General Discussion

General Discussionaghs void now pointless?

aghs void now pointless? in General Discussion

    well, albeit it wasn't "amazing" before, but after the buff on his ult i don't even see the point of getting it anymore...
    i think it was like 100 or 110 sec + before
    now its 80 without aghs

    aghs upgrade:
    60 sec cd and 0/.5/1 second longer...

    could it get any more useless for an aghs on a hc

    speaking of which, which heroes do u think should get aghs reworked, removed or added?

    too op for DP to get an ulti buff?
    how bout abbadon? who the fuck gets ult stick on that guy anyways?
    maybe ET?

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      Pudge Aghs removed, so people won't get it like morons over BKB/Shiva. Lina Aghs reworked to be more useful like Lion. Panda Aghs on top of giving spells, should improve damage, HP and duration of pandalings.


        I honestly like aghs as an idea so id love to see it on more heroes, if not all.


          give invoker a 0 second cooldown on invoke with aghanims please <3
          or maybe timbersaw with a 0 second cooldown on chakram would work?

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            hmm... i do like pudge with agh's tho once he gets like 40+ str

            and with the 2.5 counter it isnt that hard to do anymore

            200 aoe hmm... is it really worth it?

            aghs on all heroes
            LOL aghs ursa


            no excuses for not hitting all 10 of your spells in one fight then besides mana issues

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            Miku Plays

              Aghs on LC.. can duel creeps :D


                old pudge feast str gain str off creeps

                then we'll do aghs on lc


                  Not gonna lie, I always laugh at voids that build aghs. Support void is not a thing, I'm sorry.

                  I'd rather aghs void work similar to tinker in that it buffs his non-ult skills. Something like his backtrack having a chance to hit the target when they attack you.
                  Abaddon is another that needs aghs rework. What a joke.
                  As to ET, what would it do? Cause your spirit to do your ult aimed at the location too? ( would be amusing watching people attempt something insane like summon spirit top, tp bottom, and when the spirit reaches mid you aim the ult up it and score a kill)
                  As to that Invoker change...hell no...I don't wanna see an influx of macrokers.


                    well like if they wanna make it support void they should make the cd timer shorter and buff duration by like 1.5/2/2.5
                    but then idk how short the cd should be since chrono is fairly game changing sometimes

                    or backtrack restoring 25% of dmg dealt by every instance of dmg YEAH
                    finger of death? more like finger of LIFE

                    yeah... fairly fucking worthless item on abba :/

                    idk somethin fun, or maybe go with a safe boring: 50% max hp dmg and 500 range width instead of 300 (:

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      Not 200 AoE dude... 20 SEC CD. LITERALLY FARMING CREEPS.


                        Hell what if it buffed his Time Walk to create a "chrono tunnel" between his start and end locations that after 1-2 seconds swaps locations of heroes caught and grants 35 attack speed to your allies and takes away 35 from enemies with Void automatically getting the buff. It could both help and fuck up initiation, which is exactly what his ult does! Let's build on that. :D (Perhaps chrono'd targets don't move or the chrono moves through the tunnel)

                        And I don't understand sam...I farm creeps with Lion's Aghs...what's the diff? xP "Fuck those creeps" "fuck that jungle camp" "fuck that dire team" (that's all I hear in my head every time I use it xD)

                        Abaddon's new aghs: No longer heals, instead deals blade mail damage back. 'HIT ME BRO!' (god it'd be nyx 2.0 so I guess that's a no go...hmmm)
                        Abaddon's newer aghs: Enemies that hit Abaddon during ult are entranced and forced to continue hitting him. (Now it's just Axe...)
                        Abaddon's newerest aghs: Fuck it, remove it.

                        Abaddon's newerester aghs: <400 hp activation and manual activation are now on separate cooldowns. (There! I improved it!)

