General Discussion

General DiscussionGlobal KDA

Global KDA in General Discussion
Krzysiu Jarzyna

    It will be great if you could add a global KDA ratio on main player page. Even better if you could add a statistic about average Kill / Deaths / Assist per game.

    You can add this in the top right corner where are already LIFE STATS (almost empty).

    For example:
    Matches 620
    Win Rate 52.23%
    KDA: 2.85
    Average Kills Per Match: 3.87
    Average Deaths Per Match: 2.12
    Average Assists Per Match: 6.26

    It tells you a lot more about player than just winrate, don't you think?

    I am open for your suggestions. Love.


      Would be like everyone for himself, wouldn't it? You know about something known as "support role"? Why buy wards for team when you can get one more bracer? Why dive to save the carry? Why upgrade HoD to Pipe when you can get drums or half of aganim with this gold?

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      ❤ Ashley ❤

        why would it matter? some people fountain farm and some people like me dont, i just go for the win


          agreed +1, 100% support

          Krzysiu Jarzyna

            I do not think that in any way it make you worse. If you like to play as a support it is good for you and your teammates. I usually play as support too, even as Zeus i can buy wards, gem, or courier if necessary, but it not bother me to get 35 assists.

            By the way this data are already displayed for every single game. I suggest that some people would like to see their globale statistics more accurately, not only winrate. Finally this page is intended for STATISTIC. If you are afraid to be badly seen because low KDA why you actually use sites like this? I don not care about mine, just want to know. It is part of the game.


              +1 been thinking of that for a while.


                For ppl who keep saying "What about supports?"
                If u play support heroes, then ur assists would be highest
                If u play carry role, then ur kills would be highest
                If u play like an monkey, then ur deaths would be highest

                After all, everyone gets his share


                  There are so many other stats that would be nice:

                  1) First Bloods claimed
                  2) First Bloods given
                  3) Last hits in 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes
                  4) Tower Damage
                  5) Hero Damage
                  6) Wards dewarded

                  Just off the top of my head

                  Sōu ka

                    ya supports really have the same kda as carries/ semi carries ... oh wait


                      Idc about KDA, I was talking about Average kills/deaths/assists

                      And btw, if I want to measure someone's skill lvl, I don't simply click on his dotabuff profile, check his KDA with his top 6 or 7 heroes, I go to his hero's page and put filter on heroes game impact, and check his top heroes average kills, assists, and deaths, and might compare them with mine..

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                      Sōu ka

                        ya whatever makes you feel better about yourself i guess

                        Sōu ka

                          if u want your data i can give it to you mapz0r
                          Average Kill / game: 12.60
                          Average Death / game: 6.223
                          Average Assist / game: 10.39
                          Average (K+A)/D: 3.694
                          Average K/D: 2.024
                          Average GPM: 465
                          Average XPM: 558

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                          Sōu ka

                            to OP here's yours:
                            Average Kill / game: 5.986
                            Average Death / game: 4.986
                            Average Assist / game: 10.09
                            Average (K+A)/D: 3.224
                            Average K/D: 1.200
                            Average GPM: 322
                            Average XPM: 447

                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              This will make people care more about KDA than some more important things like teamplay. So, please. Don't. This is one of the main reasons I quit HoN. People just get mad at KS like "FUCK YOU BITCH MY KD".

                              Krzysiu Jarzyna

                                I respect your opinion, but I can not quite understand your point of view. You visit the statistics page, granted on the local forum, but you claim that the statistics do not make sense and do not say anything about the player.

                                If people care more about KDA than some more important things like teamplay you can not change it. But if they know what have to be done and understand what separates pro teams to random teams isn't just the individual skill, but the understanding of line ups and the flow of the game i do not think that more accurate statistics can change their behaviors.

                                But for me is important to know that guy is kind of suicide with 15 deaths in every game or he is cautious and likes to hide (or runaway for teamfights).


                                  Global KDA doesn't make any sense.

                                  Consider a carry vs a healer...

