73% Core
Mid Lane
Safe Lane
Core Breakdown:
49% Mid Lane
32% Safe Lane
15% Off Lane
4% Roaming
0% Jungle
27% Support
Support Breakdown:
52% Off Lane
44% Safe Lane
4% Mid Lane
0% Roaming
0% Jungle
Overview | Matches | Win Rate |
Stats Recorded | 6,881 | 51.59% |
No Stats Recorded | 1,148 | 37.63% |
Lobby Type | Matches | Win Rate |
Ranked MM | 3,890 | 49.79% |
Normal MM | 2,202 | 50.54% |
Game Mode | Matches | Win Rate |
All Pick | 5,468 | 50.37% |
Other | 410 | 48.29% |
Faction | Matches | Win Rate |
Dire | 3,541 | 51.51% |
Radiant | 3,340 | 51.68% |
Region | Matches | Win Rate |
Australia | 6,022 | 52.31% |
Other | 803 | 46.45% |
Friend | Matches | Win Rate | |
No recent matches with friends |
Name | Last Used |
The King of Energ... | |
Kumahawk | |
B.Silver | |
Zenguard | |
Last Updated