General Discussion

General DiscussionBlink to Trace looking for team members!

Blink to Trace looking for team members! in General Discussion

    Hello! We are Blink to Trace, a team (or not really, yet, considering we're not with 5 yet) and we are looking for team members.

    We currently consist of
    {trace}ϟBRAINFREEEEZEϟ ( ) as team captain & carry
    {trace}Stevie ( me ) as support

    We are looking for people who can play as mid, or play as offlaner, or play as support/jungler/..
    We're doing this mainly because we are tired of getting feeders every game, we DON'T want amazing skill level because, well, we're not perfect either. As long as you're good fun to play with and not a brutal feeder, we'll be happy to welcome you!

    You can let us know in this thread or add the captain ( ) or me ( ) on STEAM to chat us up directly.

    Hope to hear from you soon!


      i am happy to join if you guys are playing in US servers


        @kay, Sorry we are mainly EU based

        Anyway! We already have 4 players wanting to join. we will play with them see if we get along with them & their playstyle. until then, we do not need new applicants to add. If a spot comes open again, I will post it in this thread again.


          Add me. I've played over 800 games and played Dota on wc3.

          I'm looking for a mid-high level team but nice players. People who don't rage if the game isn't going well. Hit me up if you wanna team. I'm UK so would play 6pm-Midnight GMT