bro, really? i wanted to say good luck, but u got <50% WR on the easiest server in the world, and so i repeat. Really?
+1 to above post. Everytime I had a winning streak, MM decides to say F*** U! and puts me in a team with either feeder or idiot or noob or first-timer or russian(s) or wtf-r-u-doing-kinda or leaver (any of those combined in 4 = lost game). Recently I am put 8/10 times to teams like that and end up losing. sigh*
check my current account. im right at 50%. and for not having a team that is what is expected. i don't grab hard carries everything game and just rape. if i did then maybe id have a higher percent
Relocating won't do you any good if you lack the individual skills.
Not to mention, you will never be able to find a good team within this forum.
Your best bet is to go matchmaking, and if your skills are as you described, you should be meeting players that can form a team with you.
Oh and the heroes you mentioned in your list aren't even good supports/semi-supports.
@CyanKnight: Really...? Not to be mean but <1 KDA on TA really tells me a lot.
Message me at steam ID: pandanda dota name thoth. I'm looking for one more for the alienware winter season.
I agree with you about finding a decent team through this fourm but it's worth a try. also a little SEO never hurt.
and i just mentioned several heros i'm good with not intending them to be supports/semi-supports.
thanks for the input
i think u should really change your dp
no offence if u really look like that but that face is probably scaring a lot of people who are willing to form a team with u as u look like a rapist
424 thats racist... and I wouldnt like to be in a team that got scared just by looking at a guy... :|
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I have been playing Dota for years. Around 8 to be more precise. I am an advanced player with lots of technical experience and knowledge on mechanics and plays. My skills can compliment many players and teams and I want the chance to pair up with some good people and show that off. I live in North America currently and can compete in teams online. I am willing to move around if needed. Add me and let's scrim a match or two.
Top Heros: Invoker, Bane, TA, Enigma, Meepo, Enchant, Rubik, Puck, Nature's, Lesh
Skills: High Map Awareness, TP Reaction, Courier Killing, Juking, Micro, and Player Prediction
Hobbies: Ping Pong, Web Programming Languages, and Music
iamjasonDOTA - steam id (primary)
flilpunkman - steam id (legacy account)
If your justing looking for someone to play with feel free to add me to. I a great teammate.