Filter:TimeAll Time This Week This Month ──────── Ranked Season 4 Ranked Season 3 Ranked Season 2 Ranked Season 1 ──────── Patch 7.38 Patch 7.37 Patch 7.36 Patch 7.35 Patch 7.34 Patch 7.33 ──────── Last 3 Months Last 6 Months Last 12 MonthsTimeSkillAny Skill ──────── Normal Skill High Skill Very High SkillSkillLobbyAny Lobby ──────── Normal Matchmaking Ranked Matchmaking Battle Cup ──── Not Used: ──── Team Matchmaking Solo Matchmaking CustomLobbyGame ModeAny Mode ──────── All Pick Turbo Mutation Captains Mode Random Draft Single Draft Captains Draft ──────── 1v1 Solo Mid Ability Draft All Random All Random Deathmatch Least Played Limited Hero PoolGame ModeFactionAny Faction ──────── Radiant DireFactionDurationAny Duration ──────── > 12 Min > 20 Min > 30 Min > 40 Min > 50 Min > 60 Min ──────── < 20 Min 20 - 30 Min 30 - 40 Min 40 - 50 Min 50 - 60 MinDurationTrueSightAny Status ──────── Only Analyzed Matches Exclude Analyzed MatchesTrueSightSolo/PartyAny Party Size ──────── Solo Queue Party Queue (2+) ──────── 2-Stack 3-Stack 4-Stack 5-Stack ──────── 3 or more 4 or moreSolo/PartyCaptainAny Status ──────── Only Captained Matches Exclude Captained MatchesCaptainRandomAny Status ──────── Only Randomed Matches Exclude Randomed MatchesRandom
Filter by Heroes, Roles, LanesPlayer: HeroAll Heroes ──────── Abaddon Alchemist Ancient Apparition Anti-Mage Arc Warden Axe Bane Batrider Beastmaster Bloodseeker Bounty Hunter Brewmaster Bristleback Broodmother Centaur Warrunner Chaos Knight Chen Clinkz Clockwerk Crystal Maiden Dark Seer Dark Willow Dawnbreaker Dazzle Death Prophet Disruptor Doom Dragon Knight Drow Ranger Earth Spirit Earthshaker Elder Titan Ember Spirit Enchantress Enigma Faceless Void Grimstroke Gyrocopter Hoodwink Huskar Invoker Io Jakiro Juggernaut Keeper of the Light Kez Kunkka Legion Commander Leshrac Lich Lifestealer Lina Lion Lone Druid Luna Lycan Magnus Marci Mars Medusa Meepo Mirana Monkey King Morphling Muerta Naga Siren Nature's Prophet Necrophos Night Stalker Nyx Assassin Ogre Magi Omniknight Oracle Outworld Destroyer Pangolier Phantom Assassin Phantom Lancer Phoenix Primal Beast Puck Pudge Pugna Queen of Pain Razor Riki Ringmaster Rubick Sand King Shadow Demon Shadow Fiend Shadow Shaman Silencer Skywrath Mage Slardar Slark Snapfire Sniper Spectre Spirit Breaker Storm Spirit Sven Techies Templar Assassin Terrorblade Tidehunter Timbersaw Tinker Tiny Treant Protector Troll Warlord Tusk Underlord Undying Ursa Vengeful Spirit Venomancer Viper Visage Void Spirit Warlock Weaver Windranger Winter Wyvern Witch Doctor Wraith King ZeusHeroRoleAny Role ──────── Support CoreRoleLaneAny Lane ──────── Safe Lane Off Lane Mid Lane Jungle RoamingLaneOccupantsAny Amount ──────── Solo Lane (1) Dual Lane (2) Tri Lane (3) Quad Lane (4) Pent Lane (5) ──────── Occupants >= 2 Occupants >= 3 Occupants >= 4OccupantsWith Teammate: HeroAll Heroes ──────── Abaddon Alchemist Ancient Apparition Anti-Mage Arc Warden Axe Bane Batrider Beastmaster Bloodseeker Bounty Hunter Brewmaster Bristleback Broodmother Centaur Warrunner Chaos Knight Chen Clinkz Clockwerk Crystal Maiden Dark Seer Dark Willow Dawnbreaker Dazzle Death Prophet Disruptor Doom Dragon Knight Drow Ranger Earth Spirit Earthshaker Elder Titan Ember Spirit Enchantress Enigma Faceless Void Grimstroke Gyrocopter Hoodwink Huskar Invoker Io Jakiro Juggernaut Keeper of the Light Kez Kunkka Legion Commander Leshrac Lich Lifestealer Lina Lion Lone Druid Luna Lycan Magnus Marci Mars Medusa Meepo Mirana Monkey King Morphling Muerta Naga Siren Nature's Prophet Necrophos Night Stalker Nyx Assassin Ogre Magi Omniknight