General Discussion

General DiscussionES cast animation

ES cast animation in General Discussion

    I'm not a great ES, but I do ok. I'm at 10-6 win/loss (62.5% win) and 2.02 KDA, compared to the average of 49.01% win and 2.26 KDA. I think I win mostly on my warding, rather than my actual ES play.

    Still I am frustrated by how often I miss Enchant Totem stun. Fissure is a prediction skillshot sort of thing, but Enchant totem should be like a Centaur stomp right? You just get next to them and hit it! How hard can that be? Yet it misses so much.

    So I went back over my most recent ES game and watched at 0.25 speed trying to figure out what I was doing wrong...and it turns out ES takes about 0.75 seconds to cast Enchant totem! I have near max speed clinkz coming at me. He has to walk past me because I positioned in the only gap in the trees....ES starts the animation when clinkz is about 200 unit in front of me and ends it when he is 300+ units behind me...How is it even possible to hit that stun?

    So all you pro ES players tell me what I am doing wrong or does Enchant totem just suck as a stun?

    le charismeur

      u gotta chain ur spells within aftershock aoe or just blink on them


        u need a blunk and predict the rchant totem too. blink , ult, fissure, echant totem , hit




            clinkz is fast.


              it is sort of like lina stun without range lol, easily dodgeble if you see it incoming. so only way to really land it is with blink, enchant for mini stun and damage and then fissure.


                Clinkz have an almost 511 movement speed as I remember with skeleton walk and PTs, I think as "the legendary" murs said, chain stun, u land ur fissure, hit once (sometimes), enchant totem, hit once, it must work if u r close enough to the targeted hero


                  Ok, well I was hoping there was some other way to do it. If I animation cancel anything on ES it actually stops and restarts the casting animation.

                  Echo slam is fast enough that if I blink in and cast it first its going to work, then chain up the others.

                  But ES would be so much better if you could blink in and cast Enchant, but unless ppl suck they just move away before it casts.

                  What do you think about casting Enchant first, fissure them, blink close and hit the big hit, then you have enchant up again sooner. Does that work better? Or should I fissure, blink, then totem stun and hit them?


                    Use fissure from max blink range, blink, Enchant totem, and Echo slam doesn't even have a cast animation, so, it would ofc be extremely fast and no way to cancel it, if u miss-click it :P


                      I think you are over estimating the power of totem. Just focus on good fissures and well placed ults. How and when to use totem will just come naturally w experience, most of the time you will use it in choke points, where enemy HAS to run through you or chaining it with other disables, sort of like for lesh's stun.

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                        though this is melee range :D