General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR just a simple number?

MMR just a simple number? in General Discussion

    Sure there's a billion threads on this, but becuase I have limited brain functionality and/or the equivalent IQ of a glass of slightly chilled drinkable water, i am posting it again.

    So I've been hanging around high and normal bracket for a bit now, win a game, high bracket...lose a game normal bracket...

    mystery solved with copius amounts of evidence concentrated into one meaningful post.



      The bracket of your game isn't based on you. Its based on the skill of everyone in the game. So you're somewhere near the line and depending on who you get matched with decides what level your game is.



        So it's just been pure random luck that I win a game, I go to high, I lose a game and go to normal?......i

        no one official has given a solid statement, lots of whimsical theories / hypothisis that have been tested with solid outcomes...

        Ples Mercy

          srsly, its not very consistent

          -> normal
          -> high
          -> very high

          Basicly valve hides the MMR so we dont have any proof that the MM system is completely broken.


            you should pay more attention to your match history.
            6 days ago you lost normal skill level game with bristleback and the next game is high level.
            This clearly disputes your theory.

            King of Low Prio

              you will go into different brackets if you group que

              PS Dije using overly complicated language in a simple subject only makes you look like you are trying to hide your own ignorance of the issues at hand

              SWAG DRAGON

                hook, line and sinker

                SWAG DRAGON

                  Wouldn't it just be that each individual has their own rating and the match making system musters a team whose average match making rating is as close to opposing team's match making rating and/or win rate?

                  which would explain having a few retards on your team who went on false winning into high / very high brackets due to the enemy team having a dc / abandon thus giving said retards a false rating. , which could help shed light on Luxus's i mean "Blunt @ Fanatic's" above mentioned predicament...I do remember such scenarios occuring in hon all the time, a few people would just make it so far up by mere chance alone.

                  Or valve just has a bunch of people rolling their face's on keybaords generating a random number which thus dictates who you are matched up with.

                  This comment was edited
                  King of Low Prio

                    since people can que with groups they can be in all 3 MM tiers

                    I solo que VH 100% of my games if I play with friends I can go to high since they are not all that good

                    SWAG DRAGON

                      well that sort of backs up what I stated...averages the mmr of the team...
                      don't think i have what it takes to solo to VH :\
                      not the best mid / carry...mostly just support

                      sad :(

                      King of Low Prio

                        yes a valve employee confirmed that it is a average of all 5 players (cant find link)

                        SWAG DRAGON

                          i can go to sleep now
                          happy dotaring all


                            Brackets mostly depend on the average MMR of the players in the game.
                            If normal was < 1000 MMR, high 1000-1950, v.high > 1950 MMR, then the average of the players' MMR in the game would classify the bracket of the game, average MMR of each team should be almost equal.

                            If some pro player with 2600MMR queue with 4 friend with 810, 950, 720, 865, then the average MMR of the team would be 1189, i.e. in high bracket, although 4 of them re in normal bracket, and they would queue against a team with an average MMR of around 1189.