General Discussion

General DiscussionNew report system

New report system in General Discussion

    Well done Valve... 3er stack is reporting some1 because they are mad... you get muted for all functions... you cant see how long... you cant say miss, blink or anything else. You play games and your team is reporting you again because you dont say miss and refuse communication... well done... Playing without stack = not possible anymore.

    Will be funny to see this in Keita-league when half of all players cant say miss or sth else...


      There are no words to describe valves "report" system.

      Woof Woof

        problem is that valve employees are typical retards that became good at something due to tons of practice and u can see that each time they upgrade/add something meaningfull like hero performance bars, new/old report system, language selection and so on its just failure after failure designed by bunch of one dimensional dumb people

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          Its not a normal mistake this time. This report system means if a 3er stack reports you, you get 1 day mute. 2nd time 3 days mute what means you cant rly play dota. 3rd mute means 1 week + low priority. Weird thing is that there are many guys who are making fun for themselves in reporting as stack when they lose.

          And I dont care about these callings like: "It is a Beta". They earn money with this ingame shop and they totally ruin gameplay of dotaplayer who arent in stacks.

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          Woof Woof

            They dont give a fuck<sad story> if people wont start creating tremendous amounts of threads with negative feedback regarding this joke of report system on devs forum nothing will change in next few months ... again And i bet right now that next report system fix will be even more retarded than the one we have right now


              Its not that difficult... just allow reports for throwing/feeding and check these reports by staff. There is no need to report and ban flamer because every single guy have an ignore function. If some1 insult you outside you give him a punch or you ignore him... but I bet you dont run to police because he calls you a RL noob.


                Keita-League will start tomorrow. Nobody with half a brain will play that Valve shit anymore. And that is custom lobby, so no mute there (I think?), or just join the game with a smurf... Bye Valve mm forever!


                  Rofl... if 3 guys of Keita-League reports you, you cant play there anymore, because you are muted. And when you dont make calls there you will get penalty points...


                    league, how you can play league with random people ?


                      Got muted too just cuz retards get mad when u critizes them...Now I'm getting more reports cuz can't say miss or plan attacks or explain is this?!


                        valve report system is so fucking retarded, Valve should get banned and muted and reported for comming up with such trash shit of a horrible shit system. Im so pissed off with their terrible systems, bye bye, time to create new accounts - stack with 2 friends and then report everyone to hell so all new players will get a terrible feeling of this game, lets get this trash of a shit game killed. Time to troll along untill this system gets fixed, untill then, lets have fun - live life - and exploit it like hell baby boy!


                          Seriously ppl should report every1 in a game for communication abuse so they hotfix this asap...can't write to ppl explaining shit so might aswell show em by reporting them


                            Well.... one game with 4 retards that dies even with lane wards and i'm muted... So, good bye solo MM... I wont play solo till this shit is fixed. Or hello dota1... really don't know what to do


                              Should ban instead of mute. If you get reported every game you play with 3 stacks you should l2p or stop being an asshole. I assume the ppl whining about this is the typical "LOOOLLLL n0000b feeder retard XxXLOLLOLOL"-retards...

                              Pandamonium(You Died)

                                I have an extremely annoying voice. I do. I tell people what to do/ tell them when they didn't do something right. Never was I reported for any of that. So stop being annoying asshole and l2p.

                                Woof Woof

                                  they should do something with those fuckin retards that decline few games in a row

                                  Woof Woof

                                    Hopefully one they they are going to add report developer and when one reach enough reports he gets fired for being piece of incompetent shit

                                    Woof Woof

                                      and this "valve report system is so fucking retarded, Valve should get banned and muted and reported for comming up with such trash shit of a horrible shit system. Im so pissed off with their terrible systems, bye bye, time to create new accounts - stack with 2 friends and then report everyone to hell so all new players will get a terrible feeling of this game, lets get this trash of a shit game killed. Time to troll along untill this system gets fixed, untill then, lets have fun - live life - and exploit it like hell baby boy!"

