General Discussion

General DiscussionNew at invoker how could I have carried this game.

New at invoker how could I have carried this game. in General Discussion

    I'm not sure I have a strong urge about blaming my team mates but I'm trying to be sportsman like. was around 4/0 before my team starting feeding hard if you have time to watch the replay and give me some input I would appreciate it.


      I didn't see everything cause I fast forwarded, but I'll tell you what I saw.
      I am not trying to put you down, it is all constructive criticism.

      Don't sunstrike brood when he's got 300+ health when your SS only deals 100 dmg. Sunstrike costs 175+20, then you gotta spend another 20 to get cold snap, that's 215 mana for only 100 dmg, make sure target dies.

      Buy items with quickbuy and use 0,9,8,7 for shop, courier, grab stash, transfer items so you don't lose sight of your hero.

      If you aren't ganking, at least kill/grab runes with spirits.
      Must buy TP scroll after phase
      19:20, don't chase
      Make up your mind on skill build: 4-1-4 or 2-1-7
      around 29:00 Never blame team, that will only hurt morale
      Void has a great CC, stay back, you don't want to be caught in that
      Use EEE during battles
      Don't forget to use forcestaff

      Most importantly, if you really wanted to win, look at team picks. Your team has 3 farmers + level dependent invoker. Get W/Q to support your team. WQ works wonders as a counter initiator.

      I'm not saying my tips will win you the game, but small differences can make a whole lot of difference.

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        taking tips from grimorum



          learn to last hit... having 8 cs in 4 minutes as invoker lolol

          also nice positioning and 1 lvl quas if u pick quas atleast rightclick ur enemy to use up that regeneration from it .. if u want to stay back behind creeps get exort and farm with it


            now to be serious

            dont build phase as exort

            do not buy a fucking bottle


              bitch pls phases are best boots for invoker which only gets replaced by bot in very late game


                maybe if you get rekt mid or just suck at invoker, yeah. but as exort treads are better



                  Ming (Zufälliger König)

                    literally lol'ed when he said treads for invoker

                    but he makes phase himself

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                      Well I'm actually looking into being more aggressive from lvl 1. did it this last game went kind of good, anyways I don't think W/Q on invoker is that good anymore I'll look it to it more. I know our team had a lot of carries but the point is that these guys were pretty bad to be honest so I was not trying to depend on them too much.

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                        i am also aggresive with sf mid, STILL you should have 4x(times) creeps the minutes that pass. in ex min 2 you have to have at least 8 creeps! i havent seen your replay but basics: farm > deny! every fucking time



                          no shit, i lost mid as expected because fuckbane

                          how bad are you:(((

                          @keeper just prioritize kill > farm > deny > harass

                          if you want to harass him a lot wait for him to attack you then coldsnap as soon as your creeps aggro onto him, can sunstrike too whilst he's coldsnapped but no point if he won't die

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                          Ming (Zufälliger König)

                            losing mid to bane can only mean one thing
                            you suck

                            seriously, he's out of mana after like 2 spells


                              better anim, better damage, enfeeble.

                              are you new to dota mr shitlord

                              not to mention you go 3 quas, full exort then max wex


                              get 4 quas atleast then go 4 wex max quas then wex so that you can do tornado emp meteor blast by level 21

                              someone save me from low mmr shitvokers


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                              Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                i still dont lose to bane mid
                                unlike some pro above me who loses to bane mid

                                century joke bruh?

                                and for someone who talks shit alot, ever heard of cold snap harass ?
                                uh i guess no. level 4 invoke pickup

                                so tahts why u lost. lal go back to LoL

                                somebody bail me out from this shithole of players
                                i can lose my head from talking to this guy

                                not to mention voker is not my strong hero too

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                                  i built greedy, and i was queueing with a lpq friend so i didnt give a fuck so i had to level quas up fast, not to mention my team was hopeless and beyond shit

                                  sorry for 80% winrate mid with 700 games mid and only good invoker in this thread


                                  Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                    and here comes the excuses
                                    oh noes my friend was lpq i dun give a fuck
                                    nooo my line was bad
                                    nooooo i was drunk when i played that game

                                    how about :-> im so fucking bad i didnt want to admit and start making shitty excuses, because i lost mid to a bane i should shoot myself in the nuts and hang my penus on the fan while watching my pee get flung around the house while i catch them with my tongue


                                      maddest virgin eu

                                      u so asspissed rite now ur bluddy poo steam w/rage

                                      i was drunk and high too btw thanks 4 reminding me

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                                      Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                        who woudnt be pissed at some nab making shitty excuses and most importantly......

                                        losing mid to a bane and start talking shit about other people's skill/item builds

                                        caught all ur pee? coz u have some on ur carpet


                                          cheer up^ :) youre small d1k isnt noticealbe under ur BaDnEsS

                                          Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                            you sure know how to talk about dicks when u just cut urs *0*

                                            Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                              hey hey , lemme know though, can ur dick reach ur ass?


                                                yes is pretty nice

                                                FIRST DEGREE MANSLAUGHTER (VIA BUTTPLUG)

                                                brb video games

                                                Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                                  not really,

                                                  you can just fuck yourself in the ass

                                                  let me fix that last sentence

                                                  brb *fucking myself in the ass
                                                  *and i have to get the dick down from the fan. my mom's comin home i should stuff it in her mouth


                                                    sorry 4 best invoker


                                                    #wheelchair down


                                                    tveni tveni


                                                      bane is like the most ridiculous mid hero that almost nothing can beat, do you even play dota ming



                                                        >bane is like the most ridiculous mid hero that almost nothing can beat, do you even play dota ming

                                                        i agree with this. bane rules mid. 1v1 me vs anybody if you wanna see


                                                          bane vs od


                                                            bane vs sf! just play with creep aggro and you're fine. kill level 5 and if ur rly good kill level 3!


                                                              >i agree with this. bane rules mid. 1v1 me vs anybody if you wanna see

                                                              >>1v1 me vs anybody if you wanna see


                                                                BANE CAN REDUCE YOUR DAMAGE !!!! YOU CAN'T FARM !!!! O_O BANE IS THE BEST MID !!!!
                                                                OP asked for Invoker tips and he got them. Now stop arguing ._.


                                                                  arn't we stressing he went against the best mid hero in dota and that contributed to his farming. i havn't watched the video so im not even sure if bane is the reason he didnt farm but it def can be the reason you have no farm early game


                                                                    Who got outfarmed by Bane in mid?


                                                                      Using > on dotabuff

                                                                      Are you for real?