for this developers. İ got reported by them everytime and i get ban. İ play different style and i get ban. Stupidity never ends.

    This game always punishes good players and using them to entertain toxics and griefers. Otherwise those toxics would't play this game isn't it. İ will never play this game again unless my friend invites me.


      You need to be afk for quite some time before that abandon comes into play dude. You were actively jerking yourself off while your team was playing 4 on 5... Nice "good player" play dude. Grow brain, try using it... Player suggests you actually play the game and you were not playing.


        Typical low mmr brain.
        You'd rather afk 5 mins just to not have a bad KDA, than try to make plays to win game. Also, the abandon happens only if you don't get any EXP in 5 mins. If you got that abandon, you are a shit player, nothing to it.

        This is similar to the subhuman trash, who jungles for 25 mins, doesn't join any fights, meanwhile team is forced to play 4v5, and then at end game types the KDA stats.
        "Look at my score, my team was feeding".

        You suck at this game, if your entire winning condition is "I hope enemy walks uphill and throws".

        wtf im crying

          you went completely afk in your fountain on min 33 when all your t2 towers were alive and all you did for the next 5 or 6 minutes was 1 ult usage. "good player" behaviour for real. you were literally just staying afk, not even moving, but yeah, game's fault not yours


            ""Ad.Goku™(tv/adgoku24) 17 hours ago
            "Typical low mmr brain." You suck at this game,"""

            Typical toxic game ruiner here :) you don't know i suck or not in this game. So you better shut up.

            """˚ 。 . ♡ ・ ˖ ₊ ˚ 。 11 hours ago
            you went completely afk in your fountain on min 33 when all your t2 towers were alive and all you did for the next 5 or 6 minutes was 1 ult usage. "good player" behaviour for real. you were literally just staying afk, not even moving, but yeah, game's fault not yours"""

            yes but ignore me. consider it a player was just defending high ground. isn't this a strategy too? better than leaving base and feeding. going afk completely or partially doesn't matter. i was just waiting on the high ground at the end. like my all team should do. But of course they never do.

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              Getting an abandon for AFK only happens when you've not earned a single XP point and did no damage to enemies for 5-6 minutes
              You couldn't kill a single creep, or be close enough to your teammates while they were clearing waves? Really?
              As ZEUS??????????

              What's your behavior score, imma try to see something real quick

              highest in the room

                you must be like herald or sth, game is heavily focused on kills, kills are op,even if you are not killing you should push sidelanes and eventually feed since when the lanes are pushed out they cannot go hg


                  Typical toxic game ruiner here :) you don't know i suck or not in this game. So you better shut up.

                  Game assessed you an abandon, while you are sitting in front of your screen. That's all the information I need, to make my judgement LOL

                  wtf im crying

                    yeah, "defending highground" when all your t2 towers are alive makes perfect sense. this could be a thing when enemies destroyed all your outer towers and occupied all the map, then yes it might be better to wait for them to come and dive you at your highground, but this was not the case in that game, you were just afk in fountain for no reason, not trying to get some farm, splitpush sidelanes, do a pickoff, place some defensive wards to play off of them. instead you decided to stay afk and blame your team and the game for your fault. next time one of your teammates breaks their items don't blame or report them, maybe it's some kind of a strategy too

                    Tsuиɪԍԍα, the 5th Hoodkage

                      bro archon and have the audacity to say "you don't know i suck or not in this game. So you better shut up." LMAOOOO


                        You are low mmr, you don't win a lot, your KDA is very low relative to the way you are speaking. Maybe you are the issue. I have terribly low behavior score, my game quality is terrible, and I cant even talk in game, but I have never received an abandon for being AFK, especially if I'm going to be telling people its a "strategy." You have given up if you sit afk and don't get XP for 5 minutes, and don't hit creeps. I relate heavily to your complaints about your teammates, but I think you are the low mmr trash that I have to deal with in my game, and you coming on here to complain, that you went afk and got an abandon is insane.

                        Like i said i cant type or talk so playing many of my games is crazy because people like you dont know what to do, when you lose a lane or even when we win a lane, and i cant ask you to play so you sit and afk until you literally abandon. Then call that "defending highground." Please shut up


                          Okey all clean and perfect players. İ suck. You are best. You all know better. Perfectly clean players you all are..


                          Explain me how that od does not get abandon then. Died 3 times on mid and went woods griefed, never fought once, stayed in woods until game ends. But if you dont leave base strategically for few minutes you get abandon. You have mental issues because you can't understand that "staying high ground" can be strategy. You make comments based on my game. You can't see it is wrong. İf you don't leave the base few minutes İN ANY GAME, you get abandon and get punished. But if you do the same by staying in woods it is not a problem you don't get punished.

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                            The OD was in the jungle killing creeps and getting gold, that is way more than you sitting in base for 5-6 minutes. Idling is what gets you an abandon. Sure, the toxic level of the "ill hide in the jungle" is on equal level, but he is still advancing in the game. While you are just not participating and this is what gets you the abandon.

                            And you think your team will do better in the fights with or without your spells??? If you think it is without, you should not play any type of team sports, be it on the computer or in real life.

                            The only way to lose 100% of the time is to give up and quit playing... People do stupid things in Dota all the time. You have a chance to turn things around in almost every game.


                              Od that sits afk in jungle farming whole game, still has higher chance at winning than some idiot that stays afk in fountain.
                              Heck, I'd rather have a guy die 20 times trying to make plays than play with some little bitch that stays in fountain cause they don't want to die.


                                Some people seem to be really scared of dying. When you play the offlane or a support role you are going to die. It is just an inevitable fact. And as the offlaner it is your job to eat up the burst from the enemy team so your damage dealing 1 and 2 can go to work with a good chunk of enemy damage on cooldown. And the most important thing for supports is to use their spells efficiently and get them used in the first place before they die.

                                Basically as the offlaner, if you are not dying, you are doing it wrong... Unless you are walking away with the game completely. Sure it would be better to not die, but usually 5 heroes can kill 1...


                                  why would i listen to a crusader


                                    ^cause the person is making a fair enough point?

                                    only practice idc win

                                      if you afk, you get abandon, simple as that

                                      stop complaining mr heralds