General Discussion

General DiscussionValve matchmaking at its finest

Valve matchmaking at its finest in General Discussion

    none of us were premade.


    On another note (not in relation to these 2 games): To me it seems like valve is trying to make people as close to 50% WR as possible when solo queueing, rather than to make fair matchmaking. I sometimes feel that it's completely lopsided. Sometimes however its likely to see a close game, if they match like 5 good players against 1 good player and 4 noobs, and then this 1 good player gets lots of farm / kills etc its likely the game will be close - but that doesnt mean the matchmaking is fair in the first place.

    Edit: I can see on the replay now that some of them shows up as "anonymous", but its the same 5 players appearing in the first and the second game on team dire, and same pl in both games.

    Woof Woof

      dota 2 match maker = greed and incompetence at its finest

      dota 2 after 1.5year in beta;

      -your own rating and detailed stats are invisible even for you (LOL)
      -broken match maker (solo v stack £ huge skill gap between players every game £ if you combine soloq + win streak you are most likely going to play without courier + wards and invis detection)
      -hero performance bars that compare 0/5 support to 5/0 carry (behind this must be a real genius)
      -bugged and broken hall of fame, featured farmer is inaccurate and broken -> go devs forum + 10 others player there are usually random trash players within 200-500wins range
      -no visible ranking of any sort (_) even simple shit like pink/blue - orange/brown is meaningless so we got bunch of ignorant people not aware of their own lack of skill calling mid and picking 2/3 hard carries every game KKK just perfect combination with broken mm to begin with
      -win/loss grants same amount of xp (Lol)
      -going into broken match maker as stack just to farm wins against solo players is rewarded with additional xp LOL!!!!!!!!!! as 5 you can almost double your xp gains without any boosts

      thanks valve

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        Valve said they don´t force a 50% winrate. Most players end up at around 50%, but it´s not because they actually mix teams so one team will most likely lose.

        Woof Woof

          do you also believe that report system isnt fully automated too???? ? LOL
          they are full of shit like most greedy companies

          they will tell u things u want to hear just so they can push one more set of hats int your throat


            dota 2 mm sucks dude


              this is stupid, even in pro games you can see stomps, shut up... all these kids crying about MM, have you seen merlini crying about MM? or Loda? or Dendi? or any good player? matchmaking is ok, you guys think you are better than what you really are... i used to be in platinium and now im in gold, WHY? bcz im loosing alot, i always play alone so i cant win constantly.... easy.... so anoying to see all the time the same bullshit, stop crying and get better at the game, get some friends, stack 3 or 4 decent player and thats it... stop blaming, stop thinking this is CoD i hate to play with the same kind of player you complain about, the autoattaker, the blaimer, the last picker carry... but how in the fucking hell thats fault of valve? ppl is stupid, this is a game and sadly there is a ton of 12 yo kids playing it, GET FRIENDS!! WWITH BRAINS AND STOP BITCHING!!!


                Actually lots of pro players say the matchmakings awful. I've seen countless instances of fnatic players complaining about the matchmaking system. Lot's of americans play IXDL because "it's better than matchmaking".

                Getting a group of friends doesn't solve the problem itself. Sure you will win 70/80% of your games, but you are just on the opposite side of the stomps now. You won't get a good game.

                Woof Woof

                  ^ Poiison i gues u didnt see famous screenshot with Dendis opinion about mm

                  Compare to Opti-Free Repl...

                    What did that opinion say?


                      I could care less about win rate, its not about wins or losses, its about having games where every person in the game is at a similar skill level. That's not what I am getting in most of my matches, sometimes that's against me where I have the shitty allies, and sometimes that goes for me (very, very rare) where I go up against some uber bad player.


                        ^ This part is true. It's about getting even matches, and it's frustrating that even matches imply you get a fresh player on your team to compensate if you're good. I tried creating a new account and playing badly on purpose, and within a few games I was teamed up with pros. How much more obvious can MM get?


                          For me mm seems awful only when I don't play support. In my bracket everyone seems to do ok as carry, but very few seem to understand that wards/sentries/dusts are more important then mek/arcanes/pipe.


                            You apparently never played wc3 pubs. Stop cry :D


                              There is one mistake everybody makes when complaining about matchmaking . You only take skill in consideration and don't include all the factors .
                              Look at the opponent Pudge , who finished with 0-13 in that game . Apparently a very bad Pudge , but if you look at his stats you can see 60 % win rate and decent games which means that 0-13 does not reflect his skill level.
                              But in this game , other factors played a role .
                              - He was bored and was not interested in this game
                              - He was distracted while playing by things going on around him
                              - He just played carelessly and totally offensive
                              - He had a bad game in general
                              - People do no care about their performance or competitive level gaming .

                              And plenty of other factors.

                              Even if you are high skilled , you cannot deliver in every game. And if your opponent is high skilled too , then you need to be at your best to survive/win a lane and sometimes you are just tired or not in the mood to be 100 % there .

                              We are humans and not robots with a skill-o-meter .

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                                But the frustration of players about MM is still quite understandable. I think public ratings would be a solution, but it has cons too.


                                  Feel free to proceed ->

                                  And please stop already saying shit like "everyone can have a bad game". If you are anyhow good, you will see who is capable of anything and who is a complete retard in like 10 minutes of a game.

                                  Too bad Valve killed dbr, otherwise I could have a good argument against all newbs protecting mm - I am 1900, they are 1500.

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                                    If there is an average p possibility that a player "has a bad game" = plays bad, then the possibility that there is no bad playing player in a game is:


                                    If p is 1% then (1-p)^10 is ~90%.
                                    If p is 5% then (1-p)^10 is ~60%.
                                    If p is 10% then (1-p)^10 is ~35%.
                                    If p is 25% then (1-p)^10 is ~6%.

                                    Although "lie to me agen fagt" is right about that there are situations when obviously unskilled players can be recognized. Public rating, public rating system and public match making system are needed (and public report system but it is off topic). If we don't know how a system works we cannot give proper feedback to devs. And the only option players get is to open qq threads.


                                      Is not about win rate? Win rate is into consideration for the mm system somehow, you just want to have a n even game? You are not in the other side of the stomp when tou play with 4 friends... you will win more!? YES BCZ IS A TEAM BASED GAME and you have little detail as an advantage.... ive played in a 5 stack in time to time... and is not just super easy and stomps over the place, is fun, even if you loose... why? Bcz everyone is doing their job... mistakes are made, but you can talk aboutit, bcz you know the other players.... i dont get your point.. do you want to be in a higher bracket? Get some friends that can help you play at your best.... i am a support/offlane player... i cant play good with 44adriana randoms.... its just frustaiting....
                                      but again, that dosent mean mm is btoken... why you ask to 4 random ppl to play as a team and have coordination? Nonsense

                                      Woof Woof

                                        that retarded cocksucker mm dev should be beat up with a pipe for all flame and hatred that innocent players get caused by his trash match making system

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                                          ^ Soo wish that will come true.