General Discussion

General DiscussionSupport looking for friends.

Support looking for friends. in General Discussion
Jay Ashborne

    Hi my name is Jay.
    I also acknowledge the names of Melody and Mel.
    I'm 24.
    I live in the EST time zone.
    I play the 3-5 Role.
    My favorite heros are Wisp/Visage/Chen/Shadow demon/Crystal maiden and a few others.

    I usually maintain an above 50% win rate. (Sometimes this changes because I solo queue a lot)
    I ward and stack pull correctly and control lane aggro.
    I buy smokes and dust, rush mek, and other useful items including tp's for carrys, and pool consumables.

    I am very sick of solo queuing.

    If you would like to play with a semi-serious player who has skype/vent and a working mic. Someone that mains support and perfers to play support every game. Someone that Has great communication and attempts to make every game a success, then you should add me.

    You should not add me if :

    You don't have a mic.
    You random every game and attempt to troll.
    You can't communicate.
    You are insulted by vulgar language, or you're 16 or under.
    You can't hold a 50% winrate.

    Looking for a semi serious play group. Message if interested thanks, or just reply here.


      >You can't hold a 50% winrate.

      slippery slope

      King of Low Prio

        I was going to say add me to play games but then you became a tool with that winrate garbage

        Jay Ashborne

          50% is rough. However This is the account I learned on. I specifically thought antimage was the best hero and played him exclusively for 20 games. Hence my bad w/r with am. Next was lina. For 100+ games. Hence my w/r...

          So yea, if it wasnt for that I would be over 50%.

          However yeah, I agree. Holding 50% is rather rough if you solo queue.

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          i have 5 reports to use

            stat whoring is bad


              stat whoring is good

              Jay Ashborne

                Sampson, you act like I would want to play with someone that has such a quick form of aggression. You should relax.


                  which server are you playing on?

                  Kanye Best

                    Fucking el oh el @ asking for >50% when you're precisely at 50.0% yourself.

                    King of Low Prio

                      active aggression and passive aggression are two sides of the same coin.


                        You random every game and attempt to troll.
                        You can't communicate.

                        damn i cant play with you i wanted to but nope


                          Woah sampson, you are such a moron. Why is he an idiot for talking about winrate? everyone does it, so dont flame him for doing so u stupid dumbfuck.

                          Ples Mercy

                            i start to like this monkey.

                            Jay Ashborne

                              I average 50% Id like to stay with people my in my own range. Is that wrong? I'm not being elitist. If I was under 50% I wouldn't ask for it.


                              Also, being support and asking for 50% + is reasonable I'm pretty sure. What I do can be fulfilled by many other players however just a few like to do it. There are a lack of people that like supporting. Yet it is needed. I give you vision, I keep you safe in lane, however if you dont get last hits, you make shit decisions, you dive... can I really change the game to keep my win rate above 50%?

                              I do my damn best. I place wards. I buy courier in pubs. I deward, and do other expected of supports in higher tiered games. However carries in the Normal - High MMR bracket, you still get frequent retardism. Kids that FIRST PICK RIKI. Or doom, "I AM DO FOREST" and stays there 30 minutes with no lane presence. It's ultimately not my decision how the game goes. I just can't pull and Xboct and carry as ES every game.

                              King of Low Prio

                                you play support yet dont buy wards, no wonder you are in the low prio.....


                                  you can easily carry low games as support even while buying wards. Get over your 'teammates suck' mentality and start making a impact in ur games.

                                  Jay Ashborne

                                    Not in low prio. Kthx. Sampson mad because of "tree being bad" in a recent game we played.

                                    Died once as enigma, (was apparently throwing game) and did ward in both games we played.

                                    I may have a girl avatar, but I don't play with people that complain like a females. Sorry bro.

                                    (Use this game as reference to see how much sampson complains.)



                                      i have a cow avatar but that doesn't mean i play with people that moo like cows

                                      Ples Mercy


                                        King of Low Prio

                                          Melody Ill be nice about it and explain it to you just so you might learn and your next teammates wont suffer.

                                          Mag blocked 1 pull camp on the top of the dire side which gives him one of 2 options

                                          buy sentries
                                          pull from 2 other pull camps

                                          what did your friend do? he sat in lane sapping exp from carry and while in lane I had more denies then him while getting last hits

                                          Now lets skip past your friend and go onto you, I told you if they put a solo mag top to gank the lane at lv 3 to push him out of exp or kill but instead u afk farm jungle with 0 map awareness then try and solo him and die without casting anything.

