General Discussion

General DiscussionHow should abaddon be played?

How should abaddon be played? in General Discussion
S¥nτax †ΣrrΦr

    Love abs but how is he most useful to a team?

    Penis Monkey

      Who is abandon?


        If you mean Abaddon his best role is support and he's very useful to remove disables/debuffs with Aphotic Shield


          max passif+stats and go carry

          S¥nτax †ΣrrΦr

            I've been going mek arc boots urn and linkens just wanted to get some opinions on that cause I've heard that a lot of ppl go semi get sny vlads n some other stuff


              In low level pubs even hard carry Abaddon can work, but he has no true carry potential
              He scales ~decently~ to late game, but sny just sucks, Halberd would be better for some disable on the enemy DPSer, besides that vlad isn't a semi-carry item, it's a utility item

              Retard Security Detail

                I build close to the same, although generally I prefer a Heaven Halberd to Linken. Depends on who your opponents are. Eul is another nice option for mana, move speed and a disable.

                Quick maffs

                  " but sny just sucks"

                  "sny just sucks"

                  Dont ever say that again ...


                  S¥nτax †ΣrrΦr

                    Yeah I'm looking to try him in my captains mode and support seems to get the most success


                      I meant sny in Abaddon just sucks. I'm not a sny hater, it's pretty awesome in Lifestealer and decent in heroes such as Morphling


                        v-god has spoken

                        waku waku

                          if you go carry as him, then it will be harder to ignore your presence in teamfights

                          ~ki!L $wIt(H~

                            Abadon always carry..


                              Carry abba can be rlly scary some games (;


                                Watch Starladder ... Aspera vs OsG. It just finished. But when the VOD is done watch this game and you will see how to play Abaddon.


                                Or buy the ticket and you can see in-game from Abaddon POV. This was an excellent Abaddon game.

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                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  Holy shit this carry Abaddon thread is hurting my brain.


                                    y i started the thread with a troll and now i regret :(


                                      I play Abaddon a lot... I took me quiet a while to learn oplaying dota and I did it with him. Depending on how the game develops I play a semi-carry or Support Role. Always beeing Initiator for my team. My absolute core item is the Mask of Madness, which really brings me online early and often even makes me carry of the team. I am still improving, but with Abaddon I had about 70% winrate over the last weeks. Now I am trying to learn a higher variety of heroes.


                                        How do you initiate with Abaddon?


                                          you don't initiate with abaddon, you let your team initiate while you throw shields and heals around. It's like a pseudo-omniknight. Ori f you are playing a carry go MoM BoTs Euls and SnY and just run up hit and slow to initiate.


                                            start support and then go semi-carry. Give last hits if you are with carry in lane or last hit if you are with support. If there are no other supports then support more but don't get too overexited on warding. If your team has more meelee go Vlads (unless you get auto vlads hero such as Ursa or Lycan), if more ranged go MoM. Build phase boots, sange and yasha, skull basher (bkb situational) and your opponents can't run away, mana boots, mechs and other utility items should be done by other supports which your team should have. Abaddon is very good if team has lots of damage nukes and you simply need to time the ult regen nicely and you get a 2nd life. Late game dive in fountain and kill, don't let them leave the fountain while your team destroys racks. Teams usually have to waste their abilities on you and even if you die the team can finish of the rest, so it works well :) Basically your role is to dive and make the opponents atack you first.


                                            I know I lost some games but you can't win them all. :)

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