General Discussion

General DiscussionRelentless I am seeking for your guidance!

Relentless I am seeking for your guidance! in General Discussion

    You seem to be quite the MC of dota, so could you please help me as a low skilled player out. What should I do?


      U can analyse ur performance there. Other than that download replays n watch how a particular situation could have been executed better.


        What do you want to accomplish? The right course of action is very different depending on your objective. Be more specific.


          I think the best way is to watch your own replays and at every point in the game try to analyze what you could've done differently.
          Be critical of yourself and try to practice one specific thing at a time.

          Then you'll slowly start to get better.


            What should I be watching in replays? I must admit I've done it very rarely and this obviously is the very root of why I can't seem to be beating the matchmaking constantly and keeping me in trash tier.


              Target team fights. Especially the ones your team lost. See where you were positioned and try to analyse how the fight could have gone differently.


                You have played large diversity of heroes at this point, which gives you a good background understanding of what any of the heroes you might play with or against can and cannot do.

                Now if you want to play in higher level games you first need to recognize that you are much better at some heroes than others. Recently you have been focusing on weaver and while you got decent KDAs (3+) you were winning 46.3% thats actually lower than your average hero 48.6%.

                There are two ways to look at this. On one hand you could say: I'm only going to play Gyro, Luna, Sven, Drow, Huskar, PL. Those are your strongest heroes. If you limit yourself to only play your most successful heroes your winrates go up, your MMR goes up...and you will play with and against better players.

                The other option is to say: Why am I losing with XXX Hero? Let's take a look at weaver...


                For one thing you are losing close, long games like this that could have been won. This difference between winning a losing a game like this typically depends on recognizing a window of a couple minutes, or a couple events (ie someone died) where you are strong enough to take a tower or get a kill and they can't stop you because they just tp to the opposite side of the map or are dead or just used 4 ults to get a kill...etc. Once you get strong enough to do some dmg you need to be looking for those opportunities. Take what you can get and get out. Make the most of your hero. If you can take a tower or a kill do it. Passive weavers lose.

                Another thing is you keep getting crits (crystalis into daedalus). This is not the best choice for weaver because you cannot get crit dmg on the 2nd half of germinate. Desolator is the best dmg/gold passive item for weaver. Medallion is the absolute best dmg/gold item. If you hit a support with medallion and desolate and swarm they will often die in 1 germinate attack + 1 extra, basically an instant kill.

                When you watch a replay you need to be looking for something specific. Otherwise there is just way to much information. Know what you want to learn and jump to the time when that happens. When there is a lot of action in a 10 sec period like a teamfight it is very helpful to watch it multiple times at 0.25 speed from several different players perspectives. If you don't do this, then there is really to much to process. You need to see what people were trying to do and why they succeeded or did not to understand what really happened.

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                  Could you tell something about this game? I afked for 30secs, but we're doing fine in the beginning. I usually go for crits with weaver when I feel like desolator would be already too late to be bought.
                  Thanks for your guidance though!


                    don't go naked daedalus weaver. that's just an insult.


                    look at the 2nd page aswell, had a 20 wins spree on weaver -.-

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                      Also I do pretty bad against gem when playing weaver.


                        Drums is a good idea? I've done it but it gives no space for items like tp.


                          Drums are just a very good item. Weaver isn't really the best hero to get them because he already has a better speed burst and can't do as much with an attack speed burst as other carries. But if you know how to use drums they can be good for any hero. Drums are a team item.

                          Lets do some math... Deadalus (5500 gold) vs Medallion+Desolator (5175 gold)

                          Lets say you are a weaver with agi treads + these options at level 14...this situation might be 20-25 min into the game depending on if things are going well or not. You are attacking a 1,000 hp support hero who has 8 armor. Lvl 14 weaver with agi treads damage is 96 and attack time is 1.1 seconds.

                          If you add Daedalus dmg goes up to 177 and is 443 if you get a crit. The first germinate attack hits that support for 222 without a crit or 388 with a crit...but 75% of the time you don't get one.

                          If you add Medallion+Deso dmg goes up to 156 and armor drops to -5. The first germinate attack hits the support for 418 dmg always. This is more than getting a crit with Daedalus and more than double the 75% where you don't get a crit. Medallion+Deso also costs 500 less gold.

                          With Medallion+Deso your second germinate attack (5 attacks) is 100% certain to kill the support...a 2.5 sec kill from full health. With Daedalus you will get extremely lucky and be able to kill them in 2.5 seconds with 3 crits 1.5% of the time...but really that never happens. Realistically you will have to go another round of germinates taking 5+ seconds to kill them...and probably even longer because in 5 seconds they will do things like cast all their spells, use whatever items and move plenty as well. Or if they are good just tp out in your face and laugh.

                          Now lets consider the build up. What if your farm sucked? For 2150 you can get just Crystalis or Medalion + Mithral Hammer for 2675.

