General Discussion

General DiscussionLF pro players to play with.

LF pro players to play with. in General Discussion

    add me if you are sick of the noobs that you play with in pubs. lets make a pro party and win some games. add me on steam. @Buck


      ask Relentless he knows many pro players (ppl who can farm good)


        Are you asking for a wall Kark?

        King of Low Prio

          you have played under 100 games......

          Ples Mercy

            i think i prefer my pubnoobs over you.

            [DFG] Whale King

              He's most likely posting off a smurf account...

              King of Low Prio

                why would u post on a smurf account?

                [DFG] Whale King

                  I don't know but he wouldn't be the first and I very much doubt he's new... He has been stacking with the same two people since he made the account and he has a 66% winrate (something new players don't usually have). Also he's part of three teams as well as dotabuff.


                    so pro ermagerd dender s5

                    This comment was edited

                      what do you mean Icon muted?

                      tveni tveni

                        i think i had 80 cs @ 10 min in this latest razor replay

                        ive beat the relentless challenge, im rdy for comp who will take me?

                        Autism is great

                          fill application for EG its time for oldmanfear to retire anyways


                            go swiftending!


                              Ela Patrida! se ekana Add:)