Oracle Outworld Destroyer Pangolier Phantom Assassin Phantom Lancer Phoenix Primal Beast Puck Pudge Pugna Queen of Pain Razor Riki Ringmaster Rubick Sand King Shadow Demon Shadow Fiend Shadow Shaman Silencer Skywrath Mage Slardar Slark Snapfire Sniper Spectre Spirit Breaker Storm Spirit Sven Techies Templar Assassin Terrorblade Tidehunter Timbersaw Tinker Tiny Treant Protector Troll Warlord Tusk Underlord Undying Ursa Vengeful Spirit Venomancer Viper Visage Void Spirit Warlock Weaver Windranger Winter Wyvern Witch Doctor Wraith King ZeusHeroRoleAny Role ──────── Support CoreRoleLaneAny Lane ──────── Same Lane ──────── Safe Lane Off Lane Mid Lane Jungle RoamingLaneOccupantsAny Amount ──────── Solo Lane (1) Dual Lane (2) Tri Lane (3) Quad Lane (4) Pent Lane (5) ──────── Occupants >= 2 Occupants >= 3 Occupants >= 4OccupantsAgainst Opponent: HeroAll Heroes ──────── Abaddon Alchemist Ancient Apparition Anti-Mage Arc Warden Axe Bane Batrider Beastmaster Bloodseeker Bounty Hunter Brewmaster Bristleback Broodmother Centaur Warrunner Chaos Knight Chen Clinkz Clockwerk Crystal Maiden Dark Seer Dark Willow Dawnbreaker Dazzle Death Prophet Disruptor Doom Dragon Knight Drow Ranger Earth Spirit Earthshaker Elder Titan Ember Spirit Enchantress Enigma Faceless Void Grimstroke Gyrocopter Hoodwink Huskar Invoker Io Jakiro Juggernaut Keeper of the Light Kez Kunkka Legion Commander Leshrac Lich Lifestealer Lina Lion Lone Druid Luna Lycan Magnus Marci Mars Medusa Meepo Mirana Monkey King Morphling Muerta Naga Siren Nature's Prophet Necrophos Night Stalker Nyx Assassin Ogre Magi Omniknight Oracle Outworld Destroyer Pangolier Phantom Assassin Phantom Lancer Phoenix Primal Beast Puck Pudge Pugna Queen of Pain Razor Riki Ringmaster Rubick Sand King Shadow Demon Shadow Fiend Shadow Shaman Silencer Skywrath Mage Slardar Slark Snapfire Sniper Spectre Spirit Breaker Storm Spirit Sven Techies Templar Assassin Terrorblade Tidehunter Timbersaw Tinker Tiny Treant Protector Troll Warlord Tusk Underlord Undying Ursa Vengeful Spirit Venomancer Viper Visage Void Spirit Warlock Weaver Windranger Winter Wyvern Witch Doctor Wraith King ZeusHeroRoleAny Role ──────── Support CoreRoleLaneAny Lane ──────── Opposing Lane ──────── Safe Lane Off Lane Mid Lane Jungle RoamingLaneOccupantsAny Amount ──────── Solo Lane (1) Dual Lane (2) Tri Lane (3) Quad Lane (4) Pent Lane (5) ──────── Occupants >= 2 Occupants >= 3 Occupants >= 4Occupants
ItemGold / MinuteExperience / MinuteMoon Shard596506Butterfly591616Radiance578618Satanic554591Divine Rapier549587Abyssal Blade542596Heart of Tarrasque539610Eye of Skadi536593Daedalus530592Aegis of the Immortal520543Sacred Relic517487Assault Cuirass508575Monkey King Bar508583Boots of Travel 2507523Recipe: Hurricane Pike504524Recipe: Mjollnir502494Manta Style501571Shiva's Guard498586Mjollnir496568Crystalys496554Hyperstone493598Javelin486431Skull Basher482520Bloodthorn480485Removed Item: Diffusal Blade (level 2)476587Battle Fury473528Reaver472634Helm of the Dominator471529Silver Edge469533Linken's Sphere468580Octarine Core468570Dagon (level 5)458546Recipe: Black King Bar458566Desolator456557Mask of Madness456551Claymore456494Sange and Yasha455520Arcane Blink454751Dragon Lance453500Echo Sabre453525Eaglesong449490Hand of Midas439481Yasha438515Sange435509Crimson Guard435502Black King Bar433524Ultimate Orb433491Ethereal Blade430528Hurricane Pike429522Scythe of Vyse428499Maelstrom428496Yasha and Kaya428590Bloodstone427558Mystic Staff426501Demon Edge426494Wraith Band425508Dagon (level 3)425522Boots of Travel422522Refresher Orb419474Diffusal Blade417481Band of