                          Crystalis adds 30 dmg for 126 total. The first germinate does 158 without a crit, or 217 with a crit. It will take at least a 4th set of germinates or 8+ seconds to kill the support if you get all crits (1 in 10 million chance), but you probably won't get more than 1 so really it will take more like 12-14 seconds.

                          Medalion+Hammer adds + 24 dmg for 120 and drops armor to 2. The first germinate does 213 every time. Medalion + Hammer hits as hard as getting 100% of possible crit procs with Crystalis.

                          Now lets consider towers. You can't get crits on towers, but Deso does work. So going for that critical T3 tower that might decide who wins the game takes 15 seconds with the Medallion+Deso build when the Daedalus build would require 20 seconds. Those 5 seconds are the ones that decide who wins the game.

                          Gem is hard on any invis hero. You just need to keep checking enemy items so you know when they have it. Don't find out they have a gem by dieing. Then when you do find a gem react appropriately. Don't switch to cowardly hiding mode. Instead take advantage of the tendency to group up around the gem. Split push and gank away from the gem holder. When the gem holder shows up take advantage of your stupidly OP max speed powers to go to the opposite side of the map. If they spend the game chasing you and you have the right items "ie Desolater" to quickly add dmg to towers you can win the game easily.

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                            you didnt buy mkb vs sf with bf riki with bf and tinker whats wrong with you 1st you need to find proprer item build for your hero and you cant go same item build evry situation require different item build ps sorry for my bad english



                              You lost the game at 17 min when you decided to go for linkens. Sure Doom is a threat, clinkz will eventually get an orchid...but you need to kill things as weaver not play defensively. You were the highest networth hero from 17 min until 23 min. At that point you have not died for lack of linkens and you still don't have it. But you did miss several kills because you were not building damage.

                              You needed to get desolator. The extra dmg means you continue to get kills, your gpm is higher, enemy item progression is slower. If you got dmg you would have killed Clinkz at 22:30, instead he escapes. Clinkz does not finish orchid until 26:30. He got the gold for it because he was at a critical 24 min teamfight while you were farming creeps trying to finish orchid. If you had been at the teamfight you probably would have got an ultra kill. You had vision to see this teamfight coming almost 30 sec before it started, but instead of going to fight you tried to farm another wave, got 1 lasthit and missed 3. Missing lasthits, that's embarrassing, but not important. Choosing to try for 4 creeps instead of the game turning teamfight...that is important. In this fight no enemies had any true sight. They were very far from their base and Doom was jungling and out of mana. You would have killed at least 3 of them, maybe 4.

                              So that is why you lost. You did not follow up your advantage with aggresive items and did not take the fight to the enemy when you were ahead. This gave the chance for them to come back....your team also fed, but you could have easily won despite this if you made the right choices. Very High ranked players have feeders on their team every game...and win anyway.

                              At 26 min with a completed linkens and being 7-0-6 you probably did not feel like you had just lost the game. But it was already nearly impossible to win at this point. Notice your only death was after you finished that linkens that was supposed to protect you. Linkens is really important against batrider or bane...but not against Doom because his cast range is to small. You can always avoid it unless he gets blink...and low level pubs don't do that.

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                                In the game Relentless is talking about, I believe the medalion is a lame item (for carries/semi carries in general) that slowed down your overall progress. Instead you could've went for aquila, drums and brown boots followed by a deso later on.

                                Nevertheless, tiny and bounty should've been the aggresive ones in that game, even axe. I actually believe that linkens was a good choice on weaver.

                                Tiny: arcane boots, force staff, midas -> useless after the spells combo, infinite mana, low right click potential.
                                Axe: blade mail. one of the worst tanking axe item builds, you receive low damage per instance and return jack shit.
                                BH: going for battlefury. fucking shame playing BH that way.

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                                  No you are completely wrong about medallion. You would also be far more powerful on weaver if you got medallion. It is so much better than drums and costs less and does way more dmg.

                                  Linkens was a certain way to lose the game. You are thinking about what farm and timing you would have had if you were playing, not his actual farm which is bad. He won't suddenly double his csing skill. He has to get items appropriate for having poor farm.

                                  I realize you are very good at weaver Van-art...but if you replaced aquila with medallion in your build I bet you would win nearly every game. It is not close, medallion is massively more dmg and it continues to amplify all other items you get.

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                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    Radiant all have pretty low base armor heroes. Highest is 3? with Veno I guess. Medallion increases his damage potential in that game significantly and it's only 1075 gold. If he had gotten a Deso on top of that as Relentless said, he would kill people so fast that he wouldn't even need defensive items. Even if you needed a defensive item, BKB or straight Heart would be way better because Linken doesn't protect you against the magic damage coming from Veno and Jakiro. And since Doom didn't go for a shadowblade there wasn't a chance of getting surprise doomed either. And when your team already has 3 neutral invis heroes you should have focused on ganking. Linken doesn't help you in ganking at all while more damage means people die faster.


