General Discussion

General Discussiontrash talkers

trash talkers in General Discussion

    sup with them? like literally every single game someone is throwing temper tantrums.
    and it doesnt matter the bracket, or the skill of participants, everyone is acting like a whiny brat.

    it goes from total lowbobs to pro players crying about most petty things i can think of. seriously im getting so tired, feels like im playing in the kindergarten. and no matter how good you are, hell gonna freeze over before i let 18yrs old lecture me in a video game.



      I don't really care, actually from my experience most people who trashtalk nonstop are the highest MMRs in my games (usually they are 5k+)
      just ignore and play your game


        Everybody acts tough behind screen, you shouldn know that Xan.

        You remember few players on dlg? Whinny braths? They are everywhere, no worries, you cant escape from them. Just mute and play.

        King of Low Prio

          fuck u xan, cyka


            i mean i try to be as fucking patient as possible. i like talking to my teammates, not mute everyone and pretend im playing vs bots.
            but as soon as someone starts whining in all chat i swear he should be insta banned by a bot.

            maybe im too old with my 26 years to be playing a video game still, but common sense seems to be a superpower these days sadly.

            King of Low Prio

              joining the trolls helps your sanity


                ^^ Common sense is a weakness actually, because it's so rare. The few people who have it have to suffer living in a world filled with stupidity.

                waku waku

                  i saw havoc raging on his teammates the other day :3

                  Competent Offlaner

                    get rekt

                    Bot (Passive)

                      i think its fair to tell some idiot who blames everyone on the team after going 0-3 on a mid in 8 minutes and having the same level as a support AA 8 minutes into the game that hes braindead

                      i was taught to be honest with people and honestly you have to be braindead to think that so...

                      anyway trash talk is fun, people being braindead is not, so the topic doesnt really match what ur talking about in ur post

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                      Quick maffs

                        Common sense is a super power this days.

                        Mute buttom is your god, helps a lot.


                          it does but then your teammates who aint muted spam the ally chat, talking to your muted guy and nothing makes sense.

                          examples. playing my ass off trying to win a game, everyone bickering at eachother, i disconnect (bsod) come back 5 minutes later, and nothing (absofuckinglutely nothing) changed, they still going on at eachother.. thats page 20 game.

                          page 1 game, im diving with phoenix spamming spirits mid dive, and accidentally last hit tower with auto attack (mid fucking dive, you dont even have control of hero). whiny notail cries why im useless and take his last hit, while he is incapable of last hitting a tower with syllabear.
                          what should i do, uninstall the game because someone got his period?

                          i need valve to give me moderator powers.

                          jus chillen

                            You seem like a whiny guy yourself :3


                              : (
                              honestly ive never run into so much bm before as i have in these past 3 days. have to say its getting the better of me..


                                Abe, mani ih, 90% na forumu su isti, ima da te podjebavaju. Samo report, i to je to, nista ne mozes.

                                A da je notail kreten kada igra, to zna svaka ptica na grani


                                  wrong thread

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                                  Quick maffs

                                    Man just mute everyone you posibly can seriously, at least while they react like whinny nerds


                                      The best way to deal with assholes in dota, without the hassle of having to try to reason or waste words on said asshole is to pick Tiny.

                                      jus chillen

                                        @whb I agree with this dude, LOL. But on a more serious note, don't take trash talkers too serious. When i play basketball i trash talk alot and i am a pretty daym good basketball player and i also do it in dota sometimes, but i try to talk trash to the enemy rather than my teammates. If someone talks trash to me in doto, i just troll them, or mute them if i'm not in the mood. You can't get mad at kids who are bad at this game man :))

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                                          Just apply sympathy, even the harshest asshole will soften up.

                                          King of Low Prio

                                            Dorkly no offense but plz dont breed


                                              retarded thread go fuck yourself OP

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                                              Quick maffs

                                                See Sampson would be a good example, you ever met someone like him who dives dies and blames you you just mute him and hopes to not ever get him in your team again

                                                btw road to 90 % winrate with necro

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                                                King of Low Prio

                                                  Sampson is a example of what you pussies should be doing

                                                  in the words of the tactical god PPD

                                                  'at least I aint no bitch'

                                                  Quick maffs

                                                    What ? Flaming and raging ?


