General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is it always winning and losing streaks ;_;

Why is it always winning and losing streaks ;_; in General Discussion
casual gamer

    the emotional turbulence is too much for me




        its the fuckin truth its hard on the soul, and when your at an unstable mmr like i am (low-mid 3k) if you go on a losing streak the people there just make it harder and harder to get out... 0-12-5 Windrunner #REPRESENTIN PERU YO


          Just play solo mid. If you can't dictate the flow of the game by playing solo mid then you belong at that level.

          casual gamer

            u can climb mmr with any role, it's not that much easier as mid


              I dunno if you want the real answer, but here it is:

              You get lucky, either you and your teammates are having good games, or its vice versa for the enemy team. This causes you to win multiple games in a row, even if you weren't supposed to. Your MMR reaches the point where the players are significantly better than you, so you lose until you drop back down to around where you should be.

              Factors to streaks:
              - Weekday/weekend
              - Time
              - Mood
              - Hunger
              - Temperature
              - Hydration
              - Stacks
              - Pure luck of teammates/enemies

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