General Discussion

General DiscussionFriends or trolls?

Friends or trolls? in General Discussion
no tengo dinero

    Hi there. Just got Dota 2 now because that's how Valve works, when Valve says a week is actually 2 months. I played Dota 1 for 2 years and now I want to try Dota 2 because it's fun. I never played Dota 2 before but I watched somewhere near 100 hours or even more of pro games and I kinda now all basic tricks.
    I know this is probably the worst place in the world to find mates to play with but it's my only option at the moment.
    In Dota 1 I've played carry and mid but now I want something different, I want to play support.
    To cut it all, I want to learn and play all of current metagame supports.
    My favorite supports and I think most played would be:
    - Rubick, Chen, Naga Siren and Visage.
    Nobody wants to play with a beginner but I have hope for something.
    These are the reasons why would you want to play with me:
    - I accept constructive criticism (I actually love it when someone teaches me new things);
    - I have a lot of free time to play this game (getting knowledge of the game faster);
    - I know and I can speak a decent english.
    No one will read this wall but I don't know, I felt like giving it a shot.
    Since I cannot stop trolls from trolling, let the trolls come.
    And I forgot the most important thing, I play on Europe West and Europe East and Russia if needed. I cannot play on US servers.


      If you played dota 1 for 2 years, you should have no worries in finding your rhythm in dota 2.

      no tengo dinero

        Hey and thanks for the reply! I am not worried about that, I had some friends who were playing Dota 2 but they just moved to LoL because of the Matchmaking System. Atleast that's what they told me. They said that you cannot play this game solo if you don't have a lot of games or a stack. I don't want to risk it so this is why I made this thread. Also, it's more fun when you play with someone.

        Mr. G

          When you just begin there won't be much good competition on the enemy's side anw, if you're familiar w dota1 then you'll probably have nothing to worry about (though sometimes it really is impossible to not have retards on your team)


            Dont expect to find playmates here that are worth collecting on. Most guys on this board are arrogant 14 year old kids with big egos that just want to show their epenis off. Basically 90% of people on this board are only here to show their winrate or KDA off, nothing else.


              Except from you :)

              no tengo dinero

                I know they would come on my thread but this is my only option. Playing solo is not an option as well. Thanks for the reading and your reply!


                  just play alone if u are decent enough you should win the first 10 games relatively easily!
                  then show your e-penis back here and ---> new friends!

                  if u suck just go play lol with your friends

                  no tengo dinero

                    Thanks for your reply. I don't want to get cocky or something but I've been to one of my friends and he actually made a smurf and then he let me play one game. That was the worst experience I ever had. The other players are either bots (literally bots) or either trolls. This game is not playable when you are solo on this stage of level, you need some mates to go through.


                      I am really tired of people saying the game is not playable when you only have 1 game played. This is not true. Some of my games really suck to play because people are intentionally feeding rapiers, which usually doesn't happen in level 1 games. The trolls remain no matter the level of game. Just play.

                      Woof Woof

                        solo mm is semi-unplayable
                        after 2years of solo dota 2 you are going to be bald as knee and most likely schizophrenic + pretty sure i shortened my life span by good 10years thanks to 1year of solo mm

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                          Solo matching is fine, so is the regular matching. It is far better than the typical pub stomps you would encounter trying to play solo in dota 1. Some people complain about it because they want to be able to stack against nubs and win every game like they did in dota 1. But that's not possible anymore. You have to play relatively fair games. Your team and the enemy team will have an even distribution of good and bad players. That is why nearly everyone who plays wins very close to 50% of games.

                          If you are one of the very best players it can be hard to get players similar to you without stacking because there just are not very many available. But that won't be a problem for you now.

                          The best way to build up a friends list is to just play alone in regular matching (its harder with the solo matching). Be as helpful as you can. Play your best heroes. Whenever you have a good game with someone who knows what they are doing add them and play more games with them. Over time you will acquire a list of friends that play a lot and are fairly good at the game.

                          Woof Woof

                            srsly for new players if u want to play dota 2 by yourself only quit right now and go play Lol or Hon because gay game isnt worth your health and sanity

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                              Relentless is correct, val ve fuckin scammers is incorrect and has a negative attitude. Perhaps that is the reason he can't play with others.

                              no tengo dinero

                                Playing support in a level 1 game is a nightmare. Try to make an different account and try it yourself. I've watched my friend making a smurf and he just got complete trash bags. If you wanna play solo you go either carry or mid and I don't want that because I want to train on my support role.
                                I've already made some mates but it's really hard to get mates in normal Matchmaking because poeple don't communicate. Simple as that. How can I add a guy who never speaks and play with him? Communication is beyond 0 in level 1 games.


                                  Add me if you want. I'm sick of playing alone.

