General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it possible to win playing solo in pubs?

Is it possible to win playing solo in pubs? in General Discussion

    Just look at my last 3 games ... every day same story ..

    1) I pick carry ... 3 guys after me pick carry and we lose bcz after 30 min of game noone has any farm
    2) I pick support ... get carry who cannot properly lasthit and after 30 min of game im the hero with most farm in the game , others barely have brown boots ( and i warded + roamed + ganked )
    3) I pick mid ... rape opponents mid ... stop opponents carrys to farm ... make opponents supports feed so hard ... and we still lose coz again my carry player went shitbuild + offlaner went shitbuild and after 45 mins of game our 5 man was funny to watch ....

    so tell me guys , how to fucken win this game if i play without any stacks? u flame people who are stacking and "degrade" them but i dont see a chance that u can get 4 random players in game who are normal and willing to cooperate ... finding a good random team is like winning a lottery .. chances are 0,0000000000000000000000001%

    It's alright

      wow, you are in very high bracket and still suffer those thing??


        in last 7 days my win/lose % fell from 53,5% to 52,0% .. bcz i played solo queue a lot ... every bracket same story ... there are no exceptions ...


          trick is, go stacking, otherwise youre forced to 50%.

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            Nay, you just need more skills.


              skillz in getting 4 normal randoms? yeah ... i NEED that ...

              positive influence

                it is possible,look at my profile,last 10 games are solo


                  Skill bracket : Normal

                  I don't think you get the point here.

                  Ppl in very high bracket almost always stack.


                    how to see in what bracket i am ?


                      magic xD

                      It's alright

                        @NasledniknaDULO : you are normal btw

                        xXx ASS SHAKER xXx

                          I'm always playing solo in very high mm and what i learn is:
                          1. Play selfishly but do you job in terms of role. Like keep wards up if you support and try to maximize carrys farm meanwhile dont feed enemy and try to gank as much as possible.
                          2. Stack with your team if something big gonna happen. Like tower defense or push or gank etc
                          3. Check map for hero missing and try to predict what they gonna do. thats will allow you to get farm even when you are not a carry and let you survive when enemy will try to assasinate you.


                            It`s not true with solo mm you cant be more than 50% and is that much forced. Just you must play very well,pick op heroes..pick counter..and own but still is really hard I know my 90% matches are solo or more even and I m 52% ... very high is hard.Last days I start play more with friends..and I ll get 55% soon I hope.

                            Ragnar Volarus

                              Bounty hunter with a fucking perserverance and battlefury in 45 minutes game in which there was plenty of action, so he could grab a shitloads of track kills. And this in very high bracket. Well, congratulations, you've found something special.

                              Kanye Best

                                get good scrub

                                Donald Duck

                                  I really can't understand who builds BH with Bfury.


                                    i think BH and PA swapped items ... that's the only logical explanation :\

                                    Donald Duck

                                      Well, when I see this kind of shit I think that I will be able to be a VH player too, one day.

                                      Nope, just kiddin. :D


                                        in VH bracket 99% of the population are also noobs .. but they have very high ego .. so level of flaming is at least 2x than level of flaming in normal mode


                                          You seem to consider yourself a good mid-lane guy. So, just go ahead and pick a mid carry or snowballing semi-carry mid hero...or screw your team and pick Huskar or Lycanthrope.

                                          positive influence

                                            oh you're vh...get some mates
                                            stacking makes life easier,you know them,they know you,no raging,flaming,stupid shit going on

                                            positive influence

                                              also,being consistent helps

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                Yes it's possible to win, you have a 51.89% win rate. So you have won games solo queuing.


                                                  rat doto works


                                                    same problem here..i usually play i have a ratioe 53,11 %..i managed to go in very high bracket but a few losses because there are a lot of tards too..and i came back in best solution i get it s picking strong early mid game heroes like sf, bs, qop, lanaya, viper...and rape mid...altough i m not sure of win...check my last game with viper...i don t say i was the perfect viper but still i was a good viper...and though i didn t was the hard carry in my team i rape in the end...and still lose cause magina was the perfect retard...u can see replay...that s happens again and again when other guy plays hard carry...even tought in some point of the match he is overfarmed he screws it in the end...


                                                      i constantly play solo queue and very high
                                                      just flame the fuck out of them and recognize the skill of each player in the game at 5 minutes, preferably your own team afteer starting items and first creep wave. THEN JUST ADAPT AND WIN--> EZ

                                                      if u can do that u can do as me and thow whtever game u want when theres 1 or more assholes in your team and still maintain a regular >50% win EZ

                                                      guinness record on pma

                                                        Same things happen to me every day.................. Machmaking sucks dude, it just does


                                                          Everyone has experienced what you have. As long as you try, you can maintain 50% or higher win ratio.

                                                          This comment was edited

                                                            where can you check what bracket you in?


                                                              Well the stack that I play with sucks more than the pubs I get in very high solo que.

                                                              So I made a new acct for playing with my friends and I'm enjoying dota so much more now.