                                          You might buy wards I will give you that but you have no idea how to use them correctly. Even in the game I played slark you gave them WAAAY too much breathing room because of horrible passive play

                                          wards consist of sentries and observers, please take note of that for the sake of anyone else dumb enough to play with u

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                                          Ples Mercy

                                            Cogs op.

                                            Jay Ashborne

                                              You base all knowledge off me on one game. Where I was jungle enigma... since the other support got wards that game, you cant compare that on me. So don't be talkin shit about mah wards bro. D:<

                                              With s/d I was passive. I made a bad pull. However if the game was at all serious, and It wasn't clear how bad they were, I might have played more seriously. You, like MANY other carries just bitch about what supports don't do. Help us improve and give us advice and tell us how you like it, instead of complaining like a girl.

                                              I have better stuff to do than to argue with the guy that complained about "throwing game" after one death.

                                              If this is your logic, I will take my advice elsewhere.


                                                'However if the game was at all serious, and It wasn't clear how bad they were, I might have played more seriously.'

                                                comedy gold

                                                King of Low Prio

                                                  sentry wards =/ observer wards

                                                  my issue with you wasnt the fact that you sucked (I knew that prior to playing a game with you) The issue was the fact that when I told you buy sentries you began to argue with me on my call for them and in the middle of the game I really dont have time to explain how lane works to you

                                                  Jay Ashborne

                                                    You never told me to buy sentries. Clearly you're fucking retarded. Tree was in lane with you. You were bitching at tree the whole game. Tree had wards. As far as I knew I was building mek. With you bitching at tree so much, and not saying, hey mel get sentries... How was I supposed to know you wanted those from me.

                                                    Keep complaining. Your bra is showing.

                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                      No when I told your tree friend to do anything all he did was argue

                                                      I said pull
                                                      he said warded
                                                      I pinged the small camp south of the tier 2 and the large camp south of the tier 1 in which he could pull from either. I also informed him that he could just buy sentries and not have to pull from other camps
                                                      he responded to me naw I am just going to wait out wards
                                                      I told him unless hes going to kill the Mag there is no reason for him to be in the lane
                                                      You then screamed over voice "LEAVE MY FRIEND ALONE" then abandoned game

                                                      There are two kinds of bad players

                                                      the first one sucks but takes advice when it is given to him and becomes better

                                                      and the second one sucks and continues to suck forever because he cant handle the fact that he isnt a pro gamer from the start

                                                      Ples Mercy

                                                        *grabs popcorn*

                                                        you make a nice couple.

                                                        Jay Ashborne

                                                          No I didn't scream over voice lol. I said you were complaining like a girl. When you kept harassing him. "Tree use abilities" "Tree you're bad" and just being a general dick, then yeah I step in for my friend against the rand (Which is you). If you were constructive, which you were not, read the text during that game, because you were bitching like a girl on her period.

                                                          I left when you said I was throwing game after one death. (You're fucking retarded). So if I had already threw, then my leave didn't make a difference. Game was over right? Accorind to all powerful ez mode Naix player. Please lecture me more about how you contributed alot to the team during the 10 minute game where you did nothing but complain, and not even in a constructive way.

                                                          If anyone even watched that game, they would see how much you bitch. You're not even pissed at me. You don't even have a problem with me. You're pissed about me taking up for my fucking friend. If you had an issue you would have mentioned it the first game. Which you didn't say shit. You said be aggressive. I was aggressive. They got forced out of lane. I rebought you consumables, and warded. I pulled from two different camps and warded all game. Even when you had a dagon on slark I was still warding.

                                                          If anything, you're a shitty carry. I'm a 7/10 support. I'm happy with that.

                                                          Edit blunt, mantis just logged, missed him.

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                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                            first game I solo'd the whole fucking radiant after 10mins so I didnt really talk to you much during the game. I should not have to tell you attack a hero that is miles out of the safe zone. I said you where throwing the game because you and your horrible friend had no idea how to deal with a blocked pull camp.(and when I told you how easy it was you argued with me) I was getting annoyed when I had to watch the whole map to tell tree "use spells on your team". Like I said I dont have a problem with horrible players because hey at one point I was god awful I do have a problem with scrub players who are so delusional to think that they are a 7/10 support.


                                                              so Melody this is where you dug this guy up? I thought you were recruiting from an anger management board for incest survivors or something. Looking at his quotes, it looks like he puts a lot of his ego into this game to get back some of the control his overly permissive uncle took away from him all those Christmases, and was looking for a reason to berate you before the match even started.

