General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking to start a team for newish players.

Looking to start a team for newish players. in General Discussion

    hey guys been playing dota a little bit but i am always in stacks with impressive players, looking to start a team of noobs basically, add me up @Procondom

    waku waku

      I would not mind trying this as long as you don't play too far from Europe

      dookie daddy

        He plays EU west and is a decent player.

        Normal Bracket, so good for up and comers.

        This comment was edited

          Is this a parallel universe? Guy is fed up with playing with good players and looking for noobs to play with :P.

          Just kidding, I know what you mean.

          dookie daddy

            Well here is the deal. iJoshin is a competent moba player but new to DotA2, he plays with people (me included) who have been playing the game for years so he gets dragged into games he wishes he hadn't as the learning curve is quite steep.

            Finding someone his level will enable him to learn the game while not getting stomped out and frustrated by our sneaky and try-hard scheme's to rule the universe.


              Havoc is soooo right, just need to find some people my own level, as much as i love playing with those guys im dragging myself up and getting stomped by experienced players, anyway the offer is still out there, just looking for a goods tack to go in with :P

              Penis Monkey

                ^ I would go as far as to correct that, you don't get stomped, you just notice the gulf in experience, your (our) win rate testifies that you are not a complete narb but for sure you are inexperienced and need a bit more practice


                  @Havoc Badger
                  mate, having DB plus allows u to see other players rank or braket or other infos?
                  can u tell me pls in what bracket or other shit points got/am

                  Penis Monkey

                    not really the point of this thread now is it?

                    dookie daddy

                      @Steez keep on topic but also check back here in a couple of days after you have enabled match sharing



                        i have enabled it from begining,just did it again today to see if it will be fixed

                        dookie daddy

                          That is a different site that shows what tier you play in etc.