                                  Woof Woof

                                    FriendsThis Month
                                    Friend Matches Win Rate
                                    McJuicy 79
                                    Hero Zergling #1
                                    Hero Zer... 68
                                    Enigma' 48
                                    Foolish 37
                                    ¿Hachacha? 22
                                    Allstar 21
                                    [A]kke 18

                                    same with relentless
                                    while i exclusively play solo


                                      Really should stop complaining about the nightmare level 1 games are. Playing support in these games should be way better than solo mid or carry because the things that you do as support do not rely on the other players. Place wards, stack, counterward when you can and begin using smoke, always have a tp, try to make it easy for your carries to farm. If you don't win, who cares. Winning is everything and try not to blame your team when you lose. Losing happens. And I know I said you don't rely on other players, while obviously false, the carries and mid players rely on support much much more than the other way around. If you wanna play support these should be the best games to learn in. JUST PLAY.

                                      editted to respond to someone's irrelevant copy and paste.
                                      WOW you can use your mouse to click??? Thats incredible.

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                                      no tengo dinero

                                        Do you have any idea of how players play in level 1 games? I'm talking about the mid player and the carry. They can't last hit, they block the pull camps just being there. Typical Axe or Furion farms your jungle without even stacking.
                                        It's just a mess, trust me because otherwise I wouldn't have bothering making this thread on the forum of trolls.


                                          oh god too short :D

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                                            This is going to be my last piece of advise, listen or don't I couldn't care less. Just play the game if you want to play, don't if you don't. You aren't going to win every game, you aren't going to lose every game, yes I have played around 50 level 1 games because I would have 1 friend whose first time dotaing, so I made a new account. Level 1 games you don't get people intentionally feeding divine rapiers so there is that trade off. If you are going to spend more time on these forums than playing, then don't play. New players are not the absolute best at playing, go figure. If you wanna learn the game then play. Or don't. The choice is yours.

                                            no tengo dinero

                                              You don't have to be so mad, really. I was just trying to get some people to play with, if they don't want they won't add me and if they want they would add me, simple.
                                              I actually played 2 games so ofc I want to play the game.
                                              Thanks for your advices so far.


                                                this guy is romanian, he started playing dota 2 in april, he never touched hon or wc3 dota at all and he make new smurf accounts constantly cus he sucks balls and wont face the truth, i also lol'd about levels having a role in dota 2 mmr, it shows what a great imbecile he is.

                                                avoid playing with this trash can, he played with me and vaikiss two months ago and we tried to teach his stupid ass some good things but he said "no u guys r just mad i know what im doing"

                                                disregard this little cunt if u want to win and not lose

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                                                no tengo dinero

                                                  You acuse me of making smurf accounts when you pray to God to get 200-0 and make 5 accounts per day and searching for a constant Io player to suck your balls and bullshit? You are a bad player and you play this game for ever, you simply cannot win without Io. I'd play with you anytime and anywhere.


                                                    idk who would want to play with a smurfing fegget

                                                    no tengo dinero

                                                      It's funny how you can keep your win rate at 50% only with Treant, Io and Ursa. Try harder boys :)


                                                        Because i like to have a fun time and play with real life friends? lool have fun playing solo


                                                          a few months ago i played on a lvl 1 account from a net cafe and it just was unfair 30+ kills with an offlane clock shouldnt happen although im not sure how the mm has changed in the months after adding the new tutorial but i played maybe 10 games on this account and i was either stomping teams with 30+ kills or trying not to throw my mouse across the room with a teammate feeding 10 times in first 10mins then abandoning.

                                                          Woof Woof

                                                            op reported for being full of shit <3

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                                                            no tengo dinero

                                                              You wish I'd play solo pal :) I actually have more players to play with than you.
                                                              @val ve fuckin scammers
                                                              Thanks for the report! Go on.
                                                              Nice loss streak by the way.

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                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                I solo que all the time and play all my games in very high. All this crying about teammates holding you back is complete BS

                                                                Penis Monkey
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                                                                  Penis Monkey

                                                                    Hi Roberto.

                                                                    no tengo dinero

                                                                      @Ultim[A]te Life Form
                                                                      Hello Alliance fan!


                                                                        Sampson don't make him feel bad Zzz

                                                                        Woof Woof

                                                                          way to go defensive you lieing piece of human shit

                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                            I like making people feel bad


                                                                              hey I got these teamate what can I do ???
                                                                              they picked morph gyro and warlock to trilane top and feed
                                                                              pudge mid and feed weaver, come bot and feed viper
                                                                              then he complain I am lv 4 while viper is lv 7. But all that is because he feed

                                                                              What can I do.... my 70% win rate windrunner ruined...


                                                                                God for bid the 70% windrunner win rate is ruined

                                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                                  B2 your opponents where not that great either, someone at the end of the day has to win


                                                                                    If you are stuck in low level play it is because you are not yet good enough to cause the enemy nubs to feed faster than yours.

                                                                                    But you have only played 2 games. All you need to do to get to High is win about 5 in a row...10 for Very High. If you win you will get into higher level games very quickly...each game will be harder than the next (usually). It is simple to find friends from playing games as I suggested but its not so quick or easy as playing 2 games. If you play well and are friendly you can pick up about 1 new friend every 20-30 games. Just be patient and work on getting used to dota 2. You do not need a high winrate or good stats to make friends in the game. In dota 1 if your stats were bad everyone knew before the game even started and didn't want to play with you. It's not like that now. You don't need a stack to begin an account. Just play.