HeLL_RAISeR 2013-10-22It's just one day yet, but still. Nobody even bat an eye about DP buff which was like +25% damage to her ulti. And grats Wisp is new brood. http://dotabuff.com/heroes/winning?date=patch_6.79This topic was edited 2013-10-22HeLL_RAISeR 2013-10-22Venomancer with 1-1-4 strat has 80% win-rate. my life is complete.SmallStepsCorrupt 2013-10-22Meanwhile, AM and Morphling are still garbage.Double Agent 2013-10-22Wisp is still a strong hero for competent players...doodad 2013-10-22Visage needs more love. Please sign in to post comments.Sign in with Steam
It's just one day yet, but still. Nobody even bat an eye about DP buff which was like +25% damage to her ulti. And grats Wisp is new brood. http://dotabuff.com/heroes/winning?date=patch_6.79