not sure if im the best person to being giving u advice but ur item choice are pretty bad
u could of eaten a wolf which will give u a decent crit without the need to spend 5+k gold
could of than spent that money on ac to solve ur massive armour issues and make the purchase of bash more value for money
however ultimately ur team let the enemy team with 4 carries get to 50+mins no one has any kind of farm but the gulf between u and the enemy team in terms of gold suggests u didnt take advantage of ur early game strength poor item decisions on the behalf of pa and to a lesser extent yourself means ur not able to carry against there stronger late game lineup
Building 0 survivability against a DPS hero seems like an excellent idea, trying to simply 1v1 out right click him is going to work?
(bought butterfly at fountain), and obviously a bit of a stomp
Anyway, towards the end (AC/Hex/Lothars - easily done in 30 minutes), I doom Invoker, kill him pretty quick. AM tries to fight me, hex, and killed in 3 hits.
Eat alpha wolf creep and you hit fucking hard, and learn to farm as well. That AM is fucking trash, I'm only decent at the game, and look at what I can do (no support) (support)
You don't beat other heroes through traditional right click attacks, AM is a rather squishy hero when it comes to melee attacks, but he hurts like hell too. Hex gives you a few seconds to rape him. And of course, gank him throughout the game, from the moment you get lothars you should be looking to gank him all the time.
horrible item choice. u could have skipped the daedalus since its completely useless when u can get it from a creep and buy a hex or AC and shutdown most of the other teams carries.
Armour 2 = 10.7% damage reduction
Armour 15 = 47.4% damage reduction
Doom Level 22 attacks around 0.84 times a second (+ his agility items - nope)
AM Level 25 attacks around 1.44 times a second (+ his agility items - yasha +15 agility)
Doom: +60 attack speed (+ centaur aura...oh wait there's no Centaur on your team and no-one with an AC not to mention Centaur doesn't have a skill with an aura anyways) = 60
AM: +45 attack speed (+15) = +60
So basically the AM was hitting you nearly twice as fast with you dealing 4x less damage thanks to his armour. Therefore he was doing a lot more damage per second.
Hope this helps.
Hope it's actually true.
Noob trying to help right here.
Very simple, your build is terrible for doom. You got all offense and so you are easily killed. You got no hp and almost no armor and no magic resist. Almost anything, even lower level supports could kill you if you were disabled briefly because your build is so extremely greedy.
You got the sort of build that only works if you have omniknight and dazzle protecting you.
LD: Physical damage
Clinkz: Physical damage
Antimage: Mostly Physical damage
Naga: Mostly Physical damage
Warlock: Different kind of damage sources
The enemy lineup is mostly physical damage based.
I think PA should have been your main carry and you should built team supporting items:
AC or Vlads
Heavens Halberd
Necronom Icon
You could even devour an ogre for frost armor or a Wildkin for Armor Aura.
The lack of armor/ghost scepter/force staff on your entire team (meka is good on Lion) is not good either.
so a doom who got devour + midas and BARELY outfarms a way harder carry is wondering why he cant outcarry him, not sure if troll...
You are right, build was bad... I should have had assult cuirass, and I was experimenting with a different aura. (The centaur camp does have an aura and a stun)
The barely outfarms is correct in the end, but 12 minutes prior to the end I had him by at least 5k of items.
Thx for the tips
This anti-mage sucks really hard (95 LH in 57 minutes WOOOOW) And also ur gpm for doom with midas is TERRIBLE. It should be 500 at least. And yeah anti mage is way better carry than doom, and this thread is questionable. Idk what u were trying to say at the start, that anti mage is OP or what?
Daedaulus and Abbysal? Doom isn't an agility hero. He actually has very little agility. So you get what he lacks which is armor and attack speed. Therefore AC is the best item for him. Add an Heart on top of it and you become both very tanky and still have quite good damage.
deadalus is bad on doom, just eat the wolf's face, he should right there in ur woods..
buy anything else and its gd, but the deadalus is a waste of money, abyssal is great against antimage, but not that gd, if u doom him, u dont need abyssal or bashes, just hit him, he shoukd be trying to run away,
if i was in r place i would go, armlet, assault, heavens halberd, and ofc boots..
doom doesnt have a particular item build, he is versatile exactly as tiny, different situations and picks gets u to build different items
57 minute game + 95 cs antimage = bronze scum
and you lost to that?
Because Doom isn't a late game carry and should never be played as one. Doom can never play the 1 role like an anti-mage can, he doesn't have the setup for it. It's bad enough that most players play doom for the late game when he clearly accels as a mid game ganker, it's even worse you think you could out carry an AM.
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I wasn't playing my best game, but I have no Idea how I could get melted 3 times in the last 10 minutes by Anti-mage.
I was playing Doom. Match:
The only thing I noticed was he had 15 armour and I had 2.
I had swiftness aura from Centaur, was crit'ing around 900, had about 1800 health,
yet he was able to melt me before I got him to half health 3 times...
What should I have done differently?