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    lolz dat nieee


      Currently the Enchanted Mango only has a 36.43% win rate. Together, we as a community, have the ability to fix this problem and end this horrific tragedy. Please help. It is our duty as gamers to give this item the respect it is due.

      Jabba the Mutt

        @Excalibur! Don't forget that the win/loss rate of items only takes into account ending items, so if you have a mango in the late-game its because you have been shut down hard, its not a win-rate based on getting the mango at all.

        Derp's missing tax files

          Currently the Enchanted Mango only has a 36.43% win rate. Together, we as a community, have the ability to fix this problem and end this horrific tragedy. Please help. It is our duty as gamers to give this item the respect it is due.


            some players almost losing their ancient buy many mangoes , yes mangoes !

            Boundless Strike in Gaben...

              does that ward blocking camp respawn even work anymore?


                True story, SEA pub players have very bad team coordination..


                  Good Earth Spirit players are terrifying.
                  I envy them, he's really fun.

                  PSY BABA

                    Ya me too


                      kek. . . .

                      Galip Ersoz

                        It seems riki is a garbage cleaner.Finally i got a proper garbagometer to prove my garbage hero theory


                          Good job, very useful and interesting informations!

                          iPlayDirty o_0

                            #shoutout to philippines


                              Shots fired at SEA pub players


                                its true, i played in sea pub as well for 2 years. im currently living in the UK and theres like a fking huge difference between team play and coordination. pinoys and russtards still the same tho just putang ina mo to ckya.

                                Martin Todd (Redhood)

                                  Its simple people SEA players are FULL OF AFK FARMERS and Plays #TESTOSTERONE dota which is i dnt an af bout others just my items and frags cnt even buy wards