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    Том Круз
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        nice article !


          Lone druid over nerf...

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              "Centaur Warrunner was the rampant hero of the tournament—the second most banned and the most picked and banned combined—and he was rewarded with a double nerf: first to his Aghanim’s Scepter Ultimate in 7.03, then to his standard ultimate in 7.04."


              Reduced Aghanim's Scepter upgraded Stampede incoming damage reduction from 50% to 40%.
              Reduced base armor from 1 to 0 (total armor is now 2.14).
              Reduced Aghanim's Scepter upgraded Stampede​ incoming damage reduction from 60% to 50%.

              Excuse me, but.... what?

              Swap Commend (Il Separatio)

                I just hope 7.05 comes before the Kiev Major with the addition of Techies into Captain's Mode :3

                our bad

                  nuff sven he is worst carry after 7.00


                    next time please write about biggest winners and losers from 7.00 till 7.04
                    good luck

                    Guardian of the Light

                      I think they broke Lina. -30 sec respawn rate with bloodstone is something worse than a 6.8X SS before getting nerfed!


                        11th! I made it!

                        JAR OF URSA

                          13th. Ho yeah unlucky me as always

                          JAR OF URSA

                            Kek 13th. That was 12th

                            JAR OF URSA

                              So I can take 14th also? Wow

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                                Started from the bottom and now still there.


                                  Кентавра как шлюху размотали

                                  Brünk Hüll

                                    @Guardian of the Light

                                    Lina is still pretty squishy though. It can be really frustrating to have to deal with her twice without forcing a buyback but Lina isn't a cooldown independent hero like Storm or Tiny. Once that laguna blade is used it isn't likely to resurface again in the fight even with the possibility of having to kill her a whopping four times (aegis, buyback, bloodstone talent).

                                    Basically what I'm saying is you should let her use her ultimate and focus on taking other heroes down first, mitigating the advantage she gets from a quick respawn.

                                    lost in the sauce

                                      I would like to see a buff on void in 7.05...I mean void used to be one of the hardest most devastating heroes in dota... now he is absent from the pro scene.

                                      Then we meet... mace to face


                                        Centaur Warruner:
                                        Stampede manacost increased from 100 to 100/200/300.

                                        Want faceless void buff 7.05.

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                                          Poor slardar


                                            Still waiting for PL buffs. The hero feels very irrelevant right now as there are stronger heroes like ns and ck.


                                              Arc Warden now on spotlight. <3


                                                Fck off ld's rabid nerfed is unreasonable damnit

                                                Guilty Spark

                                                  Sven needs a buff....... aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh


                                                    26th but dont think it matters

                                                    Goodnight Ojousama

                                                      abaddon not included? his dac record is bad right .-.

                                                      Jensen-0 serotonina

                                                        buff meepo!


                                                          Slardar nerf is too massive! His role was to initiate but now with those duration nerf, he's practically useless.

                                                          Just using his ults on invi heros for reduction armor, his stuns are unable to give kills at early game no more.

                                                          laskovii kotenok

                                                            Я крутой


                                                              >Centaur Warrunner was the rampant hero of the tournament... and he was rewarded with a double nerf: first to his Aghanim’s Scepter Ultimate in 7.03, then to his standard ultimate in 7.04.

                                                              Both 7.03 and 7.04 nerfed his Aghanims upgrade, not his standard ultimate.

                                                              Hector Banana-Bread

                                                                Remove the respawn rate talent on Lina, and LD for that matter. For LD you can probably put a rabid talent buff instead.
                                                                RESPAWN TIME TALENTS ON CORES ARE RIDICULOUS.


                                                                  Боже это все бред какой-то в патче персонажа не меняют либо усилюют ,а потом режут как енчу , либо просто добавляют 2-3 армора 3-5%мув спида и т.д. А вы просто тупие если можете на каком-то персе . НЕ УМЕЕШ НЕ ИГРАЙ!

                                                                  MR FLAMER

                                                                    buff meepo for godsake!!!


                                                                      Lina is squishy but with force staff eul dagger goodluck on catching her