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Earendil the Mariner

    Qp is going to be a problem, because it might get easily abused. Other than that this is very good for Dota.

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        I like the giving power to tier 2 teams. I also liked the spinoff suggesting to copy cs:go tournament format. All around this is good for dota. Qualifying points per person seems way to easily abused though.


          I also think this is a nice step in the right direction. Valve can't tackle all problems at once, and some problems they can't reasonably solve at all. Let's hope DotA keeps going on as this special game we all know and love, but that it can bring new players

          Brünk Hüll

            I think the escalation of points as you get closer to TI is intended to serve as a way to force players to keep playing after the final roster lock. There are a lot of things that Valve hasn't answered with the article, but there is a lot of time between now and the season for them to provide more information. It just seemed more like a bullet point announcement than a full in depth explanation of the new system. There's also the chance that they released the info as a way to get the community feedback to finalize the rest of the details.

            My guess is that most of the worries concerning tournaments playing favorites will be addressed, but players abusing the system will become a strategy rather than a shortcoming. After all, the system is meant to favor the best players, so they should be able to team up in the way that will favor them the most.

            Brünk Hüll

              I'm so excited about this change though. This is a really well thought out system so far, and it provides trackable data for fans. It makes the entire year actually feel like a big picture competition, and forces big name teams to actually play instead of hiding strategies. We have a league!


                I just hope for a CIS Major


                  Well it makes more sense than before.

                  Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                    great anything spectator oriented is great, more tournaments mean more pro match ups always enjoyable...but with added prize pool from valve, valve needs to impose that all these tournaments are free to view, no subscription

                    Brünk Hüll

                      @Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                      Very much agreed. Viewers draw in more ad money, and even though Valve isn't concerned with ad revenue, many of these smaller companies are.

                      Esteban (muted)

                        I don't know if this is going to work; it sounds good but let see it in practice


                          Nice Read. Especially the thoughts and questions about what might be the problems with the new system. Keep it up dotabuff!