                                                    Quick maffs


                                                      IO works too for obvious reasons


                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                        flaming them gives them something to strive for. They will think 'why am I so stupid that the great calm and cool Sampson would start flaming me'

                                                        Quick maffs

                                                          The lack of Kappa in your comments disturbs me

                                                          dookie daddy

                                                            I do it sometimes not cause I'm a little shit to people but because I expect certain things due to the way I play. For instance a trilane that is farming a drow, (last game) and she goes in a trilane to farm a 8 minute midas, and while their dual lane is diving theirs is having no impact. luckily SF was pretty decent.

                                                            I play with a lot of 3K players and I get frustrated when they can't execute stuff right or I am baffled by their plays and positioning, this is something I need to work on.

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                                                            Bot (Passive)

                                                              if people are really whiny bitches just troll the shit out of them and/or mute them (depending on your preference)

                                                              honestly what ur saying isnt trash talk its just whining, i mean just explain something once and if they dont listen do the above

                                                              Krazy Kat

                                                                The first thing I learned in this game:


                                                                King of Low Prio


                                                                  I was raging at these shit tier supports but they actually listened and we won

                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                    moral of story ppl rage when ur pathetic trash, change that and u wont have rage


                                                                      Play some pudge to relax. Also i have to agree with Sampson about his previous comment.

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                                                                      आप गे क्यों

                                                                        u are in the wrong game if u want people to treat u like a princess, my friend

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                                                                        Quick maffs

                                                                          Its funny because looking at your stats i would probably rage if i had you in my team Carneison

                                                                          Quick maffs


                                                                            So the act of not insulting someone over a simple videogame is treating someone like a princess, interesting man

                                                                            आप गे क्यों

                                                                              no, but the act of expecting everyone to treat u nicely is.

                                                                              Not happy? Dorky is gonna rage again? Kappa


                                                                                Well If I just lost a game because someone picked a retarded hero and then I join another and after someone randomed AM someone else goes dusa or other hard carry It usually makes me trash talk at this point because I know this player is fucking stupid and can't even pick properly, too bad he doesn't even see anything bad about his pick


                                                                                  if you fail to hit a point blank arrow when the enemy is in chrono i have to trashtalk

                                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                                    I expect people to play they own game silently not to treat me nicely, i hope you can see the difference.

                                                                                    Do you really think i am raging because i am trying to make a point ? lol

                                                                                    I guess expecting people to be mature in a game full of teenagers is a mistake, oh well.

                                                                                    kanye went to uni

                                                                                      I tried muting everyone in the game ... broke a four loss streak.

                                                                                      Miku Plays


                                                                                        When most of the team feeds and blames me when i cant do anything cause theyre too strong + tanky


                                                                                          Leave dota it's fuckin TOXIC...


                                                                                            "Common sense is a weakness actually, because it's so rare. The few people who have it have to suffer living in a world filled with stupidity."

                                                                                            Sums up the real situation aswel as my feeling atm.
                                                                                            pretty much all that was needed to be said


                                                                                              Why i got my name really.
                                                                                              The reason was 2 person stacks picked brood and centaur and went to safelane
                                                                                              Result : both has 12 deaths.
                                                                                              How could i not get angry????

                                                                                              Señor Mango

                                                                                                I feel ur pain bro
                                                                                                My way of cooping with it is to watch wat ur allies r doing
                                                                                                Do wat u need to do without having to say it (farm,buy wards etc)
                                                                                                And to have well executed plays and to just have fun
                                                                                                I mean thats wat i do and i mute the shittalkers, i mean action speaks more than words right?

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                                                                                                  Lion and Lina stack goes safelane.

                                                                                                  They say they will "rush dagons". No support items ofc.

                                                                                                  They feed 0/8 each.

                                                                                                  Why should I be mad.


                                                                                                    I think its more of people making stupid decisions and not fulfilling their role. If you cooperate and die, its fine. If you tell them you need a few items, etc, it should be fine too.

                                                                                                    I think it all depends on how the first few minutes go leading up to the first blood, and so on that decide how the rest of your game will go. At least thats what I think in my bracket....ish. So I'll just let my support sit behind me while I take last hits, or buy wards for my supports, etc.

                                                                                                    So tired of losing, so I'm gonna take my talents to south beach.

                                                                                                    ♛ peSte ♛

                                                                                                      there is no sane person here that wouldn't had raged in this game, I can bet my ass for that (it was a 5200+ MMR game)
                                                                                                      don't play at early hours boys

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