If theyre against you, pick ds, one good wall with scepter and they are all dead
If theyre with you, pick zeus and ks like theres no tomorrow
Suck it and play Warlock the way he should be played, no matter the amount of carries in your team. He's OP enough to lead his team to victory that way (not carrying).
http://dotabuff.com/matches/258282064 <- Windrunner not going for a support build.
I'll certainly be seering it up if my opponents stoop to such a low. And you cannot fathom the pure ownage that is midas shadow blade warlock.
Played hard support (only pulled and stacked for first ~10-15 mins, bought wards and chick + bird).
Brilliant team. Was really excited when Sven decided to turn his Relic (this was his last item) into a Radiance and not Abyssal.
Back to CS:GO I guess.
Warlock is fucking good solo wtf. http://dotabuff.com/matches/157371355 easiest game of my life.
sephyr14 hours ago
Normal bracket... What do u expect? :D
Don't even get me started on what I expect. I don't have time to play at day time when the ingame population is peak, so I play at night and get teamed with Russians etc.
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Behold the most overpowered warlock build and bask in its glory.