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    good article


      two yeah


        хуй хуй да


          4th xaxaxaxa


            Stop ruining my pub games with these articles please


              clock pos4 can do the things clock offlane does

              Mi$hGan-ak47 ︻デ 一 -™

                ха нет пендосы сосите хуец


                  Clock is one of the most fun heroes to play with. 10/10 hero.

                  Brünk Hüll

                    The only thing that you might have trouble with on clock by putting him in the support position is the aghs timing, but all he has to do is be part of a lot of kills, something he has a greater chance of now that he can get wind laces and focus on getting kills and assists early on rather than just surviving the offlane until six.


                      Вы чё блять мутите суки

                      ЧЕТЫРЕ ЛАПЫ

                        eredar > clock

                        Erase Humanity

                          His DPS is unbelievably high.

                          butterfly effect

                            nice strat


                              add to this it can at least slow down some split pusher


                                *dies to jugg arcana*


                                  how is it possible to get the 15 souls on sf?, i feel like theres not enough time to deny that many cogs pre-creep launch

                                    This comment was removed by a moderator
                                    aikyu3 SuBi ♪

                                      one of my fav offlane :) it is very fun to play with.


                                        U need someone else hitting the cogs once, then sf gets the lasthit. If you don't have that help, you can still get ~10 souls if you buy and sell a glove of haste each time the cogs are placed


                                          It depends if the moon is blue


                                            It depends if the moon is blue




                                              Check the replay of this game.

                                              Or the theory here:
                                              You can do 3 cogs per cycle (a teammate that is not Clockwerk needs to pre-hit every Cog once for you)
                                              Cogs have 15secs cooldown
                                              You have 90 seconds from spawn to creep spawn = you can use it 6x (so ideally 18)
                                              Ana does get 17 in this game, but I think 15-18 is a more reasonable estimate because you can mess up the timing quite easily if you dont practice it at least a few times.


                                                Good one, countering most popular picks; -I want to vs, a slark and riki with him;


                                                  Clock makes contesting roshan easier with the constant vision advantage.

                                                  Brünk Hüll


                                                    Do you think this is an interaction that will be left in? I feel like it isn't OP because you can't get souls by denying, say, NP Treants in your fountain, so it is such a specific set of requirements for the draft to allow. Even more specific considering counters and bans and block picks etc.

                                                    I mean, this isn't fountain hooking we're talking about.


                                                      @brock hall

                                                      maybe, though this interaction has been in-game for so long I doubt it.
                                                      It's possible they remove the soul aspect, but I think pros would have to heavily abuse it at first - and you don't always wanna pick SF so I don't think that'll happen anytime soon.

                                                      Пошел нахуй

                                                        ДА БЛ"ТЬ САПП КЛОК,КОГДА ХАРДУ НА ИЗИ ОТСТОИТ ЭТО ГГ УДАЛЯЮ ДОТА


                                                          хотите научиться играть на клоке, чекайте мой гайд
                                                          все остальные гайды и способы игры на клоке нелегитимны и должны преследоваться по закону


                                                            Ratteltrap, that's a name I hadn't heard in a very long time.


                                                              Thanks for the write back, that totally makes sense, didn't think about other people helping deny.
                                                              Would we really think thats worth it to have 3 people in fountain that long? I guess the souls would probably outweigh the creep block and possible rune loss.

                                                              я извиняюсь/i'm sorry

                                                                Чел пишет гайды имея 49% винрейт на нормал скилле...


                                                                  I just found tons of free Steam Wallet Codes at You can choose any game you want for free!


                                                                    cogs doesnt have souls lol.. now seriously, i think that it feels like a game bug, like fountain hook specifically, should be removed in my opinion, just like earthshaker creeps block or fountain hook in the past


                                                                      fun with this clock

                                                                      Nervous Bakedown

                                                                        The coggs deny thing isn't a bug they just overlooked it. Souls are calced by cs therefore anything that gives cs gives a soul. It'll be patched I think because it makes most matchups vs sf unwinnable and especially now with increased popularity of strong 2/1/2 matchups and emphasis on winning lanes. Also take goblin techies out of this videogame please.