More importantly, why is a semi-pro that qualified for SMM 3 times doing so un-amazing in MM?
I moved to a new town and didn't know any pro in there. Wanna start a new team that can fight Zenith.
Lofty dreams. If you're queuing in SEA and you frequently meet ice etc. in MM, then you have a chance. Best of luck.
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Have 6years exp in dota. 18years old. Asian Chinese.
Role : Support, Ganker, Semi-Carry & Leader.
I'm from Malaysia, came to Singapore study.
Joined SMM Sabah 2011 with NSP(disbanned) and get 1st, SMM Malaysia Lost and out of Qualifier.
Joined SMM Sabah 2012 with Recover(disbanned) and get 3rd.
Finding a funny DotA group in Singapore.
PM me