                                                              I occasionally play solo on this acct from time to time, when my conditions are good (not tired or drunk or baked). Working out so far.
                                                              If I had done this earlier, my WR would be so much better...


                                                                yesterday was a epic shit day ...

                                                                so i had 8 matches ...


                                                                i saw some really wierd stuff ... i didnt know i could be flamed if i went midas on gyro (got it in 4 min ... ) .. i didnt know that players pick chen and AFK in woods for 30 min without getting out ANYTIME and have shitfarm after 30 min ... etc ... and the only game i won i played phantom lancer ... but in that game too i was constantly flamed that im a noob and i cant farm etc etc (i was 1v1 safelane vs clock bcz they didnt want to support me ... and mid pudge ganked top 0 times and helped 0 times constantly flaming) ... 7 of them i lost ... not by my fault in any ways ... i didnt even want to counter flame but i only ignored and reported that players ... dunno really what is happening to community - every game same shit .. flame flame and constant flame ... like 12year old kids started to play this game and the only way to build their egos bcz they can't win is to flame other players they're bad ... it's a sad story really ....

                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                  I looked at your game stats and I if you think those losses are not your fault you must be sniffing glue


                                                                    building midas VS a fast push team is a legit reason to be flamed


                                                                      u looked game stats .. wow , u must be pro now ?!


                                                                        i have some problems in soloq aswell, might sm1 give me tips or even play with me ?



                                                                          1. Most pubs can farm. It's the safest role to let them play. Stick to mid/offlane for greater effect.
                                                                          2. Take initiative to be the shot-caller. Dictate the pace of the game, don't let them sit idly farming for ages.
                                                                          3. Only take fights you can handle. Sure, you may lose a couple of towers if your teammates don't come help out in wars, but at least that's one less senseless death. Eg: If the enemy is 4/5-man pushing your T1 tower and you're unable to defend it, try tp-ing to another lane and pushing their tower.
                                                                          4. Regardless of your role, pick a hero with a disable if possible (ignore this if there are already a decent number of disablers on your team). I cannot stress the pain of playing in a team with 0 lockdown for teamfights.
                                                                          5. If you're playing support, identify your core players and build around them. More often than not, there'll be 1-2 players on your team who can ACTUALLY play. Work with them, there's no point covering the idiot who insists on getting himself killed every minute.


                                                                            in the gyro game u shouldve gotten a fast phae/drums and lothar do to damage and escape deaths as they were gonna rush your team behind towers. Skill that multiway skill and pwn. instead i see you going midas min 4? and probably only getting pahse and lifesteal at minute 10 being completely useeless until then and even more useless afterwards as you had no way to counter or sstop feeding. I wouldve flamed the fuck out of you if you did that to me and i wouldve reported you (if i had reports left) and also wouldve gone to your lane and wouldve taken any and all creeps possible and exp from you even bythe use of the skills of my hero!

                                                                            on the skywrath game i caan guess u went mid and failed horribly, not a force staff in sight but intead a ghost scepter?? fucking serious?. wouldve done the same i wouldvein the other game here too! skywrath is one of the easiest heroes to lane out an sf in the mid lane! i can see here u got raped by him -> in other words u suck or he's as good as me which he ISNT! so you lost 2/2 games now!

                                                                            timber game-->OP fucking hero that can rape a whole trilane all by himself and win most of his 1v1 duels. u dont hve nearly as much kills/farm as you should but thats not why you lost since timber is OP. Its because its a bad pick and completely countered in that game. focused hard?? well duh you're timber live with it! DEAL WITH IT!

                                                                            MORPH GAME. ths is what u shouldve done: FLAME THE FUCK OUT OF VS/WD AND CM TO GET OUT OF YOUR LANE and let you solo timber cause its obv they would end up feeding him which they did?? its just exp in solo queue what u lacked here. try to foresee whats gonna happen and do smth about it! u shouldve told them to trilane top and let you solo, not insist in that u needed freefarm. a good player will get farm anyway and being 1v1 even vs timber should give u some type of advantage for mid game where you should be the one tp'ing and pwning top lane! being all retard about oh im carry and shit killed that game for you (obv bad team picks but deal with it its AP SOLO QUEUE). 4/4 lost


                                                                            Quick maffs

                                                                              "FLAME THE FUCK OUT OF VS/WD AND CM TO GET OUT OF YOUR LANE"

                                                                              Flaming in pubs is just wasting time ..... just ignore and adapt. Be the better man.


                                                                                or ask them kindly whatever works best...but if you show too much softness they will roll you over... and genuinely think they are better


                                                                                  Don't play "solo queue".
                                                                                  Play RD mode.


                                                                                    You all have no guts! I always play solo but I have 60% win rate and playing on very high skill bracket!

                                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                                      ^ u failed ur smurf


                                                                                        i can only win solo idk why


                                                                                          Well I played dota for almost 10 years now and I'm new in dota 2 but still I can easily defeat those idiots on pubs. IMHO, very high skill bracket is a joke! fuck MM!