                                                              The match in question:

                                                              Sampson is making this out to be some kind of pub stomp caused by everyone but himself, but the match was only like 10 minutes old before he made 2 of the people in his own stack mute him and one rage quit. The only feeding going on was done by his special friend he probably met in group therapy; weaver, whom I would have loved to heal if LS didn't demand heals from me at %80 health with lifesteal up. He kept saying I lost the lane for him. MAGNUS HAD 6 LAST HITS at the time of Sampson's tantrums, batrider was winning mid, and the game was only 10 freaking minutes old

                                                              Mag blocked 1 pull camp on the top of the dire side which gives him one of 2 options

                                                              buy sentries
                                                              pull from 2 other pull camps

                                                              what did your friend do? he sat in lane sapping exp from carry and while in lane I had more denies then him while getting last hits

                                                              I actually went for option 3, which was denying everything I could until the ward dropped. OOPS does the replay show I actually did get more denies than you? Add your pick of straight liar or sub par arithmetic skills to your attribute list, either should fit in well with your others such as egomaniac, defeatist, try hard, tantrum thrower, and Dunning-Kruger poster child.

                                                              I am a low skill queue first time moba player. I play with Melody from time to time, and he has friends of varying skill levels, from noobs such as myself to insanely good, so I wasn't sure what to expect. Pregame, there was no discussion of laning strat or ganking times whatsoever, just general bs, so I was pretty shocked when we finally do get in game to having orders barked at me by someone in my own group. From Sampson's posts this was just what he was going for, it wouldn't have served his purpose if we had actually tried to work together and win, since he was just trying to show Melody up. Better to wait until the game starts to start pointing out what everyone is doing wrong, that way way we can lose quickly and he can go back to the forums to throw up some lies and hyperbole to show everyone how his greatness was stepped upon by peasants.

                                                              Der absolute harām boi

                                                                how do you pull the easy camp on dire ? i thought this would not be possible anymore ???

                                                                Jay Ashborne

                                                                  I know how to deal with it, however as a three (enigma) it's not my fucking job to keep your lane clear. Ask your 4 or 5. Learn your roles. It's not my fault, that my friend can't clear a camp. I'm not as oblivious to that if I was your lane support, but however I wasn't. If you don't even know roles and who should do what, maybe you shouldn't be playing naix in the 1, and should be a naix in the 5 instead.

                                                                  Again, please complain more. I don't think I've ever seen someone complain SO MUCH about a pub game in my life. You are seriously in need of some assistance. You don't have to play with me. Go shed along and bitch and leech off someone else. I would rather not be weighted down by such a toxic individual. Fuck... females on dota buff... So intense...

                                                                  My teammates are never pissed at me. You're the first that's ever had an issue. I reflect well to criticism. I don't reflect well to women complaining constantly. If you need something, direct it at me, and ask. You were just bitching at tree for 10 minutes, I died once, you typed "YOU ARE THROWING THE GAME".

                                                                  Take a xanax. Seriously.

                                                                  Jay Ashborne

                                                                    >Django You can pull at :37 and :07 I'm pretty sure. It's just difficult.

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                                                                    Josh  :D

                                                                      Hit me up. I've got a lot of friends with different ability levels, I'm sure you'll have fun with some of us.

                                                                      Jay Ashborne

                                                                        Thanks Josh. Will do.

                                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                                          "I am a low skill que first time moba player"
                                                                          the first thing I talked to you about was the pull yet you decided "nope I think I know what is best"

                                                                          Watch the replay again I said "gank at lv 3"

                                                                          I was at 60% health and I did not want to push the lane(a concept a scrub like you would not understand) and you had alot of mana and you heal at been off CD for a while so dont try and feed me this BS about me stealing all your mana

                                                                          whoever told you role of a solo suicide lane is get last hits need a slap in the face.

                                                                          Being a carry player I do give up instructions on ganks, pulls ect because it is required for me to fulfill my role (you letting the creep wave sit at their tower hurts my farm). If you can not follow simple instructions like "buy sentries" playing dota is not for you


                                                                            Sampson, no1 asked for ur shitty as opinion

                                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                                              ^there you go Mel someone at the same skill level as you

                                                                              Der absolute harām boi

                                                                                hmm i dont think it is possible to pull the dire easy camp if it consists of anything but the poison units

                                                                                but i would be glad if someone could prove me wrong with a replay, couldnt find a guide that is up to date on youtube


                                                                                  "talked to you about," nice way of saying barking orders like a Brazilian to your own team mate. And I did do as you asked, I tried to stack but it was in fact warded. I could have pulled with 1 stack and pushed the lane, or tried to pull the other camp with a melee hero, but since really it wasn't a big deal, we weren't trilaning or anything, I just tried to deny, and the lane never really pushed at all, you were just looking for reasons to bitch.