                                      ^exactly right

                                      Medallion is about double the dmg of Aquila when you get them for 2 more cs worth of cost and scales up massively into late game. Medalion is double the armor of Aquila. It starts with almost the same mana regen and at level 11 or higher on weaver Medallion mana regen is greater than Aquila.

                                      Drums and Aqulla are good team supporting items, but weaver should be played as aggressive ganking semi-carry. Not a 3-4 position pseudo-support hero. I'm sure van-art does play it as an aggresive semi-carry...and if he can do that well with Aquila he would be seriously scary with Medallion.

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                                        I am playing it as an aggresive semi-carry and I had a succes of 20 wins in a row with this item build, 'till my team decided to betray me. It works better for me as it fits my style; I'm starting with circlet, slippers, salve, tango and a clarity usually which means there's just 650 gold left for aquila. This build involves an offlane solo weaver which gets, let's say, 30 last hits in 10 mins. In a CONTESTED safe-lane farming i'd hit around 60 CS, which means i'd just go for an aquila ring so I can keep the mana flowing and aggresivity on lane followed by some core damage item similar to mkb, desolator; however, it's all situational.

                                        This hero is all about positioning, which means that you barely need to go for BKB. The linkens works perfectly versus abilities that go through bkb, all you need to do is to see a glimpse of enemy aggresivity near you and you can return to safety. Linkens provides weaver with surviability, enough regen, enough stats to be annoying.

                                        Starting with 2 parts of aquila means -> harrasing, stats, easier to start ganking in case the trilane works perfectly smooth and you get absolutely nothing. That'd be a guaranteed 3 min aquila ring by just getting... 5 last hits plus base gold increase?

                                        You can't start with the medalion items on you since these items bring no lane advantage. That'd take nearly 7 mins to get. By than, you could already have aquila + close to ring of health (if the case).

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                                          You are right van-art. With the reduced cost from starting items and the need for stats in the offlane Aquila makes sense.

                                          However, if someone else is not getting Medallion you should really consider picking it up later. If nothing else, at some point replace Aquila with Medallion, even doing this at 40-60 min would be a huge increase in physical burst dmg. You could add dmg equivalent dmg of 60-80 late game for 600 gold cost by selling Aquilla for Medallion.

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                                            how can you guys write so much? I'm not trolling, it's a serious question rofl


                                              Everyone is good at different things. For some people writing like this takes very little effort, time, or thought. As for myself I was learning a bunch of music for a couple performances this weekend and watched several cooking shows and 7 dota games while doing this. It's just easy for me.

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                                                watch the pros, copy what they do even if u dont understand why (like why *this* ward should go here)

                                                after many games u will start to understand the strategy behind everything.

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                                                  They are pro for a reason, and that is cause they have their own style.


                                                    When should be radiance picked up on weaver?


                                                      When you feel like you have enough mobility.

                                                      @Relentless; Medalion shoudn't be a replacement for aquila, which is an early item which fits perfectly weaver as a hero when you buy it as first item. Buying medalion first item is a huge mistake I will never repeat. Overly squishy, getting solo'd by a Lina once she hits level 7. Weaver without stats vs nukers turns into some useless hero that dies by a double multi-cast and a dragon slave. Since I was dying much, end up having no farm so I went for my usual items, getting me a lot tankier.

                                                      Carried the game in one:

                                                      Got carried in another:
                                                      (had medalion which I immediately sold after doing rosh).

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                                                        van-art Aquila give you 3 less armor and 57 more hp...its not even 1 autoattack tankier than Medallion. In fact past early game Medallion is a lot more tanky than Aquila because the armor is a bigger factor.

                                                        You are judging by your feelings. You feel safer with Aquilla because you have practiced using it a lot. But you are not actually safer.

                                                        The only time it is better is in that 3-7 min early game window that you mentioned and only if you build starting items into it and only if you are solo off-lane.

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                                                          Is it just me getting dagon on weaver ? or something like urn + bottle + medallion?

                                                          To Relentless, your posts about broodmother tempted me to play one game about him although I suck at broodmother.
                                                          (can you give me some insights about that game?)


                                                            Relentless is the new forum guru or what?


                                                              meh I like his wall of text. I even added him as a friend.
                                                              Maybe he won't be better than me at playing but I admire his passion about the game.


                                                                relentless is whatever you want him to be

                                                                ╰_╯ GeneraL ♕★♥

                                                                  He is well known in this forum


                                                                    I have a girlfriend situation, guide me thorugh!


                                                                      Thanks Zhen.

                                                                      It looks like you did very well in that Brood game, but unfortunately its over 7 days old so the replay has expired. You went with a battle brood build against that alchemist and he does not have MKB at the end of the game. Did you find that your incapacitating bite had a significant impact on teamfights? Miss could be very good against DK....weaver also if he would stay still I guess.

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                                                                        I've been stomping with vengeance since Relentless lead through righteous path.