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                          aghs on riki

                          fade time to 0.5
                          riki can't be revealed if he's inside of smoke screen
                          does not reveal himself if his attack is a backstab

                          aghs on dirge the only undead that matters

                          healing from 6% to 15%
                          35% amplification
                          gains raise dead ability
                          raise dead can be casted once to give a temporary life to an ally, or revive an enemy to fight for you.
                          can not be used on enemies/allies with aegis or wraith king with ult.
                          the doll life timer is equal to the death timer of your ally/enemy
                          if the person buysback, the doll instantly dies.

                          we LoL now

                          Jay Ashborne

                            Lich -

                            Range down from 850 to 800 with aghs.
                            Damage down from 550 to 515 with aghs.
                            Movement Speed Slow: 30% (*Upgrades to 35%)
                            Attack Speed Slow: 20% (*Upgrades to 25%)
                            Duration : 4 seconds (*Upgrades to 7 seconds.)

                            Chain frost applies -1 armor debuff to affected units. This effect lasts until Slow duration ends. (Will be reset if chain frost rebounds to hero again.) -1 armor debuff will stack if a unit is hit multiple times. (Only lasts until slow duration ends.)

                            my 2 cents.

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                              Seems unnecessary on Lich. It's already insane unless you're suggesting that's what it changes to on the whole and getting rid of the current effect.

                              Jay Ashborne

                                Reduce range and damage? Increase slow and a duration? -2 max armor debuff for 7 sec? (If you're hit more than twice you're most likely going to die anyway.)

                                How is that insane? Nerf damage, Nerf range, increase slow and slow duration.


                                  850->800? Hardly noticeable. Seriously, it's used in team fights, the range could be nerfed to 300 and you're still going to get it out.
                                  550->515? Again, the difference is not that much. If you were going to die to the 550, chances are you still died to the 515.
                                  More powerful slow with increased duration and now reduced armor by 1 per hit? I can understand the slow, but why the armor? Lich has never been known for his auto attacks and his group utility is already pretty damned high.
                                  Also the insane comment was towards the current ult.


                                    get refresher lol... now you dont need to worry about missing a chrono!


                                      rofl satellizer

                                      that seems pretty op idk i love riki tho


                                        naix aghanim infest : can move the creep he infest.

                                        phoenix infest : the egg become chocolate egg.

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          I think it's pretty worthless on gyro, global range? uh ok sweet I can nuke a creep wave every 40 seconds. I think it should either reduce the cooldown to like 20 or add a third missile that has same effect as the second one.

                                          Luna's is stupid too, 2 more beams yey, I can one shot someone with my ult but you can anyway if they are alone. Instead make it just 10 beams but allow the beams to mini stun like the Q ability. That'd be pretty sick.


                                            The only thing I want is for Aghanim's to make my heroes shinier like in dota1.

                                            Oh, and just allow allies to move inside Chrono with Aghanim's, but really slowly.


                                              aghs on luna:

                                              - gains unobstructed vision for eclipse duration
                                              - lunar's blessing becomes selemene's blessing
                                              selemene's blessing: does not miss attacks during night time (includes artificial night time provided by darkness/eclipse)
                                              - butt size doubled


                                                I think aghs should be reworked on all heros, and allow some to buff other spells than just the ultimate would be nice:

                                                Omniknight: Purification heal from 400 to 600 with aghs sceptre, and goes through dispel shield.

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  Or luna's if it also increased the nuke range so you don't have to be right in the middle of a fight or wacth them run out of range.


                                                    its really hard to simply run away from luna

                                                    fog of war is luna's worst enemy


                                                      yeah... an aghs reworked for every hero would be interesting

                                                      ORRRRR omniknight purification can target enemies for dmg and heal allies in an aoe around the enemy

                                                      hahaha so its like a short version of ns's aghs ulti + evil mkb


                                                        Aghs Lifestealer lets you infest a target enemy hero and do powerful DOT until they die



                                                          try that on ember

                                                          end up in the fountain.


                                                            Pandalings = the cutest fucking word ever


                                                              that won't work, enemy can just tp into the fountain and he will die and get fucked