they have a good support and a good mid player but the second support is really awful and the carry one is trying to improve so they can have a chance I think
if you guys can support they're second support you are great
np for free bump
ok Pyro you can try out with us in 5 stacks but right now you are always unavailable :) plus, the games we have done you have not done great but we'll try.
^ absolute retard, doesn't buy a support in 35 mins with a venge, wonders why I get angry when he throws the game.
Yes I sometimes rage but he is a trash player.
There is all replays ... you need only to check and you will see who is lying ... nothing to add . Win rate chasers . Kids ... 5 games we played 4 wins and 1 lose . Thouse 4 wins you will not have without me , replays exist so ... Lying is not going in to your hand now ... 3100 rating retards ... All my teams have 4200+ matches yours 3100- ahahah .
dude why you heff to be mad? please show me ONE of the games were you 'won' the game for us?
I don't see it...
Download replay and spec me then you will see who win the game , without my stuns or split push lanes or vacuums you will not win that game gg bb . Any way your team is full of kids ...
lol? ok.
But think about it, if you were not in the team, another would be there.
Don't be so retarded to think that your presence made a difference, anyone can press Q and hit with venge, and even then you messed it up sometimes.
If the team is full of kids why are you so intent on trying to disrupt it?
You can watch the replays all you like mate it proves nothing, you were on TS with us and your coordination was balls. Split pushes may win nooby pubs but your prophet game was so bad, you went for the split push instead of team fight presence when you had free farm all game, you could have rampaged them and saved us all in fights instead you went for one tower.
Team fight, tower + rax or tower + rax? you went for the second. In fact, look at that prophet game, look at your farm and your items... how did you not own more? because you're a bad player.
When kiddo got mad this is why no one wants to play with your team retards 3000 rating .!.
I have NO idea where you are getting this magical 3000 rating number given that our team has not yet played competitive because we are still looking for a 5th member.
For the record, I won't respond to anything else you said, we obviously don't agree.
as it's a direct question and not an insult, no, it's not. It was, but we really struggled to play with our offlaner so that's why we're trying to find a new one.
I will stand up for Mbrain here, everyone has shit games and I have played a couple with him and EVO. both are great players but need the right team and while I have not played with you I have played with them. One of the games you posted was a game I was in and the players he plays with are mostly friends of mine that play med-well.
I think you need to reconsider yourself as a team because if you are being overly harsh on people because you consider yourself to be better than the rest then you are not worth playing with.
How many smurfs do you have JESUS CHRIST. On another note taking my previous comment off the record you guys should really get along, I have had great games with the lot of you and no one is the perfect player.
I shall stand in for you 5th then if you are still looking, at least you know me more or less and know that I play decent enough....not making a smurf account though you will have to take me with my 49-50%.
man it's not about the win rate, i just have a fucking addiction to accounts because i hit a bracket in game and get bitched by teams, I care about my personal win rate but i dont care about the people i play with, so thats why i wanted to make a team and the idea was we would all have 5 smurfs and only play games with the team... but it's since fallen apart due to personal reasons and i have no problem with brain at all but he was trying out for us and built some silly things and played one game bad, so i got a little angry and when i confronted him about it he argued with me, so i decided if we didn't even make it to one serious game together he's not for our team that was all.
But havoc, if you would stand in for us as an offlane solo it would be great... let me know when you're free and i'll get the others to all play..
And Brain, sorry if i annoyed you, let's not hate?
Lets get on later today and have a catch up game, this is not about building a team just some friendly queing and gang buttsex.
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Currently have 4 on the roster, mid, carry, and 2 lane supports for tri lane.
Looking for solo laner.
We are EU based, not currently competitive but looking to become so.