                                      i am sending 9 reports each game


                                        @The Terrible - U suck at dota anyways so no1 cares about ur oppinion, and ure prolly a 14 year old kid stacking so u dont get reported and so people carry u. Just watched 2 replays of urs and ure embarassing. I will report u along with valve xD


                                          Played 5 games after new report system, not a single report

                                          wohooo, and if thats the real case (which i think it is), then ya, ofc its dumb

                                          Pandamonium(You Died)

                                            for making me reply


                                              I deeply thank Valve from the bottom of my heart. it's FINALLY, FINALLY time to stop playing.

                                              Fyah Burn

                                                im so glad that i dont play random MM atm :>


                                                  The new report system valve made is just massivly retarded. Yes offense.


                                                    "I deeply thank Valve from the bottom of my heart. it's FINALLY, FINALLY time to stop playing."
                                                    So fucking true. It's just impossible for me to stay silent when my team feeds so hard. I really don't like to lose. So I have to play with retards, I can't stay afk, cos they will report me. So the best option here is not to play at all, at least solo mm.


                                                      well here is the situation.

                                                      SEA servers are lagging, so the scum dredges are making their way to Australian servers. They always just random or play pve dota and are completely terrible, my last idk 5 games? I can't even be bothered with dota cause of this so i just afk or what ever. In addition to that this new report system, All I said in chat was that sea players are terrible at dota and they should go back to their own server. 2 days in a row reported and muted for that. It's completely fucked.


                                                        EU West got lagspikes atm..wouldn't suprise me if ppl are ddos'ing cuz of this new report system, completly ruins the gameplay


                                                          Weird... got muted yesterday after a stack reported me for not buying wards. So far I understand it because this system allow them to abuse it. Played 3 games muted... 3 guys told me they report me for not saying ss.

                                                          This morning I played a game and could say ss... a rhasta raged in a game and reported his whole team at minute 5 after giving fb... game got abbandoned after minte 25 because steam went down and no recoonect.

                                                          But hey i got another mute... even I had no time to do say anything. Now I have 3 days where I cant play dota2 because they will report me for not saying something.


                                                            see ? better buy wards next time :D


                                                              what is kind of baffling is how the bad players don't seem to be able to handle the truth that they're bad. 'omg he told me i'm awful i b-better report him'.
                                                              if they can't handle being talked down to, they really shouldn't be playing this game anyway


                                                                it's the internetz, wat u expect?


                                                                  SOOOOO i can't even say SS or miss or use fucking chat wheel... niiiiiceeeee


                                                                    HAHAHAHAH i got 8 players muted so far with my 2 buddies. This is hillarious. We are making progress, we are making progress.


                                                                      #FTS baby girl!


                                                                        Valve at it's finest


                                                                          valve report system is so fucking crappy
                                                                          i played 1 game, it lasted 5 min because someone ragequit and i got banned immedietely and ofc muted... cant even chat in the channel->that's how fucked up it is. the only shit i did was tell some fucktard to stop blocking me (in those 5 min). i even took the time tof ucking explain it to him and still!!!!!

                                                                          11,5 hrs banned and mtued ofc

                                                                          TriDrex The First

                                                                            Idk how y'all cant like this, I mean it's so much fun being unable to communicate in any other way than by pinging, I mean sure you can only reliably say that you're coming to gank or if they're any kind of intelligent they might understand an SS call by ping, but who wants to communicate? Jeez you guys are so needy.


                                                                              This report system is so fucking retarded, lets get all mothafuckers banned and muted from this entire game platform so that no1 will play this shit. Valve doesnt give a fucking shit about their shit game and all the shite they have made. Pathetic dickheads.


                                                                                Im gonna stack with m8s and then report the hell out of everyone else so that they get insta muted insta banned insta lpqed and no1 will be giving a shit about it. We should make all newbies h8 the game


                                                                                  On the positive side, I just reported some guy for flaming in-game, and action was taken almost immediately.


                                                                                    It actually is kind of effective. You try to exhibit absolutely no offensive behavior and be nice, and then report the EVER LIVING KAHUNAS out of anyone who so much as THINKS one bad word.

                                                                                    you can even bait them into it. it's quite rewarding, I think it might be even more fun to bait people to trashtalk and then report them than actually playing.