Elvenskin414480Orchid Malevolence413504Armlet of Mordiggian411512Soul Booster411504Necronomicon (level 3)409483Great Healing Lotus407488Shadow Blade406506Mithril Hammer405482Ring of Aquila403467Slippers of Agility395456Recipe: Kaya394575Quarterstaff393474Recipe: Sange391564Vladmir's Offering389483Poor Man's Shield388448Talisman of Evasion387476Platemail384507Kaya and Sange384530Heaven's Halberd384516Vanguard383493Dagon (level 2)383437Dagon (level 4)383461Broadsword381458Kaya380558Aghanim's Scepter379475Blade Mail378465Morbid Mask377475Wind Waker371563Power Treads370441Gem of True Sight370449Phase Boots369451Blade of Alacrity369461Perseverance369457Guardian Greaves364411Solar Crest363445Robe of the Magi363440Blood Grenade363392Iron Talon362425Blink Dagger358448Recipe: Silver Edge357599Ogre Axe356441Necronomicon356422Witch Blade354514Recipe: Boots of Travel354425Recipe: Solar Crest352488Meteor Hammer351503Keen Optic350531Recipe: Diffusal Blade350412Blades of Attack348437Recipe: Hand of Midas348346Drum of Endurance347438Eul's Scepter of Divinity345475Gloves of Haste345408Quelling Blade344386Lotus Orb344456Stout Shield342385Recipe: Guardian Greaves342445Point Booster341419Eternal Shroud341591Pipe of Insight340475Recipe: Mekansm340441Recipe: Eul's Scepter of Divinity339465Oblivion Staff339452Blitz Knuckles339469Null Talisman338408Recipe: Headdress338447Recipe: Buckler338446Recipe: Spirit Vessel337475Bottle336405Aeon Disk336515Rod of Atos335463Belt of Strength335402Dagon335372Broom Handle335572Mekansm334395Void Stone334447Recipe: Aether Lens334469Ring of Health334409Force Staff333423Faerie Fire333431Recipe: Meteor Hammer333503Recipe: Witch Blade333425Recipe: Dagon333417Aether Lens332469Staff of Wizardry332414Recipe: Force Staff332446Healing Salve331435Spirit Vessel329489Chainmail329405Vitality Booster329453Cheese329409Recipe: Holy Locket329445Circlet328385Ring of Basilius328412Town Portal Scroll326387Shadow Amulet326422Helm of Iron Will326354Recipe: Wraith Band326412Ghost Scepter325440Veil of Discord325448Recipe: Necronomicon325423Necronomicon (level 2)324372Tango323403Medallion of Courage323387Sage's Mask322402Energy Booster322430Orb of Venom322413Magic Wand321401Bracer321393Recipe: Urn of Shadows321438Ring of Protection320384Recipe: Bracer320417Boots of Speed319390Arcane Boots319381Iron Branch319384Glimmer Cape319416Aghanim's Shard319478Buckler317368Orb of Blight317414Recipe: Orchid Malevolence317476Urn of Shadows316374Recipe: Aeon Disk316477Soul Ring315390Gauntlets of Strength314381Holy Locket314469Recipe: Vladmir's Offering314477Nether Shawl313486Magic Stick312427Clarity311391Ring of Regen311396Enchanted Mango311428Headdress310372Orb of Corrosion310454Recipe: Magic Wand309438Recipe: Boots of Bearing309466Boots of Bearing309466Animal Courier308350Ring of Tarrasque308384Recipe: Iron Talon308413Enchanted Quiver308462Infused Raindrops307410Recipe: Veil of Discord307435Tango (Shared)307473Smoke of Deceit306409Tranquil Boots305406Observer and Sentry Wards305389Recipe: Ring of Basilius305437Fluffy Hat305447Tome of Knowledge303410Sentry Ward302390Recipe: Drum of Endurance302404Mantle of Intelligence302349Recipe: Rod of Atos302463Observer Ward300367Hood of Defiance300401Removed Item: Flying Courier299338Telescope299505Recipe: Soul Ring297392Dust of Appearance292390Wind Lace291401Recipe: Blade Mail289529Cloak288381Crown286416Falcon Blade283430Recipe: Glimmer Cape282407Recipe: Null Talisman265320Recipe: Pipe of Insight263383Recipe: Yasha257342Recipe: Falcon Blade252379Recipe: Hood of Defiance234398Dragon Scale224309Arcane Ring204224Faded Broach204224Essence Ring194315