                                  I have 30 games of Tree, won 22 lost KDA 2.32

                                  I have 30 games of Luna, won 18 lost KDA 4.90

                                  So was I better with Luna? Does it makes sense to average them? No, the number just doesn't mean anything when you lump all the heroes together.

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                                  Krzysiu Jarzyna

                                    But you avg deaths rate says something. Gerry sugest that there are so many other stats that would be nice: LH, wards, dmg. And all these data can help you determine APPROXIMATLEY what kind of player someone is. I have never said that this is perfect but if someone plays mostly carriers or only as support he can compare with similar players.

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                                      Yes buddy, I want things that would make me feel better, I like enlarging my e-peen


                                        Hero's do not dictate roles. Many heros can Carry, semi carry, and be a roaming ganker.

                                        Global KDA would be garbage.


                                          Average Kill / game: 6.500
                                          Average Death / game: 5.263
                                          Average Assist / game: 10.903
                                          Average (K+A)/D: 3.307
                                          Average K/D: 1.235
                                          Average GPM: 319
                                          Average XPM: 424

                                          My main account (inactive):
                                          Average Kill / game: 8.001
                                          Average Death / game: 5.949
                                          Average Assist / game: 10.618
                                          Average (K+A)/D: 3.130
                                          Average K/D: 1.345
                                          Average GPM: 386
                                          Average XPM: 511



                                            oh... tell me mine too thx


                                              Average Kill / game: 7.302
                                              Average Death / game: 5.392
                                              Average Assist / game: 9.390
                                              Average (K+A)/D: 3.096
                                              Average K/D: 1.354
                                              Average GPM: 374
                                              Average XPM: 492


                                              Krzysiu Jarzyna

                                                It would be easier to share the way in which you gain these data and everyone could see thyself. But you're too cocky, aren't you?

                                                packet canceled

                                                  wats mine xdd

                                                  Sōu ka


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                                                      we're up all night to get...
                                                      Average Kill / game: 9.159
                                                      Average Death / game: 3.227
                                                      Average Assist / game: 10.07
                                                      Average (K+A)/D: 5.958
                                                      Average K/D: 2.838
                                                      Average GPM: 526
                                                      Average XPM: 559

                                                      this is why im the best player here

                                                      Sōu ka

                                                        the only good thing about you is the show your profile picture's from


                                                          VPR (VeRychard's Player Rating): 1447


                                                            who the fuck cares about kda in dota lmao


                                                              LOOOOOOL checked your profile nice stack going on @we're up allnightgettingourassfucked


                                                                Hi, what is my global stats?


                                                                  this vpr rating is bullshit, it's based on KDA (so supports will have shittier ratings), win rate (plenty of people can be in very high with 49%, plenty can be in normal with 53%) and other useless factors.


                                                                    Anyone calculated a "global kda" of each player from International? Would be fun to see the kda of support players :)

                                                                    Autism is great

                                                                      we need visible kda per country ;
                                                                      average KDA
                                                                      russians = 0.2
                                                                      brazilians = 0.32
                                                                      ukrainians = 0.33
                                                                      mid cyka, pidar idi nahui


                                                                        This site is totally useless without KDA ratio.




                                                                            As said above, I don't think KDA means much without both the context of hero and the absolute amount of K, D, A. This is because 2-1 and 10-5 are seen as the same, but their actual game impact is completely different.

                                                                            bum farto

                                                                              Global KDA is a bad idea when considering roles. This is one of those things only a carry or a stat whore would want and it would further push the community into killstealing and solo play, robbing the essence of what a MOBA is all about.

                                                                              On the other hand if you are really concerned with how well you are doing Murs did awhile back post a link to a site that gathers that information for the user anyway.


                                                                              The site shows your KDA averages, last hits and so much more. Also as an update to the site two days back for those who don't know they added a skill bracket to the games played.


                                                                                three thousands five thousand


                                                                                  I live in the stoneage. I don't have a phone that can download this app. Can someone grab my stats for me?