                                                                                    wu tang

                                                                                      A russian whom I laned with playing skyrath mage had little to no hp rushed towards a three man gank top lane while I myself with low hp retreating back, using the chat wheel to warn him, got his ass beat bad then proceeded to spam "cyka cyka" and all that towards me. I reported his punk ass and then bam! client thanks me for helping make dota 2 a better place lol. That! was nice! but yes it does have its flaws.

                                                                                      Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                                                                        cyka cyka


                                                                                          I was successfully reported, and probably legitimately so, because I flamed my team mates for constantly doing retarded things in a game.

                                                                                          It got to the point though, where my team were saying in open chat to the other team that I had cost us by not buying wards etc (which I'd placed on the courier for ages no one had taken off) and the other team were replying in saying that I was the only good player on my team and had caused their team serious problems.

                                                                                          I lost my rag with my team because they were such idiots and fed and threw the game. The result was I was muted. Kinda raises an issue of who is more detrimental, the person who feeds and fucks a game up by being a dim-wit and then blames the only player on the team doing anything of any sense, or the player with sense who loses his temper and flames his moronic team.


                                                                                            Then instead of flaming about it, report them, and if they sent messages in all chat whining about u, u should tell the other team, IGNORE HIM/THEM, this might encourage some players to support u by reporting the whiner, and I wonder why I never got reported, though I flame alot, but I flame in a calm way, like, instead of saying the well-known phrase "RUSSIAN RETARD", I would say, "wut was that, why would u do that", and usually he is a real retard, and everyone lols about him and his dumb moves, like check this if u got the time:

                                                                                            me and undying tried so hard to support this PA, pulling, denying our creeps, dewarding the enemy wards , I was lvl 4, undying was lvl 3, and PA was lvl 8 at minute 8, and the 2 guys against us on the lane were both lvl 4, I wanted to check wut item she getting, suddenly, Blur(evasion) was maxed, and she had one lvl into dagger, one into blink, cus u know, the enemy carry have 400attackspeed, and u need the +15% evasion so badly, the 20% on first lvl is enough to make u survive the during the laning phase, and we were a trilane against a dual lane, so we were there to support him

                                                                                            Then just announced that our supporting was just thrown for nothing, and that was because of PA maxing Blur, then the whole team started flaming her :D

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                                                                                              Wow. That's impressive. Well I was playing with 3 people like that so they thought it was right to blame me (who was playing solo mid) for not providing enough ganks when I had ganked, warded, bought extra wards, got courier, upgraded courier and won my lane and all they had managed to do was feed. Hence, I flamed them all so in turn they all reported me. But the opposite team were publicly announcing sympathy for me and saying I was right and they were all morons etc.

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                                                                                              Dump Truck Dota

                                                                                                It's simple politics. If your getting hammered on one issue(matchmaking) create something new and worse that makes the other garbage(matchmaking) seem trivial by comparison. Consider what they have done, Dota2 is a remake game most probably using a game engine licensed from other more competent devs. Heros are all cloned from the original, items as well with some tweaking. So what did they add? Cash Shop, Language Select, Report System, and the coup de grâce ~~ Matchmaking ~~.


                                                                                                  ^Wut the hell was that?!?!
                                                                                                  And ofc if u flame them, they have the right to report u, if u didn't flame them, u might have not gotten reported, just flame wisely, like for example, tell him: "U mathafu**a buy some wards or I am gonna rape ur mom"


                                                                                                    They fixed that issue. Muted people can use chat wheel. Plus total reports to 4 per week so tht it cant be abused.

                                                                                                    Regarding how to flame watch this game:

                                                                                                    4th and 5th picks were spectre and mortred wen we already had other carries. Playing Magnus I very politely called mid. Spectre insisted on going mid as he had about 1200 wins.. To be precise he said something like "GTFO from mid u noob shit. watch me and learn!"
                                                                                                    I went bot. At 20 mins he was sitting with treads and culling blade. Sf had free farm, ganked other lanes and snowballed and we lost the game. At the end of it Spectre was reported by atleast 7 people :D Totally worth it.