if you are meaning that rubick keeps the kotl form.
and no, he doesn't.
however you can keep stuff like razer ulti if you get it, use it, and steal something else.
Hello Kennodore64,
I was able to spell steal many times the spirit form from koTL.
That being said, i belive you keep in that form for the duration, since its a timed spell it will run off but you can be able to steal something else meanwhile.
Ofc, to be 100% sure, you should try by creating a game yuorself and test it out, works best that way
Ah ok that is what I was wondering. I knew it was possible to lets say steal Dragonknights ultimate and then batriders firefly to make a flaming dragon. Thought a spirit form rubick which could steal a channelling spell and turn it into a non channelling spell with the spirit form would be pretty OP.
Yeah, someone on the steam forums said something along the lines that if you steal another spell while spirit form is active it ends the duration of spirit form prematurely. Would have been pretty tasty combo though.
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I was just wondering about a specific situation regarding Rubick's spell steal.
If Rubick was able to steal KoTL's spirit form, then rubick activated spirit form, would rubick be able to steal another spell and channel it and run away?
Like an example of stealing enigmas black hole while in rubick spirit form.
Anyone know?