                                                                                  Nobody told me suicide lane needs last hits, people have told me it is to not die, get exp when you can, and gank if able. Something that Magnus did understand, our Weaver didn't. Still though, it wasn't like he was doing anything to "win the lane," aside from you giving them a free kill. if we had been talking strat BEFORE the match I would have taken a disabler so we could gank him. I wasn't sure if we'd be trilane/solo/dual lane or what, you waited until the match started to turn into the Brazilian Patton.

                                                                                  Seriously though, %90 of my matches are solo queue, and I've never dealt with someone more committed to sabotaging a game than you. An angry 14 year old will at least wait until the game is starting to be decided before berating his team mates, and will be able to do it more eloquently to boot. That game was no where near decided when you started pitching hissies.

                                                                                  Jay Ashborne

                                                                                    No actually most team captians are lane supports in pro play. Carries don't make calls bro.

                                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                                      Had Mel told me prior to the match "my friend is god awful dont expect him to do anything except sit in the lane and sap exp" I would not had to waste my time "barking orders".

                                                                                      Ill give you an example I was playing a game with Blunt on clockwerk and me on riki and I told him to buy a gem fairly early, he didnt sit there and argue or ask me to explain my whole objective in the middle of a match he just said "ok give me a sec". The reason was the other team was buying alot of detection and warding the map alot to keep me from snowballing out of control. I am not even saying if Blunt is good or not but the fact that he didnt hinder the carry from executing his job helped lead to the win.

                                                                                      You refusing to deward does not automatically lead to a loss correct but you are hurting your team but being a arrogant twat

                                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                                        "No actually most team captians are lane supports in pro play. Carries don't make calls bro."

                                                                                        this shows how little experience you have, captains pick the drafts BUT they are not the only person communicating in the game


                                                                                          Are you a girl?

                                                                                          If yes, sure ill carry you!!!
                                                                                          If no, eww go away.

                                                                                          Jay Ashborne

                                                                                            Shows how little experience I have. Yeah oh k. Look dude, I don't know what you want. Attention on forums? Are you getting it? From who? Me? You're pretty cool man. Nice 52% win rate. You must be extremely talented at dota on your remade account. I'm not mad man, nor do I care about any "Dota buff" reputation you're attempting to bash.

                                                                                            "Not the only person" This is correct. Nor do "carries make all the calls"

                                                                                            "Being a carry player I do give up instructions on ganks, pulls ect because it is required for me to fulfill my role "

                                                                                            No, you don't. It's a team decision. Teams make gank decisions, not the ROLE 1 CARRY NAIX. You're fucking retarded, and it's clear you look retarded on forums. Being a douche doesn't make you popular, and you a douche.


                                                                                              I play with melody frequently, and he's a solid support. He wards, stacks/pulls, buys tps, everything you could want him to do. Also, he trades well, which is cool.


                                                                                                I'll give my honest opinion of all the games i have played with Melody as a carry (which is pretty many coz i've known him for quite some time already)

                                                                                                support quality: 8 out of 10

                                                                                                He is doing really well as a support in my games, and is one of the people that most frequently supports me. There might be a thing here and there but nobody is perfect. I recommend him if anyone looks for a good support in duo queues or more.

                                                                                                Sampson needs a chill pill.

                                                                                                That's my opinion.

                                                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                                                  "I play with melody frequently, and he's a solid support. He wards, stacks/pulls, buys tps, everything you could want him to do. Also, he trades well, which is cool."

                                                                                                  smurf account to boost your own ego thats cute

                                                                                                  You read that wrong I instruct ganks/pulls that are required for me to fill my role if I can not farm without a gank I will call it, if I can not farm without a pull I will call it ect.

                                                                                                  Sorry to disappoint you but this is my only account I play on(I did play Dota 1 prior to Dota 2 tho)

                                                                                                  I knew you where not a experienced player before I was asked to play games and personally I dont care but when some horrible kid argues with every call I tend to not be nice to them anymore



                                                                                                    Melody is a guy?

                                                                                                    Why the hell do guys put pictures of girls (if the girl is sexy you get a pass) as their icon and have some feminine name like melody. My gaydar sense is tingling.

                                                                                                    Jay Ashborne

                                                                                                      Hence why we are in a game right now...

                                                                                                      Cool.... You can call pulls. Not ganks, which you also said. That is a team decision.

                                                                                                      I'm experienced. Maybe not pro, but I know what Im doing for the most part. You're not any better than me. Not even close lol... And I know for a fact, people want to play with me... Who the fuck wants to play with a douche like you who spends over 3 hours bitching about one fucking game on forums... Lol? This is very, very comical... Almost like your carry skills.

                                                                                                      Bah dum tiss.