General Discussion

General DiscussionAlrighty then...

Alrighty then... in General Discussion
bum farto

    Wanting to do some games with people I haven't played with before. Get on steam, get on DotA2 and add me to your God damn friends list, lets have a game or two then lets go on with our merry ways if that's how it should be.

    Its more about knowing that all the people I would play with randomly would be from this community so while they are totally flaming, shittalking scum at least you aren't going to throw it cause lets face it, you all love your win rates.

    I play supports mostly as a preference as all the heroes I enjoy playing, I can't because its just doesn't happen for me in public gaming.

    Anyone is welcome and KDA and winrate doesn't matter just looking to constructively tape this wretched community back together. Oh and also if you are really noob thats fine just please listen if you're asked to do things and if you know what you're doing then by all means just do your thing.


    waku waku

      i don't like adding people that are offline :(